Nexomon: Extinction

Nexomon: Extinction

This is the best monster catching game I have ever played!

In case you only read the first line I want to stress that point more than any other. I tried to keep this review spoiler free. Just in case this a spoiler warning. I have had SO MUCH FUN playing this game and I want to make sure people wont miss out on this experience. Nexomon is as far from being “Just another Pokemon clone” as you can get. I will include some information for those who are undecided about Nexomon Extinction.

Now there are some similarities to other monster catching games but that is sticking to the genre. You need locations to heal your Nexomon. You need people to battle and strengthen your team. But the Nexomon team have included many unique elements to their game that I feel truly sets it apart from other games.

Real player with 909.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Turn-Based Combat Games.

Nexomon: Extinction is a Pokemon knock-off, but a fairly good one I think that does enough to distinguish itself and make it worth a buy.


The gameplay of Nexomon Extinction is very similar to the main-series of Pokemon games. You go around the world battling Nexomon, of which you have a team of up to six on you, each of which has up to four moves. It’s not completely identical though, there are some minor differences. In battle, rather than having PP, moves all have a certain stamina cost which use up some of your Nexomon’s stamina bar. Personally, I prefer this system actually, first it’s a bit more realistic, for what that’s worth. It is also a bit more strategic since there is a drawback to using more powerful moves. They use more stamina, and that will limit the amount of moves total you’ll be able to use. There are fewer types than in Pokemon, also (9), and there are no dual-types. One thing that I quite liked was that you had a choice of 9 starters, one for each type. If anyone’s curious I picked the Noki when I played through the game, though I was torn between it, Mara, and Lume.

Real player with 85.0 hrs in game

Nexomon: Extinction on Steam



Chainmonsters is a massive multiplayer online RPG where you catch, battle, trade, explore, and combine different types of monsters and abilities to create your own style of play. No game subscription required. Explore the vast lands of Ancora together with your friends on Steam, iOS and Android!

Key Features

Massive Multiplayer allows you to join your friends on an epic journey and complete quests and dungeons together.

Cross-Platform Play across Steam, iOS and Android.

Catch over 135 unique Chainmons with diverse traits, types and abilities. Combine into multiple Squads for various occassions.

Story-based campaign. Join the N-Corp agents and discover the mysterious disease that is affecting Chainmons across the land.

Dungeons and Raids challenge those that are eager to dive deep into the world and defeat special Raid bosses.

Dynamic day/night cycle not only alters the visuals but also has gameplay effects.

Read More: Best Creature Collector RPG Games.

Chainmonsters on Steam



HoloFist is a tie-in game for a cartoon that doesn’t exist! A turn based battle game where reaction times matter, with a visual style that attempts to imagine how old school pixel RPGs might look in 3D.

With the help of your colourful ‘Holobuddies’, like Mathmoth, Pieceratops and Pakoon, you travel the island of Fistopia to clear out the haywire robots, toxic Blimes and other dangerous enemies that have overrun the island.

This first game from Edgehog attempts to infuse action into what you would expect from a turn based RPG, using timing based button presses to deal extra damage, or even block incoming attacks.

Read More: Best Creature Collector Exploration Games.

HoloFist on Steam

Full Pawer

Full Pawer

Lead, Create, Explore: Full Pawer is a top-down sandbox RTS where you play the role as a powerful spirit with the ability to shape the world. Use your powers to lead followers to glorious battles and valuable minerals. Create lush forests, savannas, grasslands filled with many unique creatures. Explore the lost lands of Plystia and discover the hidden treasures and evil that they hold.

  • Explore dozens of lost islands

  • Build up a mighty village

  • Create lush and thriving biomes

Full Pawer on Steam

moon: Remix RPG Adventure

moon: Remix RPG Adventure

In 1997, the now legendary anti-RPG “moon” launched in Japan. Now, under the watchful eye of its original creators, it’s finally in English!

Have you ever felt it odd that the heroes of RPGs go around opening villagers' closets and stealing from them? Or that they travel the world indiscriminately killing all monsters they meet? This game looks at the RPGs we all know and love from a new perspective.


One moon-lit night, a young boy is sucked into the depths of his television set.

He falls into a place called ‘Moon World’, and thus begins a search for love in order to recover the lost moonlight.

Here, the mighty hero of Moon World murders innocent animals for experience,

but the boy’s growth comes from saving the souls of the animals and gathering the love in the world.

Yes, in this game, you level up by loving, not fighting.

The inhabitants of this world are all unique. Observe their daily lives and learn where they hide their secret love.

“Now, please, open the door!”

An RPG without battles - Save the monster’s souls -

All the monsters killed by the ‘hero’ are actually just innocent animals. As you explore the game, you will encounter the bodies of these pitiful creatures. But, if the boy can catch their souls, they can be saved.

A living, breathing world! - Peek into the secret lives of the NPCs -

Moon World’s residents go about their routine lives, depending on the time and day. The florist goes to work in the morning, and the castle guards arrive at their posts. Some folks have secret midnight hobbies, and others just spend their days fishing.

MD System - Choose your own soundtrack -

In moon, you can choose your own music. By using the special music playing Moon Disc(MD) function which appears in the game, you can walk around the map listening to the tracks you like in the order you set them.

moon: Remix RPG Adventure on Steam

Tiny Witch

Tiny Witch

Tiny Witch, is a little game about managing a minion store, where you must mix the right resources to build the minions needed by the dungeon masters.


  • 10 recipes for unique minions;

  • Grid movement for more precision;

  • Store improvements to speed up minion manufacturing;

  • Original soundtrack;

  • Two play modes, endless game or story mode;

Tiny Witch on Steam

Creature Lab

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist in search of the ultimate mutagen!

Creature lab sets you on a difficult path of a genius scientist with a very liberal approach to test subjects and official procedures. Establish your hideout and let the experiments commence!

Take stock of your inventory. There’s no use hoping for government funds so you’ll make do with anything you can find or even steal. Prepare your laboratory, obtain basic reagents, and see what happens when you mix them together. Analyze your results and see if your mutagens have any practical use or if they’re only useful as ingredients for more powerful concoctions.

Apply your mutagens to test subjects and observe how they react. Grow entirely new bodyparts and attach them to the creatures you create. Discover tens of different interactions between mutagens and body parts as you slowly assemble an army of mutants.

Running low on resources? Need more test subjects? Send your creatures into the city! Find whatever resources you need. Spread panic in the city to scare off anyone trying to find your hideout. And if the military starts looking for you, you can infect the citizens to delay the army as you prepare a more permanent solution. Let no one stop you in your search for the ultimate mutagen!


  • First-person mad scientists simulator

  • Complex resource and inventory management

  • A strategy element - plan raids on the city and prepare for encounters with the military

  • Dozens of different mutagens to discover

  • Unique body parts to grow and attach to your test subjects

  • A fear mechanic that lowers the chance of your hideout being discovered

  • Infection strains that delay military response to your experiments

  • Singleplayer campaign mode

Creature Lab on Steam

Monster Tribe

Monster Tribe

Monster Tribe fuses strategy combat with rpg systems, item collection and dungeons filled with puzzles to pull the player into its world. But ultimately, this is a game all about exploration. The island of Akama is vast and wild, reclaimed by nature over many years. There are mountains, beaches, forests and mines, along with some scenery much less familiar. Remnants of vast ruins can be seen all throughout the land. In order to explore these strange - and sometimes dangerous - lands, you will need the help of the Ateyan. By binding your spirit to these creatures, you will be able to uncover the many secrets Akama has to offer. You will use the Ateyan to battle your way through the wilderness, and along the way there will be many unique resources to collect. Your tools will help you scavenge for rare ores and logs, and forage for food in the trees and beneath the waves. Resources will be a huge aid to both you and the Ateyan that choose to follow you, allowing you to unlock special fusion forms and power up your party. Once you feel ready, the player can take their team of Ateyan to one of the many Towers present throughout the island, to try to tackle the strange and mysterious dungeons and puzzles that await them there. Beyond these epic challenges lie answers to the mysteries of the past, and possibly a way forward for the people of the present.

In a vast ocean landscape, a lone island sits. This island is called Akama by its people, and it is a very special place. It is the home of not only its native people, but also strange creatures called Ateyan. The Ateyan appeared on this island through a magical Rift, and continuously draw energy from it. Using this magical spirit energy, the Ateyan have manifested wonderful powers of all kinds.

The player will embark into the land of Akama and relearn the secrets of the past. Along the way, you will use the unique powers of the Ateyan to restore a balance that had been tipped a long time ago, and reveal truths about the island, the creatures, and the people who inhabited it long ago. There is much more to the history of this land than the stories that have been passed down. Will you journey to the heart of this world to see them for yourself?

Battling is a key aspect to Monster Tribe, and so we put the utmost care into making sure we got it right. Battles are fought with teams of Ateyan on a small grid battlefield, with each team occupying their own side of the field. There are many complex elements to the way these battles play out, but we have done everything we can to make sure that they are not only deep, but accessible and fun to play through. Below we will detail many of the nuances of the battle system for those hoping to dig their teeth into the meat of the game.

Akama contains many biomes filled with spaces for all kinds of different creatures to fill unique niches in its ecosystem. But, it seems that besides fish and a few birds, no animals live on the island. Instead, small balls of light roam around the wilderness, barely even visible to some - and not at all to others. They are called Ateyan, and according to history they are much more than they appear to be. In the ancient past the Ateyan appeared, through what is only referred to as The Rift, and they exploded in population and diversity all through the island. For many generations they lived alongside the people of the island, and there are descriptions of all kinds of magical, powerful creatures capable of incredible feats. But it seems somewhere along the line the Ateyan and the humans drifted. The Ateyan remained on the island, but only their spiritual essence could be seen; those same strange balls of light. The rest of their existence fell into a space between this world and the world of the Rift, and there the Ateyan could continue their lives without the disturbance of humanity. It is in this form that they stayed. Now, even their very existence as anything more alive than the rocks and rivers - has come into question. As the player will discover upon beginning their journey, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

  • Monsters to find and train

  • Puzzle filled Dungeons

  • RPG levelling and resource management

  • Quests

  • Hand-crafted world

  • 2 player local vs. mode

Monster Tribe on Steam



Wholesome and funny. DOGS.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

i am extremely satisfied with my purchase.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

DOGS.IO on Steam



The Game:

Catch your favorite companions, Train them up to become the best, Fight challenging opponents & champions to become the Master of this world.

Explore the open world, gain experience, and grow to defeat your rivals, along with taking down the gruesome Parruna clan who terrorize the land of Regione Lazina. Do it all alongside friends!

The future of creature-collection:

Try the future of creature-collection games, with a new introduction to an already well known genre.

We went back to modernize the old classic creature-collection games and realized that with modern technology we could develop a more in depth game, while holding on to the good feeling of playing an old creature-collection game.

Some of the major things we did in Train’em:

  • Real Time: Train’em provides a real time combat experience giving the player a new and improved feeling of control in the battle arena, unlike old creature-collection games where combat is turn based.

  • Open world: The world is completely open to explore and you choose what way to go, who to fight, what champion to defeat and what tournament to master

  • Multiplayer: Play with your friends, unveil the world together or try to defeat them in combat & become the master together

  • Tournaments: Train’em features a series of different tournaments challenging you in unique ways as you progress through the game.

  • Early Access: Many updates will come in the future, with new companions, champions, tournaments, map extensions and much more.

Train'em on Steam