Renditions of the Awakening
In active development since 2016, this is a first-person strategy game about summoning demons and toppling a civilization one castle at a time in order to re-live the story of the man who already did that. Gain the trust of that man - your jailor - by embellishing the details if you wish but the one thing you must do is become the new king while taking no lives with your own hands.
Some demons are stealthy; others not so much. Summon an army, manage them well and control the flow of information across the battlefield to catch Keeps and Castles unawares or poorly defended. But beware, the summoning process compels them to follow you around but that’s all - they still retain their own fickle personalities and will quit your service in the worst way possible if ever they stop having enough fun.
Read More: Best Creature Collector Funny Games.
Hijack Overdrive
_Why blow up an enemy vehicle when you can steal it?
Why stay in 1 vehicle when you can pilot a small fleet?_
Hijack Overdrive is a fast-paced action game where you steal enemy vehicles mid-combat to fight back. You’ll have to jump from vehicle to vehicle in order to grow and maintain your self-acquired-fleet as you pilot them single-handedly through the enemy forces.
It’s a unique genre-mix of Platformer, Shootemup, and a bit of Towerdefense.
Key Features
Innovative new game concept
3+ hours of action-heavy gameplay
tons of different vehicle-types to acquire and use as you see fit
Bring acquired vehicles to the garage to dismantle them or built new ones, and take them to other missions
Grow your own personal fleet to lead assaults into the monster realm!
Defeat big boss-monsters
Unique scoring system by breakdancing on vehicles
You’re part of a small resistance fighting against a tyrant set on world domination. His quest for power has led him to look beyond our world in search of the elusive monster-realm and the power it contains.
He must be stopped before it is too late, but his forces vastly outnumber the resistance’s. In a last effort, “operation Hijack Overdrive” has been set in motion.
Now all hope rests on your shoulders, as you’ve been trained and equipped to turn the enemies’ numbers against them!
At it’s core Hijack Overdrive is a tactical side-scrolling platformer. Staying in 1 vehicle will often mean the death of you, so you’re constantly on the move, stealing different vehicles, creating a small fleet on the fly, all while dodging enemy fire.
Depending on what you decide to do, a vehicle can be an enemy, an ally, a platform, or a shield.
You decide how you want to tackle each situation, but you’ll have to think fast.
You’re stationed in a base near the front line, from there you will start each mission.
After completing a mission, the vehicles you acquired get added to the garage in your base.
You can use any vehicle from your base to start a mission with, and even summon one when in a pickle.
There’s also a unique challenge for each vehicle type in your garage, so try to collect them all!
Grow your own personal fleet and use them on special missions where you’ll need every last one of them!
You can redo completed missions at any time to get more vehicles in your garage. (and get the ones you missed)
Read More: Best Creature Collector Side Scroller Games.