City of Gangsters

City of Gangsters

An amazing game overall. I would like a few more features though, such as the ability to export goods to other cities, mansions that you can buy, maps based on Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, and the ability to buy off the mayor or even run for office.

Real player with 227.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Resource Management Games.

Great management style game. Don’t expect a game with heavy fighting as this is not the focus of the game. It’s really how to max profit. Easy recommend for me.

Real player with 115.0 hrs in game

City of Gangsters on Steam

The Swindle

The Swindle

Unfortunately, despite the absolutely wonderful art, music, style and overall concept, just as many people have reported, loose controls literally spoil an otherwise wonderful game.

As a gamer who loves stealth and loves difficult, but fair games, this one is nothing but frustrating.

It is not a matter of artificial difficulty, the levels, mechanics, enemies, and hazards are all generally fair and reasonable in and of themselves. I have no problem with, and even enjoy a game where you will fail a lot as you learn, knowing it is your fault you failed, or even knowing that the game is designed to make you fail if you don’t do things right…

Real player with 90.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime RPG Games.

This is honestly an amazing game with enough style and design choices to give you an experience you can’t quite get anywhere else, however it has a few very big caveats. Starting with the good, the scope is perfect, I didn’t feel like it dragged on or that I needed more out of it, and the pacing is very good. Finale acts as a good test of pretty much everything you’ve learned through your various successes and deaths. I’m more a fan of roguelikes than roguelites, but this game strikes such a cool balance between the two; I wasn’t sure how much of a gimmick the 100 day mechanic would be but it honestly does an amazing job at getting the best of both worlds. The upgrades are all significant enough for you to care about. I normally dislike tweened animation but this game’s style fits it very nicely, visually the game is quite charming. The soundtrack is also really good, I wouldn’t listen to it outside the game but it gets me way more invested while playing, especially the theme when you’re caught. Honestly, there’s not too many exceptionally notable things I could say, but most aspects of the game in general are very solid, it’s quite a fun, charming, and worthwhile experience. As a very loose comparison to give a sense of how the game is, imagine a cross between Mark of the Ninja’s stealth, and Spelunky’s game feel and world gen type.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

The Swindle on Steam

Crime Reaper

Crime Reaper

It’s a neat game, but 2 things it could really use are a harder difficulty than the current expert and a way to note which locations you have eliminated for a particular symbol. The current expert difficulty is still only 2 minute puzzle once you get a bit of practice and the greatest challenge is honestly when you need to keep more than 2 clues in your head in order to figure out where to put the next symbol.

Real player with 106.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Logic Games.

It’s murder sudoku! The difficulty is fun (although I’d like there to be a harder difficulty setting, but I’m also a sudoku veteran, so there’s that), the rules are clever, the writing is… I’m sure I’ll get to it, once I stop clicking fast through it to get to more puzzles :D Very addictive, very nice UI, all in all, I highly recommend this for logic game aficionados.

Real player with 43.8 hrs in game

Crime Reaper on Steam

Panther VR

Panther VR


You see the trailers? Well what you see isn’t quite what you get (besides maybe a few things like the stutter before the guard gets hit by the wrench in the second trailer). Alright that might be a little too harsh, but I feel like I ended up unintentionally being lead to believe many things by the trailers, like the AI wouldn’t be as rough and somewhat brainless as it is right now.

I’m not even sure if some of the things shown in the trailer are in the game yet, like the explosive detonator and what looks to be bullet time, but judging by the lack of their presence in the tutorial, I don’t think they are. A screenshot also shows the character holding his hand over a guard’s mouth who looks to still be alive but I don’t think that’s in the game, duel wielding pistols show in a screenshot but I don’t think that’s in the game (unless maybe you can grab weapons off of bodies and if not, that should be a thing), and the GIF in the “about this game” section on the Steam page has a part where they look to be holding a weapon with 2 hands, which I don’t think is possible either (really needs to be added because it makes aiming feel uncomfortable or at least for me personally Edit: It is a thing for the AR, just the area where you grab the ammo extends way past where it should be).

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Honestly this game is very fun. Their road map justifies most of the issues being stated in the reviews. I love a stealth game just as much as anyone else but I want to see this game in it’s final form! This is an early access title and I’m sure the devs are working hard to please as many people with their product.

Pros :

Very easy controls

Fun stealth gameplay

Old Splinter Cell / Metal Gear Vibes


Cons :

Constant music in heist

Buggy and forced options command (have to point and touch your watch in game)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Panther VR on Steam

The Black Pepper Crew

The Black Pepper Crew

Undertake bounty hunting missions while fighting thugs on a city filled with criminals and dubious law enforcement agencies. Manage a crew of colorful characters, hire new ones, equip, loot, all that good stuff!

Bounties will appear for you to hunt down! Choose the crew and gear carefully and proceed to fight bandits on a randomly generated but carefully designed map. Loot, cash and improve your chances for that big bounty!

Every crew member has a set of unique abilities that they can perform. Combine this abilities to perform the ultimate strategy!

New crew members will be appearing to hire, and if you liked them, you can offer them a contract to stay permanently on your crew!

Heal, equip armor or change how the abilities work by equipping different kinds of gear on your characters. Loot will be appearing along the missions, and very special items will be waiting for your crew on each boss fight!

Some things you’ll find on The Black Pepper Crew:

  • Strategy its built on thinking rather than recklessly passing through. Characters don’t level up but rely on other crew members and gear to defeat its enemies.

  • Each bounty mission has its own location, boss, item reward and the levels are procedurally generated for more replayability.

  • The crew has 4 main characters but can be expanded as you permanently hire new members. Each character has its own backstory, abilities and colorful design.

  • Lots of items! Heal items, armor, consumables and special gear that change the way abilities work.

  • A jazzy soundtrack that takes from several musical genres to add to the atmosphere on each mission.

  • This is a game to be replayed many times! Try new strategies, outperform your previous playthroughs, try “no gear” runs, you name it!

The Black Pepper Crew on Steam

The Dealer

The Dealer

It’s a cool idea. I like the concept. All the core mechanics seem like they work but I would recommend a few specific things which I posted on the discussions page.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Well done salesman simulator

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Dealer on Steam

Street Dreams

Street Dreams

pretty cool

Real player with 144.1 hrs in game

Great game! Personally I liked dual wielding weapons. The game is both great for a chill play-through or if you’re going for points/time and want to higher up on the Leader board. Personally my favourite gun was the Deagle. If you’re looking for a good VR experience, then definitely worth buying!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Street Dreams on Steam



I wasn’t very hopeful for this game to be honest, but wow was I wrong! As long as you accept the simple premise of scooting around in circles picking up money and all the while evading (quite challenging) cops in cars and vans, then you will DEFINATELY need this game. It’s insanely addictive!

Real player with 83.3 hrs in game

Due to the “Profile Features Limited” tag this game’s Achievement are not currently showing on profiles.

While this is a Copy/Paste game from a Unity Template it’s still worth grabbing if its on sale or you have a spare quid and want a relaxing game where you just try to evade the cops for as long as possible.

Rating: ːrarestoneːːrarestoneːːrarestoneːːstoneheartːːstoneheartː

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game