Chicago 1930 : The Prohibition

Chicago 1930 : The Prohibition

In the state it’s in, it should deserve a negative, but I’ve paid less than $1 for it so I’m gonna be more lenient.

The premises are all good, there’s the good vibe of an old-school game and the levels should keep you occupied and entertained, with actually some planning skills required to clear them. That said, the game IS buggy and crashes randomly. The way you operate your characters is also quite clunky, and frankly, a bit frustrating.

Be patient and work around the bugs, you’ll at least enjoy it for what it is.

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime RTS Games.

I have no idea which stupid idiot decides to publish this game in this condition but seriously - I’m impressed. I just don’t know how it is possible to bug game without bugs. How you can fuck up selecting characters is just unanswerable. To change the guys you literally have to kill someone in the mission and hope that game will not select automatically another one by itself. Overall I love the game - but CD version not STEAM edition. Bought it only because CD version doesn’t work on anything above XP and I just couldn’t record it with FRAPS on XP. If you need to record it or if you have Vista or newer… You have to buy it… Unfortunately… But if you just want to play and you have access to PC with something between 98SE and XP than just find and buy CD version.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Chicago 1930 : The Prohibition on Steam

The Black Pepper Crew

The Black Pepper Crew

Undertake bounty hunting missions while fighting thugs on a city filled with criminals and dubious law enforcement agencies. Manage a crew of colorful characters, hire new ones, equip, loot, all that good stuff!

Bounties will appear for you to hunt down! Choose the crew and gear carefully and proceed to fight bandits on a randomly generated but carefully designed map. Loot, cash and improve your chances for that big bounty!

Every crew member has a set of unique abilities that they can perform. Combine this abilities to perform the ultimate strategy!

New crew members will be appearing to hire, and if you liked them, you can offer them a contract to stay permanently on your crew!

Heal, equip armor or change how the abilities work by equipping different kinds of gear on your characters. Loot will be appearing along the missions, and very special items will be waiting for your crew on each boss fight!

Some things you’ll find on The Black Pepper Crew:

  • Strategy its built on thinking rather than recklessly passing through. Characters don’t level up but rely on other crew members and gear to defeat its enemies.

  • Each bounty mission has its own location, boss, item reward and the levels are procedurally generated for more replayability.

  • The crew has 4 main characters but can be expanded as you permanently hire new members. Each character has its own backstory, abilities and colorful design.

  • Lots of items! Heal items, armor, consumables and special gear that change the way abilities work.

  • A jazzy soundtrack that takes from several musical genres to add to the atmosphere on each mission.

  • This is a game to be replayed many times! Try new strategies, outperform your previous playthroughs, try “no gear” runs, you name it!

Read More: Best Crime Choices Matter Games.

The Black Pepper Crew on Steam

Murder Mystery Machine

Murder Mystery Machine

Edit upon completion: In spite of the issues with the game freezing, I powered through the remainder of the episodes, and the rest of my review holds: this game is slow, the internal logic is irritating to have to guess at, the character development is minimal, and the investigation gameplay is weak. However, I will say that the overarching mystery kept me intrigued and made me want to finish all the cases. A little more work on the storytelling and some variation and flexibility in gameplay would have made a huge difference. I also didn’t play this game for anywhere near the number of hours listed; I left it on for probably a full day without playing.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Noir Games.

So I just finished the game and am wholly unsatisfied with it.

Murder Mystery Machine is a melodramatic diorama that challenges the player to become a REAL DETECTIVE, but has the same pitfalls as any other mystery game and then some. This is also the same studio that brought to you the mediocre title (but interesting and worth a few laughs) The Ship.

The Good

Let’s start with the only good thing about the game, the environments. The game went for a modern-noir vibe and it mostly hits the mark, the environments (when they are good) are suitable and even sets the mood right.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Murder Mystery Machine on Steam

Company of Crime

Company of Crime

Sometimes at the end of the day, when you need to talk about a game you’d recommend to someone, there are situations where you won’t say it’s a “good” game, or that it’s a particular pleasure to play, but you recommend the game because, for all its flaws and shortcomings, it has a spark. It has something that among the rest, makes it unique and enjoyable. Such is the case for Company of Crime.

A game set in London of the 60s, with a focus of gang wars and a strong influence from modern X-COMs, and to some extend Phantom Doctrine, has something to seduce. And indeed, the ambiance is there. The music, the clothes, the environnement. It’s all there. Yet, the game is, well, it’s janky. There is no hiding it, there are a bunch of bugs, some of with I had the dubious honor of helping to fix, but when you consider only 2 persons did all the QA, and the game was made by a very small team, you need to understand where you’re going. It is very much a game to get in the 15 euros or less, as that’s overall the value of such a game. It’s not big budget game, and what it delivers, I’m afraid to say, can’t possibly compete with a juggernaut like Firaxis backed by the greedy bastards at 2K(“2K, you love it, we ruin it!"). The core loop is repetitive fast, the enemies not varied, and while the heavy melee focused combat feels fresh and in some aspect reminds a bit of Into the Breach by some aspect(positioning and use of your skills to control the battlefield are key, and can lead to nice combos), at the end of the day, it won’t be something able to keep you hooked for too long, which is a bit of a shame.

Real player with 57.5 hrs in game

Company of Crime:

Every country and indeed, city, in this beautiful world of ours has notorious individuals or gangs. Some are more famous than others. Al Capone and Lucky Luciano were probably the most notorious and known gangsters during the prohibition in America. In the 1960’s, the small and isolated island known as England had its fair share of dangerous criminals, with the Krays Twins and the Richardson brothers, to mention a couple. So, what is the business of crime? How hard is it to establish yourself and, most importantly, to keep yourself at the top of your game? On the opposite side of the coin, there are people who put their lives on the line to dismantle these organisations and arrest their members one by one. Will you become the next big mobster of the 60’s, or will you fight against them as the boss of Scotland Yard’s task force? One thing is for sure, you’ll know all about Company of Crime!

*– [Real player with 15.2 hrs in game](*


![Empire of Sin]( "")

## Empire of Sin

Main quests:

- So far two of the paythroughs I have had have game breaking bugs for the main quests.


There is not enough interaction with the police, they are basically not even a problem. Give them more power, create tiers of police, where there are cops, investigators, feds, etc. Make it so that if you piss the police of by killing a lot of people you get a heat system.


There is apparently a non ending need for alcohol, the game would be more interesting if your bar saw less profits and patronage because your neighboring faction has a better bar, higher quality booze, etc.

*– [Real player with 63.3 hrs in game](*

Seems like the game has that weird Paradox disease where the game is garbage day one but undergoes radical changes that make it into something really special. I bought it after the precinct update and I'm hooked. I like the combat and gang management elements as well as the almost seamless switching from tactical map to street view to turn based combat. There's also room for strategy, you can cut off sections of someone's territory to destroy their supply lines or trade poison disguised as high end alcohol to set some one up for the moment you take out their brewery in an ambush leaving them with nothing to sell and no one to sell it to. I think that it'd be a whole lot better with more room for customization but it's a solid solid game.

*– [Real player with 56.0 hrs in game](*


![HEIST]( "")


This is a great stealth puzzle game. The art, the sounds and the music all give the game a great mood.

There are so many ways to do better in each level giving you excellent replayability. The multiple paths through a level combined with checkpoints mean that you can always crawl your way through a more difficult level to get to the finish, but that leaves you room to come back and find a new way to get through the level even faster.

HEIST is easily in my top 10 favourite indie games of all time.

*– [Real player with 27.1 hrs in game](*

So most of the reviews on this game are like 3 years old, so a slightly more recent one, game is brilliant. gameplay is a lil iffy at times but if you love stereotypical noir shit this game is brilliant for it and it has probably the best soundtrack I've heard on a video game. idk if its worth the money but defo worth the play. 10/10.

*– [Real player with 6.9 hrs in game](*


![Chicken Holmes - The Mystery of Bartolomeu]( "")

## Chicken Holmes - The Mystery of Bartolomeu

I liked the idea of the little chicken, with a humor, just stay tuned to the details and look for clues, in the classic point-click style.

*– [Real player with 1.1 hrs in game](*


*– [Real player with 0.8 hrs in game](*


![Oniria Crimes]( "")

## Oniria Crimes

Oniria Crimes is a strange and interesting game from Ckolmos, a small studio from Madrid, Spain. If you aren't too fussed about expecting a meaty main story, there is plenty of vibrant voxel art and deep lore to make this game worth playing.

This game is set in Oniria, city of dreams, a sort of shared-consciousness virtual reality world inhabited by people in their sleep. There is plenty of talk about "awake-world" in the game, but we never see it; the full game is spent exploring this dreamy urban environment. The lore of Oniria runs very deep, and a big part of the game is figuring out just what this world is, how it works, and what makes it tick.

*– [Real player with 12.2 hrs in game](*

A really good game with a very interesting background that makes you use your brain.

Totally recommended and if possible I recommend to play it with a partner, it's a lot of fun to be both trying to solve the case and getting our own theories out !

*– [Real player with 12.2 hrs in game](*


![American Fugitive]( "")

## American Fugitive

I remember before picking up American Fugitive that all it took was a mention of the development team being "ex-Timesplitters" to sell me on a first week buy. As a huge fan of that series, even if the the new game's genre was a Casino simulator, I'd probably give it a chance. A few small touches of TS' supremely fun aesthetics might be lurking somewhere in the graphics or writing of this game but mostly none of Splitters' infectious humor or silly rebel spirit are found in any one location that I can accurately point out. What we are left with is an updated take on the early GTA games that unleashes its loaded magazine on farm country Americana. Is it any good? Eh, I had a lot of fun but don't expect a perfect experience. It's all about what you're looking for when it comes to your enjoyment or hatred of American Fugitive.

*– [Real player with 22.7 hrs in game](*

Man this game, It's the weirdest game. Addictive yet mediocre. Enough to be entertained, but mundane and repetitive. Good enough to hook you but story is disappointing overall. This game is like the movie "The Room" constantly dancing the line between funny and just sad. TL;DR: 5.5/10



-Douche characters that are never redeemed. Refreshing in that GTA or Game of Thrones way that almost no character is secretly trying to do the right thing, or has a change of heart.

- Choices. The choices in this game are pretty cool cause they can be so hilariously dry (and realistic to a degree). At one point one character asks you to go buy them donuts. You can just say "Hell no!" and they respond "ok" and then they wont give you missions for like an hour of gameplay. Or your wife shows up 2 thirds in the game (after leaving you) and she begs you to give up. You can answer with something like "F U!" and she disappears forever, never to be heard of again. These moments are utterly hilarious. But the choices are pretty intuitive and that's cool.

*– [Real player with 19.6 hrs in game](*


![Definitely Not Fried Chicken]( "")

## Definitely Not Fried Chicken

#### Definitely Not Fried Chicken - "_For All Your Legitimate Fake Business Needs!_"

Definitely Not Fried Chicken is a business management sim with a Twist!

Grow your drugs trade through legitimate fronts by managing both sides of the business. Acquire new "businesses", meet new clientele, develop more potent narcotics, make lots of money and leave a city in ruin!

Set in a sunshine soaked city in the glamorous 80's, DNFC will test your entrepreneurial business skills.


Build your drugs compound from the ground up, buy adjoining plots of land and expand. Design and lay out your complete production line and establish distribution routes. Fortify your compounds defences and make sure any "_overly-enthusiastic_" customers can't break in. Research and develop better strains of narcotics like marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine.


But simply making a great product is not enough, you need somewhere to sell it from! This is where your legitimate businesses come in - you'll need to build and manage these fronts, including selling legal goods to avoid detection, people gotta eat right? Run a chain of Fried Chicken stores or diversify your portfolio with other businesses. Different places have different people with different _tastes_.


The backbone of every business is your workforce, the people who tirelessly carry out the tasks you assign them for minimum wage. A happy employee is a productive employee so it's important to make sure your staff have the basic necessities like washrooms and a place to eat. A well furnished break room is great for staff morale!


And safety equipment will really help with staff _turnover/mortality_ rates…


#### Key features

*   Start your drugs empire from the ground up, distributing marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and other goods

*   Balance the demanding tasks of managing both your illegal drugs trade and your “legit” businesses.

*   Build and customise your drugs compound and business fronts.

*   Upgrade your facilities and staff equipment for a better product and a bigger profit

*   Design your empire, from fried chicken shops to laundromats to nightclubs

*   Manage your workforce, hire & fire, accommodate for their wants and needs to do great work.

If you like these games then DNFC is for you!

*   Cartel Tycoon

*   Prison Architect

*   Foundation

*   Planet Zoo

*   Two Point Hospital

*   Tropico 6
