Dungeons of Betrayal

Dungeons of Betrayal

–-{ Graphics }—

☑ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☑ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☑ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Indie Games.

I am really enjoying this game, it has a very unique feel to it compared to other RPG maker type games, I particularly enjoy the resource conservation - limited enemies so no farming easy enemies for exp, and limited healing items so its almost like a kind of survival horror.

Finished the game, it was entertaining but I could not figure out how to defeat the last boss, when he is nearly dead, he unleashes an instant kill spell that does 3500 damage which always resulted in a game over.

I eventually beat him by editing my save file to give myself 5000hp so I could tank his final attack.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Dungeons of Betrayal on Steam

Monster Capture King

Monster Capture King

This is basically “Monster-Catching Game: Abridged.” It has all of the feeling of a normal-sized monster game, but packed in a 2-4 hour package

That being said, the graphics are rough and the gameplay isn’t any kind of deep. It’s a simple game to its core- but I was sad when it ended, so I guess that says all I really need to say about it in terms of recommendation.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Indie Games.

It’s your standard RPG Maker game in terms of combat. So it’s very bland and boring in that regard. I find the art at times charming, at least for the monsters. I mean there’s a bunny on a scooter with a magic wand, what’s not to love there? But some are ugly as sin, like that weird ogre looking thing seen in screenshots.

But beyond that, frequently, the visuals are an abuse toward your eyesight. Some doors are hard to even see, the floor tiles in some areas are just so ugly and blinding, and they hide NPCs in them. NPCs who are also really ugly to look at. There’s just not a lot to work with to justify recommending it.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Monster Capture King on Steam

Disc Creatures

Disc Creatures

Haven’t done everything yet, still missing a few creatures (~92% done) but i’ll share my thoughts so far:


+A good roster of 200 creatures, with fun/interesting designs

+Varied Locations, having the colour scheme change according to locations is nice.

+A decent story, not all that exciting but did it’s job alright.


-Too little difference in stats for early game to late game/rare/hard to get creatures

-All creatures you get starts at lvl 1, so getting creatures at later locations are actually worse than getting them at the first point they are avalible, also makes the grind to get a creature you think looks nice discouraging.

Real player with 132.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Turn-Based Combat Games.

One of the better monster collectors I’ve played in awhile. This game is everything I love about Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland and Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow both for the GameBoy Color and yet miles improved compared to both.

The overworld encounters make it feel like getting through an area is less of a hassle compared to the random encounters of the above games.

Having a huge skill pool for each monster to switch between makes it so you can deal with far more situations as opposed to the limitations of TMs and relearning moves in Pokemon games or inheriting skills in Dragon Quest Monsters games.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

Disc Creatures on Steam



This certainly is an RPG Maker game. It goes just about as far as you can without bothering to push the limits at all, and for someone who plays quite a few RPG Maker games, that makes this game disappointingly boring. While this game does have fantastic art and the music can be quite good at times, that’s about where my praise for the game ends. While the bulk of my complaints will have to do with the combat, I would like to take a moment and point out the game’s writing.

The humor, while charming at first, quickly gets stale as every joke seems to be the same thing repackaged and handed back to you with a different label by a different character. It feels as if the writing would be immensely improved simply by removing all humor from the game - it would do wonders to help the characters stand out more as individuals. I will take care to note that it is the writing and not the story that I am criticizing here. I have heard positive things about the story itself, and I’ll push forward just to see for myself, but my issues with the combat has more or less sealed my opinion on this game.

Real player with 187.5 hrs in game

Go on a grand adventure with the adorable Eve Staccato, her precious Mogwai partner (and feline friend) Klein, and an ever-expanding gaggle of cute and/or rambunctious girls that they meet along the way. Memorable characters, excellent music, and gorgeous artwork make this game an unforgettable experience. In fact, it’s nearly a perfect game for me.


Almost everything about the game from the writing to the gameplay is just really solid and enjoyable. However, I couldn’t help noticing that the game (on Easy) goes through a hefty difficulty incline about halfway through the game and continues to be challenging even in the post-game if you’re not prepared. When I’m in the 80s-onwards, I shouldn’t still be sweating during random encounters, and I certainly shouldn’t be having party members one-shot by bad RNG on multi-hit attacks (that normally target multiple people). The description for Easy even says that it’s intended to be more relaxed.. and for the first oh.. 40% of the game it certainly is.

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game


Void Monsters: Spring City Tales

Void Monsters: Spring City Tales

Void Monsters: Spring City Tales is a fun monster trainer/simulation game. Actually, it’s not really what I expected when I bought the game, but I am far from disappointed. The game begins with you returning home after your parents were brutally murdered only to find your home town sinking into debt. You inherint your parents' estate…along with their 52,000 gold debt, which accrues interest daily. You must raise money to pay off your debt while also helping the villagers with various tasks. You really have to balance making money and adventuring.

Real player with 40.7 hrs in game

Imagine Nino Kuni meets Stardew Valley. This game is a true single-player RPG and has a lot of subtle depth to it.

I am nowhere near beating the game, but the story does get good an hour or two in. There are a lot of subsystems (various types of crafting). Acquiring new void monsters is a bit tricky as a new player, but once you catch on you’ll quickly find a party configuration that works for you.

Tips for newcomers:

1. Although it’s very open world, treat the first day of gameplay as if it were linear. Go do the starter quests ASAP. It helps.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Void Monsters: Spring City Tales on Steam



Tags: Party RPG/JRPG/Topdown&3rd Person

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from library

TLDR: Eternal Early Access. Somewhat eye catching art direction and presentation. Narrative hard to follow, poor dialogue, unclear objectives.

This is some kind of sewed together abomination of parts of RPGMAKER, Arial font, the most vague and bland dialogue you could think of as well as the programming skill equivalent of a caveman banging rocks together in the hope of making an axe. The menu is unreadable - the tutorial area is a dead end and crashes with a Script Game interpreter error when you talk to the only person there (a clone of yourself) - the ¨overworld map¨ is actually a Neverwinter Nights style - Walls and skybox missing isometric fake 3d affair (except neverwinter was actually 3D). Its badly done and you can routinely see through the floor ¨cracks¨ from the floor tiles not lining up. Some scenery objects are semi transparent and can be walked through, other semi transparent objects cant. Its damn near impossible to tell what they are meant to represent either even if they werent transparent.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

First off, disclaimer: I purchased this on itch.io some time ago. Recently the developer announced that he could give Steam keys to those who bought it over there, and thus I got a Steam copy. So I did not receive the original for free, but I did recieve the Steam copy for free.

I promised I’d review this sucker, so I gave it a fair shake tonight, and…mmf. I actually really want to like this game; it’s clear there’s a lot of mechanics and depth to this experience, but I just couldn’t enjoy it.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Miolhr on Steam