Necromancer : Winter

Necromancer : Winter

If you enjoy endless amounts of fun and the time of your life buy this game now. This game was a complete and udder blast i cannot amount it into words. I am positive this game was touched by the hand of god himself.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Arcade Games.

i cant say this game has anything special about it expect the idea of reviving dead and taking them with you to the next level.

wich is pretty much the whole content. you wander from one area to another kill everything, revive it and go to th next area. there is no real challenge behind it and the whole game is finished in under one hour.

this game has great potential but waaay to little content. if it gets developped prpperly i would definitely pay more for it.





Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Necromancer : Winter on Steam

Mighty Vikings

Mighty Vikings

Mighty Vikings is a game where you are the captain of all Vikings. Here you have to travel and rid the world of evil. You also have to find a ship to travel and a good arsenal to repulse the creatures. I liked the atmosphere, graphics and the variety of enemies. In general, I recommend to all Viking lovers.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Exploration Games.

Charming little game (hold onto your suspension of disbelief with guns in the Viking Age lol) that plays well enough in the basic mechanic sense, has an endearing little graphic style and intriguing world to explore, but I hope the dev is coming back to it; there’s an overall coherency loss in the game’s presentation and flow. The Main Menu opens with “Continue” (haven’t played at this point) or “Play Story”. The first option just drops you unceremoniously into 3 or 4 “Kill All The Things” maps that I wish you could wander around a little more (invisible walls are the bane of gamers everywhere) and the story mode crashes alot or otherwise stops working, which is unfortunate because it IS charming and has some interesting if basic “what do you do?” options on the quest. It’s cheap though, so it’s not like you’re taking a huge hit for a little charm and the hope for some more to come to it.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Mighty Vikings on Steam