ASPEN: Uncanny Home

ASPEN: Uncanny Home

love the game the atmosphere was awsome little hard to tell most times what you need to do but it was a fun experence and i loved it so much hope yall will make more games like this in the future :)

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime First-Person Games.

Aspen: Uncanny Home has a beautifully rendered environment for the player to walk around in. There environment feels oppressive and claustrophobic as you wander between locations in the house wondering where a sound came from or how a doll got into a certain position.

For a psychological horror game, this is a great environment, but what this game has in environment, it lacks in player accessibility. The game doesn’t give the player direction and leads to aimless wandering in circles around the environment tying to figure out what changed each time and using the left mouse button to zoom in on specific items that change the environment to access the next area.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

ASPEN: Uncanny Home on Steam



So the trailers are very honest about the kinds of things this game does that might need content warnings. Guns and blood and mental anguish and stuff. But I also kinda wanna warn people about one other thing this game does because it’s pretty unpleasant. It’s also like my favorite thing this game does so, idk, up to you if you wanna keep reading.

This game fucks with you. The pretentious way to say it would be to call Psycholonials a “challenging piece of art” which I think definitely applies but, you know, jerk off hand motion. I’m not a writer but I’ll try to find better ways to phrase this because… it’s complicated. It keeps doing this thing where it puts you on the defensive by saying something super iffy, but I think after playing the whole thing that I’ve settled on giving Hussie the benefit of the doubt that that’s intentional and making a point. It drops a lot of really big, really red flags but all of them have a more charitable reading that is good actually but requires a lot of unearned good faith reading on your part to see it.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Dark Games.

Hi, sit down and bear with me. Keep in mind i have never felt the need to write a negative review to a game in my entire life. I am just sad.

This game is simply awful, just incredibly bad. There is nothing to like about anything except the music and SOME of the art. Jokes are bad, it’s just “2020 haha” moments and it’s boring. Seriously, i would never finish this if i played it alone, it’s not interesting. Bear with me, what is there to like about an edgy mental “celebrity” who destroys an entire country just BECAUSE? What’s to like about dumb conversations and just “oh, society is bad and i have the right to act like this because… i don’t know, i guess i can”. A lot of deaths occur simply because, too.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Psycholonials on Steam

Primate Signal

Primate Signal

Thought provoking, deep and twizted. Absolutely stunning graphics, audio and character development so much so that I actually was physically transported into the fucked up world of the minds of the Wainstop gang. This work, will replace the Bible in our churches. Thank you.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Conversation Games.

It’s not very often something comes along that is this unique. It has such a strong stylistic character that you feel transported to another world with the original artwork and music, not to mention the mind bending story. The time I spent in this world was totally bizarre in the best possible way. Nothing else like it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Primate Signal on Steam



Target Audience: Subtle Story Lovers who want something down to Earth.


Adios is one of those games where you wish that there was a bit more of a budget for the game to work with, because you know that there’s a solid foundation at the surface here, but it can only get so far with what it has to work with. The game’s biggest selling point is its story, which isn’t bombastic or over the top like you may think with the game’s store page and the crime aspects related to it, but is a character study of how one man deals with life pushing at him from every angle, and how he responds to trauma. It’s emotional in the right ways, and some stellar voice acting from our two main leads helps propel the game forward and make you look into every conversation and its subtext. Subtlety isn’t exactly a common skill in writing like this but the game pulls it off wonderfully, and it’s a game that you’ll sit and think about for hours after you play about what you’d do in the situation, and the themes surronding it.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game


A really interesting concept that almost delivers, but ultimately is let down by the lack of vocabulary choices, a clunky interface, and a questionable turn of events.

Story 📕

You’re a pig farmer in Kansas. For the last fifteen years you have helped feed chopped up body parts to your pigs for the Mob.

Today, you have decided to quit. You are no longer comfortable with letting the mob use your pigs as a way of disposing of victims.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Adios on Steam

Jury Trial

Jury Trial

Interested in creating your own cases? With the ingame case editor you will be able to write your own cases and share them with the community. Whether fictional or recreated cases, the ingame editor got you covered.

In this law simulation RPG you will join a group of innocence lawyers who take on the fight for justice, representing the poorest of the poor, the victims of the criminal justice system and the wrongfully convicted. However, defending the defenseless costs a lot of money. Therefore you will also be in charge of high profile cases to generate funds for your fight for justice. Work through the case material, find inconsistencies and discover new evidence, analyze and select the jurors and experts, question the witnesses and convince the jury at trial. Your clients depend on you for they have nowhere else to go but prison…

  • Play the campaign, the single case files or download new cases created by the community from the Steam Workshop

  • Create and upload your own cases using the ingame case editor

  • Search for evidence in a variety of different case materials

  • Question witnesses and jurors to find their specific traits and opinions

  • Choose the jury that fits your client

  • Try the case in the court of law

  • Solicit legal and illegal help to find the loophole or evidence that breaks the case

The game is set in a fictional country deeply divided by racial profiling, prejudice and social injustice. A deep bias runs through the country and its people. Apart from your courtroom skills as a gifted negotiator, it’s crucial for you to find a jury that gives your client a chance. Otherwise every argument and scientific fact might be in vain because no one will listen.

Your potential jurors consist of:

  • Ten unique regions

  • Four ethnic groups

  • Six religions

  • Four political currents

  • Four levels of wealth and education

  • And six further defining traits out of a pool of over sixty traits

This game is a passion project of two indie developers and we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback. If you have questions, suggestions or might be interested in a offering your help as a potential beta tester or translator, please contact us using the Steam Community section or via social media on Twitter, Discord & Instagram:

Jury Trial on Steam

Death Becomes You - Mystery Visual Novel

Death Becomes You - Mystery Visual Novel

I am currently aiming for a complete playthrough with all endings before I write an extended review for another outlet. It’s an intriguing tale that dances in that moral grey area, at least that’s where I’m at right now.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

A very great game! It got me more and more hooked as I progressed through the story.

It’s a murder mystery that focus on the relationship of the characters and you can keep discovering their depths and how different they are. The routes have distinct vibes allowing me to get attached to each character’s personalities while also showing the different sides of Lyra, and how strong her presence is for better of for worse.

It deals with magic in a interesting way, in a dark tone that shows the multiple possibilities and the dangers of magic in thsi world.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Death Becomes You - Mystery Visual Novel on Steam

Dog Eat Dog

Dog Eat Dog

Things are bad. Rent is late, again. There’s no food, again. Your father-in-law needs medication, again. Life is relentless. In this ethically ambiguous title, it’s time to set your morals aside, and do whatever it takes to survive. When all you have is nothing, you take from those who have it all.

Desperate Measures

When you’re feeling the squeeze from all sides, there’s little respite to be found. Playing as a scammer at a call centre in town, you do whatever it takes to provide for a struggling family, help a sick father-in-law and fend off those you owe.

How far will you go to protect the ones you love in a dog-eat-dog world?


  • Tonally dark story with a noir feel.

  • Branching paths leading to differing conclusions.

  • Simulation gameplay, controlling people’s computers.

  • Over 20 different people to call, encouraging multiple playthroughs.

  • Every decision matters.

Dog Eat Dog on Steam

Jay’s Walkin'

Jay’s Walkin'

jay walking

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Fantastic game, would recommend, your brain cells will appreciate you playing this game and 100% completing it hahahahaha youre awesome creator guy.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Jay's Walkin' on Steam

Arrest of a stone Buddha

Arrest of a stone Buddha

Надежна лишь смерть, жизнь — нет.

К сожалению, простая и тривиальная игра Arrest of a stone Buddha пытается быть чем-то особенным и претенциозным, а зря. Обычный шут-эм-ап с практически никакой историей прямо таки наровит выставить себя каким-то глубоким произведением искусства, а ты просто не понимаешь…зачем. В игре присутствовал бы интересный сюжет, если бы ему уделили чуть больше внимания и продумки, в игре уже есть неплохие пострелушки, которые могли бы быть чуть лучше, если бы не постоянные багулины и не очень продуманное….да вообще что-либо.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

another incredible effort from Yeo. easily my favorite developer in the indie space.

[ TLDR: the game is awesome; the aesthetic is on point; the story is minimalist but effective; the gunplay, even with occasional quirks and bugs, is tight and exciting as Hell; the look and the sound (graphics and music) are beautiful - even my wife, while listening to me play, said, “i really love the music in your game”. buy this, and Yeo’s other game, Friends of Ringo Ishikawa, immediately. /TLDR]


Arrest of a Stone Buddha is lighter, somewhat less “meaty” title than the previous game in the developer’s catalog, The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa (a surprisingly poignant and emotionally deep exploration of a Japanese high school gang leader delinquent’s last year of high school, and all that entails). where Ringo Ishikawa was a melancholic treatise on growing up (and what it means for those who cannot or will not try), Arrest of a Stone Buddha is the next logical step in that emotional journey - the existential and monotonous routine of day to day life, where sometimes those days seem to run together, from one to another, and you find yourself just passing time until the Next Thing you have to do, never really engaging with anything in the present moment - just drifting, the world whirling by with your feet barely on the ground.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Arrest of a stone Buddha on Steam

The Remission of Sins

The Remission of Sins

I gave this one a try here recently, and it only took about 15 minutes to get all the way through. I understand that there are voice actors involved, but for 12 dollars, it should be a bit lengthier. The voice acting was nice, and the story is intriguing, but it is really short, even compared to other visual novels that are lower on price.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

The game is as simple as the description says, so I don’t need to explain much of what happens since the endings are reachable in a short time. There wasn’t much dialogues and the people’s ‘stories’ are somewhat interesting. Audios are definitely disturbing in some cases, however, the horror esthetic is only for show not really all that horrifying. Though if you ask me if it’s worth purchasing, well buy it at your own interest.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Remission of Sins on Steam