Calculator and monsters

Calculator and monsters

Don’t you bored with your normal calculator??

grab this calculator for fun and secret mission.

Calculator and monsters is calculator but you can rise your monster secretly.

behind the this special calculator there are calculator monsters.

monsters are in danger species so your mission is grow up them and when

they reach Lv5 then release them for the Internet space.

they’ll find another calculator in the Internet world and hopefully they lay an egg.

Read More: Best Creature Collector Simulation Games.

Calculator and monsters on Steam

Triple Dungeon

Triple Dungeon

Big fan of the original Touch Dungeon. Now it’s back on Computer where you get to play not one, not two, but a whopping THREE games at once. You Do The Math!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Split Screen Games.

Conceptually this was a good idea, but the execution was poor. All three dungeons are exactly the same, you just have to play them at the same time. Overall it was an enjoyable experience, and well worth the $2.00.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Triple Dungeon on Steam

Snack Tick

Snack Tick

The game is allot of fun and really makes me ask the question ; " man have i been killing aliens by mistake my entire life?".

jokes aside the game is really fun the simplicity is very refreshing. my favourite upgrades are magnet, and speed.

but i have one Gripe.

The grass man is just too much. it kills my Frame-rate.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Indie Games.

Its not a bad game

The idea is very creative, taking inspiration from bugs and the games becomes more fun trying to complete more frustrating challenges. My only complaints with the game is the bottom character of bugs have a bugged movement in the fire stasge( the last stage).

The Stage where there is 2 separate lawns with a hammer or something crushing you, I have a big problem with this. The Hammer descends too fast and the fake/harmful food needs a better visual hint to show they are harmful like a black aura surrounding them.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Snack Tick on Steam

Top Gang

Top Gang

Top Gang is a very chaotic platform game for up to 4 players cooperative. In Top Gang you have to eliminate all the enemies in the level to be able to advance at the same time you have to rescue the “Nuggets” and take them safely to the exit. Your friends can be a great help or a stumbling block because while the game is cooperative it is also competitive who can rescue more “Nuggets”?

Elemental advantages and disadvantages

Each character has their own element giving them advantages with their respective elements.

Use weapon recoil to your advantage

It is possible to escape situations or do some maneuvers using the weapon’s recoil.


The Nuggets are a peaceful and friendly race but also very tasty, tired of being captured all the time by the black mask gang they made a magical ritual that ended up going wrong and freeing the elemental ghosts that instead of helping them joined the gang of black mask. With no way out they went to the Top Gang firm to ask for help, Shack Joe being the leader of the company accepted the request and gathered his group to rescue the captured nuggets and destroy all the elemental ghosts.

Top Gang on Steam



Wholesome and funny. DOGS.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

i am extremely satisfied with my purchase.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

DOGS.IO on Steam

Bushfires: Animal Rescue

Bushfires: Animal Rescue

Another one of those spread awareness game… this one is about bush fire / forest fire, probably inspired by the recent fire in Australia… but still a good idea to spread awareness and knowledge for the younger generations.

At first glance, one would thought this game is made for kids, but after trying it myself, all i can say is the difficulty balance needs to be lowered if you want kids to enjoy the game. It’s even a bit hard for the adults, and i mean it’s actually needing the players to memorize the map and plan a strategy on the go type of high difficulty. If you plan to sell this game to the adult, then you might need to reconsider the overall design in graphics and all that to a more adult-like design to tell them this isn’t a game for kids.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

I am giving some leeway with this review since it is an early-access game.

Overall, I would recommend this game. The gameplay and concept appear quite simple, but it is in-fact quite a challenging game. While you are attempting to rescue the various animals, you are also under a strict time-limit. Balancing the two means that you have to make on the spot decisions about how many animals you can afford to rescue (while still making it out in time).

There are certainly some issues with the game. The lack of camera controls (the camera is fixed to behind the vehicle) can make it rather frustrating at times. Both the landscape and fire can obscure your view of the car, and there have been a few times that I’ve ended up driving right into fire & dying because I couldn’t see where I was going. I think the net-throwing mechanic needs some refinement, along with the animal movements. Animals sometimes get stuck (allowing for easy capture), or glitch up to the top of the cliff (preventing capture). Capturing birds is rather difficult - you almost have to guess - as the pointer (which shows you where the net will land) clips through the rocks that the birds land on.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Bushfires: Animal Rescue on Steam

Monster Battle Quest

Monster Battle Quest

If you like strategy based, action sort of games then this is DEFINITELY for you!

The GUI isn’t the best and the game isn’t that hard until level 20.

It’s not too hard and is definitely worth the price.

You can upgrade all your monsters so that they are stronger!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Overall it’s decent. Some later levels are just so much more difficult to do to 3 stars than the ones around it. And then it can be followed by one that has so few enemies that there’s no way you’ll ever lose on it, let alone get less than 3 stars.

Mostly the challenge is when there are ranged enemies you can’t kill before tanky enemies get in front of them. You’re pretty screwed then and forced to just send low tier mobs to act as a shield for a more powerful monster on your team. At least that’s how I managed to do it most of the time.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Monster Battle Quest on Steam