Interrogation: You will be deceived

Interrogation: You will be deceived

Interrogation: You will be deceived

Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived, is an amazing Visual Noir Novel with a compelling cast of characters that complement the rich story-driven detective-noir experience really well.

Playing as a lead detective trying to solve small-time crimes, gathering evidence, interrogating suspects and putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, it seems like just another day at the job.

*– [Real player with 50.0 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Crime Noir Games.

--- Okay so first, let me be clear. I ABSOLUTELY love nearly every aspect of this game! However, due to strenuous replays and a little bit of lack of guidance, the tediousness has far outweighed my enjoyment which is saying a lot as I've really enjoyed everything else. This review is spoiler free aside from game mechanic discussions (fail conditions) Pros: Story - The story is truly engaging. Nothing's worse than a visual novel with a bad story. Interrogation gives you the sense of every character whether you've met them briefly or if they're your go to partner on the task force. *– [Real player with 15.4 hrs in game](* --- ![Welcome to Goodland]( "") ## Welcome to Goodland [![](]( You could never have known you would end up in a situation like this, yet here you are: helping a Mexican cartel with money laundering. The cartel doesn’t listen to excuses, and it rarely gives second chances. You would not wish to disappoint them. You know what happened to the last person who did. And so, you start small in a secluded town in Minnesota; a place surrounded by beautiful forests, yet filled with dark secrets. There are several factions already in play here and they will not want to share their influence with a rising force… but can you survive without allies? You will need all your courage, ingenuity and perseverance if you wish to overcome the challenges laid before you. Even those closest to you might betray you, but you might also find allies in the most unexpected of places. ![]( * Plan your actions, acquire businesses, protect and promote your business ![]( * Balance your reputation with the police and two local criminal gangs lest your unreliable comrades turn against you ![]( * Make choices and face consequences that aren’t always immediately apparent; there is no such thing as a perfect solution ![]( * Embrace the corruption and climb the ranks in the cartel, try to ask the FBI for help… or find another way to ensure your safety and independence ![]( ---

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--- --- ![Jury Trial]( "") ## Jury Trial ![]( Interested in creating your own cases? With the ingame case editor you will be able to write your own cases and share them with the community. Whether fictional or recreated cases, the ingame editor got you covered. ![]( In this law simulation RPG you will join a group of innocence lawyers who take on the fight for justice, representing the poorest of the poor, the victims of the criminal justice system and the wrongfully convicted. However, defending the defenseless costs a lot of money. Therefore you will also be in charge of high profile cases to generate funds for your fight for justice. Work through the case material, find inconsistencies and discover new evidence, analyze and select the jurors and experts, question the witnesses and convince the jury at trial. Your clients depend on you for they have nowhere else to go but prison… ![]( ![]( * Play the campaign, the single case files or download new cases created by the community from the Steam Workshop * Create and upload your own cases using the ingame case editor * Search for evidence in a variety of different case materials * Question witnesses and jurors to find their specific traits and opinions * Choose the jury that fits your client * Try the case in the court of law * Solicit legal and illegal help to find the loophole or evidence that breaks the case ![]( ![]( The game is set in a fictional country deeply divided by racial profiling, prejudice and social injustice. A deep bias runs through the country and its people. Apart from your courtroom skills as a gifted negotiator, it’s crucial for you to find a jury that gives your client a **chance**. Otherwise every argument and scientific fact might be in vain because no one will listen. Your potential jurors consist of: * Ten unique regions * Four ethnic groups * Six religions * Four political currents * Four levels of wealth and education * And six further defining traits out of a pool of over sixty traits ![]( This game is a passion project of two indie developers and we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback. If you have questions, suggestions or might be interested in a offering your help as a potential beta tester or translator, please contact us using the Steam Community section or via social media on Twitter, Discord & Instagram: * [Steam Community Section]( * [Twitter]( * [Discord]( * [Instagram]( ---

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--- --- ![Black Border]( "") ## Black Border They don't want you to do your duty, they want you to obey. -Mark Madison Brothers and Sisters , Alanan greets you. After the independence of the states of our motherland , Mudland, we were the only ones who stayed true to the ideals of Mudland. Based on the speeches of our Leader, we searched for nothing but freedom, but the intrusive and corrupted regimes of Partakna And Denber were against the freedom of our country. After years of bloody war with enemies of the people and the killing of innocent women and children of Alanan, now is time to rebuild the country, let's unite once more and create Alanan anew. Shall our Great Leader be with us along this journey. --- ![Psycholonials]( "") ## Psycholonials So the trailers are very honest about the kinds of things this game does that might need content warnings. Guns and blood and mental anguish and stuff. But I also kinda wanna warn people about one other thing this game does because it's pretty unpleasant. It's also like my favorite thing this game does so, idk, up to you if you wanna keep reading. This game fucks with you. The pretentious way to say it would be to call Psycholonials a "challenging piece of art" which I think definitely applies but, you know, *jerk off hand motion*. I'm not a writer but I'll try to find better ways to phrase this because… it's complicated. It keeps doing this thing where it puts you on the defensive by saying something super iffy, but I think after playing the whole thing that I've settled on giving Hussie the benefit of the doubt that that's intentional and making a point. It drops a lot of really big, really red flags but all of them have a more charitable reading that is good actually but requires a lot of unearned good faith reading on your part to see it. *– [Real player with 16.9 hrs in game](* Hi, sit down and bear with me. Keep in mind i have never felt the need to write a negative review to a game in my entire life. I am just sad. This game is simply awful, just incredibly bad. There is nothing to like about anything except the music and SOME of the art. Jokes are bad, it's just "2020 haha" moments and it's boring. Seriously, i would never finish this if i played it alone, it's not interesting. Bear with me, what is there to like about an edgy mental "celebrity" who destroys an entire country just BECAUSE? What's to like about dumb conversations and just "oh, society is bad and i have the right to act like this because… i don't know, i guess i can". A lot of deaths occur simply because, too. *– [Real player with 9.6 hrs in game](* --- ![The Dealer]( "") ## The Dealer It's a cool idea. I like the concept. All the core mechanics seem like they work but I would recommend a few specific things which I posted on the discussions page. *– [Real player with 0.9 hrs in game](* Well done salesman simulator *– [Real player with 0.8 hrs in game](* --- ![This Is the Police]( "") ## This Is the Police After finishing the main storyline of this game and playing it for ~29 hours, I am incredibly torn on this game. I love it, and yet, there's some parts of it that really bother me. Ahead may be some spoilers, but I will try to put those in between tags. Let's talk core gameplay loop first. There are so many cases you will send officers to and many you will get through through simple math which the game explains to you very early on. This is the basis, but the game offers many distractions. The community will come calling, as will city hall and eventually, bad guys in multiple different shapes. This will eventually get incredibly hectic, which I experienced as fun. There's a detective (and one other) minigame where you try to piece together the cases frame by frame and I simply loved it to pieces. *– [Real player with 31.4 hrs in game](* I always have a difficult time writing a negative review about a game that I liked for the most part. So how about I do this: I will first tell you what I really liked about the game, because, if you do like it yourself, you should totally buy it. And then I will explain what I really hated about it. If you don't like to read, then watch: And yeah, I fixed the sound and redid the vid. So what did I like about the game? 1\. 80% of the story. The story is brilliant for the most part. I love novels that put the protagonist up the wall, and when he/she tries to react, they get their backs pushed further up the wall to the point of barely having any control of the situation. *– [Real player with 27.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Death Trader: Cold War]( "") ## Death Trader: Cold War This game was great! It was super fun and im suprised its not more laggy and gltchy than it is, i was sceptical buying it but im glad i did, lots of fun, you need to fix a few bugs but i loved it otherwise and suggest you buy it! One thing I would like to see is things like being able to change the time you start like 1960, 62', 65, etc. I would also like to see more weapons from more country's, I would like a variety in this game. *– [Real player with 31.1 hrs in game](* Oct 28 The game has a few kinks but the dev(s?) have been quick to patch. It is worthwhile, especially on sale. I've not been able to get more than 2 years into the 30 that the game has due to bugs but I've gotten a lot of fun out of it. Nov 8 I can now play 15 out of the 30 years of the game before it crashes or becomes unplayable. The majority of the early bugs are gone, the gameplay is more user friendly with a better ui/tooltip, was a fun game before but it's even better now. The devs may have released it prematurely, even as early access, but it's been rapidly improved. *– [Real player with 18.7 hrs in game](* --- ![Oniria Crimes]( "") ## Oniria Crimes Oniria Crimes is a strange and interesting game from Ckolmos, a small studio from Madrid, Spain. If you aren't too fussed about expecting a meaty main story, there is plenty of vibrant voxel art and deep lore to make this game worth playing. This game is set in Oniria, city of dreams, a sort of shared-consciousness virtual reality world inhabited by people in their sleep. There is plenty of talk about "awake-world" in the game, but we never see it; the full game is spent exploring this dreamy urban environment. The lore of Oniria runs very deep, and a big part of the game is figuring out just what this world is, how it works, and what makes it tick. *– [Real player with 12.2 hrs in game](* A really good game with a very interesting background that makes you use your brain. Totally recommended and if possible I recommend to play it with a partner, it's a lot of fun to be both trying to solve the case and getting our own theories out ! *– [Real player with 12.2 hrs in game](* --- ![RIOT: Civil Unrest]( "") ## RIOT: Civil Unrest TL;DR at bottom I honestly wish I didn't have to say this, but… The game just isn't that great. Before you rail into me, I'll at least name off some pros: -Animations are smooth during cutscenes. The color choices are nice, and overall the game LOOKS good...... in most cases. More on that later. -The game is at least... trying? It's certainly making some good things here and there. -It finally came out at least. I'm surprised it even came out this year. -The soundtrack is actually very well-done. Congrats to whoever did it, you did a superb job. Just wish your music was used more often rather than restricted to cutscenes. *– [Real player with 18.8 hrs in game](* RIOT: Civil Unrest was a game in which I really, really wanted to give it a chance. I honestly did. I stayed with it through crash after crash, bug after bug, BS moment after BS moment. In the end, though, I just couldn't stay with it. The game, while fun for the first few minutes, quickly devolves into nothing more than frantic running around, much like a real riot. The game has more bugs than the Amazon, and is about as stable as the political environment it seeks to replicate. Whenever I finished a storyline, which was only No TAV, as I previously played Global mode and didn't want to replay the other missions, the game crashed just like that. No matter what I tried, when I clicked the button to take me back to the menu, the game froze up and died. *– [Real player with 13.6 hrs in game](* ---