Zombie Gotchi

Zombie Gotchi

Fun little game!

Still needs some polishing here and there. But it has potential and I’m waiting to see how this will develop.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Life Sim Games.

Se você quer voltar aos bons tempos do tamagotchi, esse é o jogo!

De início você pode escolher entre um zumbi macho ou fêmea, ,as pode ter acesso aos mesmos itens do sexo oposto (ex: roupas). Existe uma grande variação de roupas, acessórios, cenários, atividades, comidas, remédios e até mesmo itens para dormir! E de acordo com que você joga, o seu zumbi de estimação vai adquirindo níveis maiores que irão desbloquear novas atividades e itens.

Apesar de estar no EARLY ACCESS, ficou bem completo… tudo que falta é uma música ambiente.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Zombie Gotchi on Steam

Necromancer : Winter

Necromancer : Winter

If you enjoy endless amounts of fun and the time of your life buy this game now. This game was a complete and udder blast i cannot amount it into words. I am positive this game was touched by the hand of god himself.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Arcade Games.

i cant say this game has anything special about it expect the idea of reviving dead and taking them with you to the next level.

wich is pretty much the whole content. you wander from one area to another kill everything, revive it and go to th next area. there is no real challenge behind it and the whole game is finished in under one hour.

this game has great potential but waaay to little content. if it gets developped prpperly i would definitely pay more for it.





Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Necromancer : Winter on Steam

STRIDE Multiplayer

STRIDE Multiplayer

STRIDE Is one of my “Must Get” recommendations for VR enthusiasts. If you like STRIDE, you’ll certainly like STRIDE.net too! The base game was wicked fun, and now you can have even MORE fun with friends! That’s like, two games for the price of one! Even unfinished, this is an experience worth experiencing. Now you can chase your dreams AND strangers on the internet! And things are only going to get better from here on out.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Multiplayer Games.

so good. Not as many bugs as i would expect. minor glitches with some mechanics but this add on multiplayer for stride is amazing. Only in Alpha rn but soon will be fully released with what seems like a ton of possibilities. Many updates happening for this game every week meaning the devs really care for this game and i can say its great top be part of the stride community. Which also let me mention the community is great. Havent had a toxic gamer in this game yet. This could easily become vr game of the year.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

STRIDE Multiplayer on Steam

Creature Lab

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist in search of the ultimate mutagen!

Creature lab sets you on a difficult path of a genius scientist with a very liberal approach to test subjects and official procedures. Establish your hideout and let the experiments commence!

Take stock of your inventory. There’s no use hoping for government funds so you’ll make do with anything you can find or even steal. Prepare your laboratory, obtain basic reagents, and see what happens when you mix them together. Analyze your results and see if your mutagens have any practical use or if they’re only useful as ingredients for more powerful concoctions.

Apply your mutagens to test subjects and observe how they react. Grow entirely new bodyparts and attach them to the creatures you create. Discover tens of different interactions between mutagens and body parts as you slowly assemble an army of mutants.

Running low on resources? Need more test subjects? Send your creatures into the city! Find whatever resources you need. Spread panic in the city to scare off anyone trying to find your hideout. And if the military starts looking for you, you can infect the citizens to delay the army as you prepare a more permanent solution. Let no one stop you in your search for the ultimate mutagen!


  • First-person mad scientists simulator

  • Complex resource and inventory management

  • A strategy element - plan raids on the city and prepare for encounters with the military

  • Dozens of different mutagens to discover

  • Unique body parts to grow and attach to your test subjects

  • A fear mechanic that lowers the chance of your hideout being discovered

  • Infection strains that delay military response to your experiments

  • Singleplayer campaign mode

Creature Lab on Steam

Unholy Heights

Unholy Heights

An apartment management tower-defense game about your resident monsters against humans.

While the idea of being a landlord is enticing the tower-defense part can get incredibly tedious & repetitious since there’s not a whole lot of strategy to use here from beginning to end.

The idea of the tower-defense is just to stop humans from stealing your money and if they get away with it you only lose your highly expendable tenant should they have died defending the money taken so there’s no real fail state. You try and stop the humans by knocking on the room doors of the monsters of your choosing and IF they’re home (which most usually are) they’ll do their tower-defense thing and help kill the intruders.

Real player with 59.0 hrs in game

Let me tell you about Popan.

Popan was the first baby ever born in my apartments. She was a Cheepy so I didn’t have high expectations. Popan was probably 3 days old when her parents died in an unfortunate ambush on my complex. I had a ton of other tenants, so I didn’t see the harm in waiting for her to grow up. Somehow, she never became in debt. This fucking baby was paying the rent. She grew up to be a total badass. She would single-handedly wipe out entire waves of enemies without breaking a sweat.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Unholy Heights on Steam



honestly a great concept. couple good jumpscares and keeps you at the edge of your seat most of the time. still a lot of work to be done as well obviously.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Its a fun game but it need more polishing. I really like the idea of hunting a monster with a friend but like i said it need polishing. It has alot of bug but still is fun to play. i really hope the dev will keep up with the game it has alot of petential.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

S.P.A.T. on Steam