Marlon’s Mystery: The darkside of crime

Marlon’s Mystery: The darkside of crime

Join Abby Marlon to solve the riddles in this captivating mystery and hidden object game. If you enjoy playing detective games, Marlon’s Mystery will test your skills as an investigator. Embark on an enigmatic adventure and discover the darkest secrets of the Taylor family.

Abby Marlon and Jared Evans are recruited by the Taylor family to investigate a murder case: the youngest daughter, Eleanor, has murdered her father Edward and has got away with the inheritance money.

Abby and Jared have to trail Eleanor through different places to find her, but to do so, they will have to solve a mystery surrounding the family.

  • Crime and mystery game. Discover a detective story where nothing is what it seems.

  • Collectible content. Interact with the characters and get objects to customize your detective board.

  • Extra content. Immerse yourself in the secondary plots that involve the 14 characters.

  • More content and updates of the game. Crime never sleeps.

Download it now and start your adventure as an investigator.

Be part of the Marlon’s Mystery story - Download now!

Read More: Best Crime Assassin Games.

Marlon’s Mystery: The darkside of crime on Steam

Still Life 2

Still Life 2

No one wrote a review on this classic, well I suppose if ones go too far in depth it’s likely to ruin the game. I’ve had this game for awhile now, somehow I forgot to add a review on it. I only write reviews rarely, but I do feel many are missing out on this classic adventure game. Partly because it does a great job of keeping up the suspense, it really does, often while I was playing this I kept thinking I could see this as a potential movie, for the fact that the story is actually very in-depth. I’ve played some of Still Life 1, though it’s far easier to get stuck on that game in my opinion based on the fact that you can’t progress if you haven’t completed gathered all evidence. The same is somewhat true in this, but it’ll be far more obvious what you should be doing, except there are two really difficult parts (one is in fact a bug that I’ll tell you about in a moment). But, with a little observation and diligence (and maybe you have to reload a save every now and then). I mostly played without the need for any walkthroughs, however one of the game’s bugs it is very specific what you need to do there, otherwise you have to start your game all over again (but fortunately this happens at the beginning of the game anyway, so it’s not a big deal if you screw up).

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Horror Games.

Still Life 2, ironically enough, is a work-of-art doomed to muuuurrrrder. I absolutely loved the first one back in ‘05 and just recently found out (06-2014) that the sequel actually got released. And, though I loathe online videogame criticism because of the era of repetitive flash we live in, (i.e. the move forward and shoot, and do it again games) ya just can’t help but accidently read them as you learn when the hell the game got made. I know I’m a hypocrite – so doesn’t that nullify itself?

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Still Life 2 on Steam

Detective Rosie Morgan: Murder on the River Thames

Detective Rosie Morgan: Murder on the River Thames

Another enjoyable VN which actually links to The Bahamian Rhapsody and Colorado Cocoa Club VN’s.

I did expect more options like the Others But I feel the one you can end up with is lovely.

Though the Doctor was cute to.

I would guess this was Before Cocoa though as her sister had just gone to Jamaica.

Nice little Yuri

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime LGBTQ Games.

As a fellow British Englishman who enjoys the pleasures of drinking Tea & Coffee, I’m also a Yuri fanatic and I Approve of this game.

Don’t let my hours trick you in thinking there’s LOTS of content to play, I accidentally left the game on a couple of times. At MOST you can finish the game in around 5 hours, if you wanted to read everything and see the different option outcomes and enjoy the lore.

What I did expect was more romance options and people to choose from but nope, didn’t really mind though.

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

Detective Rosie Morgan: Murder on the River Thames on Steam

In Plain Sight

In Plain Sight

“In Plain Sight” is an emotional and impactful story set in modern America among residents of a trailer park who struggle not only with their economic situation but also with a net of mysteries and secrets. The fully black and white game follows 17-year-old Mackenzie Carter, who desperately needs to find out what happened to her mother. During this journey, Mackenzie also gets in touch with her dear but estranged friend April as they both try to uncover even the darkest truth.

“In Plain Sight” is a choice-based narrative-adventure in third person perspective and will debut on Steam in 2021.

In Plain Sight on Steam

Still Life

Still Life

I played this game a few years ago and enjoyed it well enough. I like mysteries and puzzles and while it had its flaws it was entertaining for the most part but on replaying it I don’t think it’s all that good. The story just doesn’t interest me.

There’s a lot of bad character writing. I don’t really like either protagonist but if I had to choose I’d rather play as Victoria. I don’t like her that much but she’s not Gus. She’s the same protagonist I’ve seen in twenty police procedurals. She’s not horrible but she doesn’t have much individuality.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Wow. I had a blast playing through Still Life. After just finishing Post Mortem I was glad to see it really was a prequel to this game. Though I had alot of issues with Post Mortem I am super glad I played it now. They link the two stories really well. I’ve become quite invested in this series and characters now and it hurts to read that Still Life 2 missed the mark apparently.


  • First of all, damn son them pre-rendered environments are sexy! Almost on par with Resident Evil remakes. I am so gutted this art style has been lost to time. The fixed angles are placed just right and there are some truly artsy and cinematic shots used.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Still Life on Steam

Detained: Too Good for School

Detained: Too Good for School


On the first day of school after transferring to a new city, you got framed and ended up in jail. After one year of probation, you set out to discover who set you up. Find a partner, get familiar with the city, make money by taking part-time jobs, increase your abilities and unveil the truth.


Inherited from the last title of O.T.K Games, “The Vagrant”, the combat in “Too Cool For School” is exhilarating and satisfying. Acquire new skills, upgrade various abilities, enlarge your armory and dominate the arena.

Rich story-lines. You can choose to be straightforward and kill anyone that’s standing in your way, or you can be manipulative and indulge yourself in opulent living. And it’s even possible to join the villains and become an anti-hero! There are more than 10 endings for you to discover.

A variety of romanceable characters. 4 female and 4 male romanceable candidates are waiting for your arrival. Take them out for a hot date, level up your relationships, and then fight alongside them against street mobs. Life is short, you gotta enjoy it while you can!

Eccentric city life. You can take a bus to the gym for a good workout, study in the library for a change, or hang out with your partners in the bar, club or arena. And of course, it’s always fun to “interact” with random pedestrians and the police.

Extravagant shopper. Be good and work part-time or rob someone on the sidewalk for a quick buck; it’s your choice! Spend your money on stats and weapon upgrades, challenge the bosses and embezzle money. It’s your turn to be a legend in this metropolis!

Detained: Too Good for School on Steam

1954 Alcatraz

1954 Alcatraz

1954 Alcatraz is a slightly atypical offering from adventure stalwarts Daedalic Entertainment. Perhaps best known for their fantasy series set in the Dark Eye setting and their absurd comedy adventure, Deponia, Daedalic have taken an unexpected foray into the realm of period dramas. The title says it all really - This is a heavily stylised period adventure set around Alcatraz. You can kind of guess what you’re getting into far more than say Monkey Island or Broken Sword. And herein lies my biggest gripe with the game; it’s just so damn predictable and chock full of clichés. The characters, the dialogue, the settings. All of it just feels a little too contrived. I really don’t like my opening thoughts on a game to be negative straight out of the blocks, but this is the overwhelming aftertaste I was left with in just the first few minutes and the biggest take away from an otherwise pleasant but ultimately underwhelming adventure.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

For a game about two lovers plotting a prison break while evading the mob, 1954 Alcatraz feels oddly devoid of passion or excitement. Adventure game addicts with money to burn might get an unremarkable fix from it, since it’s reasonably polished and provides 6-8 hours’ worth of competent point-and-click inventory puzzles. Those looking for anything more – a spark of life, perhaps – should give it a pass.

The setup: Christine and Joe were newlywed lovebirds in beatnik-era San Francisco, until a robbery gone bad landed Joe on The Rock. While Joe hatches a plan to escape the island, Christine tries to find her husband’s hidden loot before the local gangsters get their hands on it. The player can switch perspective between Joe and Christine basically at will, though given how the story and puzzles are constructed, it’s pretty obvious which one you’re supposed to be controlling at a given time. There’s also not much you can do as one character until you’ve completed the immediate tasks confronting the other.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

1954 Alcatraz on Steam

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

When I started playing Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller in 2016 the game’s unusually brutal and violent nature caught me unaware and scared me away (the fact that the pace of the game slowed down after the opening events was also one of the reasons why I stopped playing it). When giving it a second chance more than 2 years later, I was positively disappointed. After having finished it I must say this is the goriest adventure game I have ever seen - many characters ended up getting killed/mutilated by the time the credits started to roll. This unexpectedly serious tone of course has nothing (or at least little) to do with Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller being a great point and click adventure game, if we can overlook some of its shortcomings (and the base concept of the use of psychic abilities).

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game


When I first encountered Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller, it was in a bundle -It looked interesting but I put it on the back burner since I was busy with other games. Fast forward a few years, I asked my friends on Steam what game I should play as a break from my usual things, and this title came up. After looking into I realized this seemed like a great idea! I had not played a point-and-click adventure game in a while, the other reviews seemed positive and it was recommended by friends as well. Drawn in by the comic book art style and the opportunity to play a female protagonist I booted the game up and instantly became addicted. This title offers a solid story, good gameplay and hours of fun for any gamer.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller on Steam



A bit of background : I have played both acts of Shadows on the Vatican to the end. And I am also old enough to have played every Infocom text adventure when they first came out. So I was really looking forward to Nightingale.

Alarm bells rang when I found I couldn’t save whenever I wanted but I must say the branching system works well whenever you wish to change any earlier decision. I have managed to get a few different endings in one playthrough – and not a save file in sight.

I found the pacing of the text worked well, introducing a sense of tension that might not have been there otherwise.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game


This was a very interesting read; I was intrigued!

  • Clean crisp user Interface

  • Story: Not one I have seen covered

  • Excellent music that reflects the tone and pacing in the scene.

    The protagonist in this Text Adventure has a special talent. The Nightingale has been helping people for years with their paranormal gift. One person that the Nightingale helped is a professional assassin. That creates a dilemma.

    This is a short-story set in the “Shadows on the Vatican” universe, but you need not have played them.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Nightingale on Steam

Knee Deep

Knee Deep

Knee Deep is a point and click adventure game revolving around a murder mystery. Set in a small backwater town called Cypress Knee in Florida, you control the three main characters as they investigate an actor’s murder, digging deep into a world of political corruption, blackmail, intrigue and even a bit of sci fi weirdness. The story is accompanied by nice graphics, atmospheric music and a unique take on gameplay where the story takes place as if it was a theater play complete with moving sets and all. The game is available on PS4, XBox One, and PC via Steam, which is the version I played for this review.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

DISCLAIMER: This is a review of the first episode. No score will be given. A full review of the entire season will follow once all three episodes have been released.

It’s a good thing that I’m playing this game on a hot summer evening. It’s also interesting that I live just a few miles away from one of the largest swampland areas in Europe and the humidity, as always, is unbearable. It’s just curious that there are no mosquitoes tonight. All in all, a perfect situation to immerse myself into Knee Deep, a self-proclaimed swamp noir in three acts. And I am immersed in a matter of seconds. The first thing that strikes me is the music, a brilliantly moody mixture of American folk and blues. I start the game up and I am immediately seated in a theater. I silence my mobile phone out of respect for the actors. As the curtain rises on the stage, I find myself in a backwater Florida town of Cypress Knee. It’s a grim start as a washed-up actor has hanged himself from a tower next to a local inn.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Knee Deep on Steam