Tavern of Gods

Tavern of Gods

Do you enjoy autobattlers but find more fun in longer-form, singleplayer experiences? This may scratch your itch.

A little rough around the edges but this has the potential to be a new genre-defining game.

If you enjoy roguelikes – Slay the Spire, Monster Train, etc - you most likely will enjoy this game

If you enjoy autobattlers – Teamfight Tactics, Dota Autochess – you will most likely enjoy this game

If you enjoy both of these genres – you will undoubtedly enjoy this game.

Just be warned – there is very little tutorial and no hand holding, so it may take you a run or two to understand the MANY systems at play here (and there are a lot of systems). While this makes for a steep ramp, this also makes for a ton of replayability.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Indie Games.

As usual steam needs a neutral option.

Auto battler where I don’t have to worry about other people draining the pool of the unit type I want to play is a huge plus. As w/ most of these game it has plenty of types, plenty of items, and this one seems to have an excessive amnt of reroll options.

The bad part of course is the boss system. You have fixed bosses over several regions which you can challenge in any order so you can attempt to avoid bosses that would be a bad matchup for your build type early on. Though I don’t like fixed bosses there is at least some strategy factored into your order of fights.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Tavern of Gods on Steam

Serin Fate

Serin Fate

(This review is based on the June ‘20 update)

Right off the top, I want to be clear this game is still, as advertised, very much a work in progress. However, that being written, I’ve enjoyed my experience enough that I’m content having bought the game at full price even though many of the game mechanics are presently under-explained and the game play is a bit out of balance here and there. What’s more, I can tell from past comments in the forum that some problems have already been fixed – I’m looking at you, person still whinging about inventory size when I massively upgraded mine as a rank newbie in three days of in-game time – so the Developer seems to be responsive and engaged.

Real player with 201.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Open World Games.

Playing status: 12/14 achievements, finished the game (I don’t know how to get the last 2 achievements)

Grindy Achievement(s): Yes (1 achievement).

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (12 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): Yes (1+ achievement).


Serin Fate is an adventure RPG with a lot of mandatory elements that you usually find in farming games in addition to magic and monster taming. You can farm, mine, capture monsters for you to fight, fish, and many more. Despite the varied features, it still focuses on the adventure element at its core, allowing you to explore the whole region and figure out how to proceed from the obscure hints.

Real player with 87.0 hrs in game

Serin Fate on Steam

XYLITH - Hostile Planet

XYLITH - Hostile Planet

I had fun playing this game:


Pets - Amazingly fun to collect. Sad when they die.

High Score Table - Pretty nice recent addition.

Challenging Bosses


I only found 1 out of the 7 Super Bosses - Prepare to spend a lot of time playing this to get the high level pets.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Indie Games.

It’s like they wanted this game to be a miserable experience. Because they sure did a great job of it. This game is shit. Don’t buy it. I might have only spent $1 for this game but it’s those 2 hours I’ll never get back.

If you’re interested in knowing why this game sucks, well, it sucks at fucking everything. The movement is seriously awful and clunky. There’s no key mapping. There’s absolutely no explanation for anything in the game so good luck finding out how something works. I ate 3 clips of ammo trying to figure crafting out. Yes, literally ate. The enemies are whack. You need to use like 4 clips just to kill one enemy and don’t get me started on the bosses. And no, ammo isn’t plentiful. You start out with like 10 clips then have to craft more, and in the entire 2 hours, I had the materials to craft like 3. The cursor is made just so that you lose track of it every ten seconds because it’s tiny, and blends into the environment.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

XYLITH - Hostile Planet on Steam

Abomi Nation

Abomi Nation

I’m still in the midst of my first run, but I adore the charm this game has. The combat is very enjoyable, and there’s a decent challenge even on the normal difficulty setting. A big selling point is just how customized you can make each run. Difficulty, permadeath, which Abomi join you, all of it can be influenced at the start of a new run, and the game very much encourages you to play it multiple times. No two runs are going to be the same!

The cutesy style of the game greatly contrasts with just how dark this game can get sometimes, though. There’s regular references to death, dying and killing, and your team members actually talk about it when somebody dies. It’s not the most complicated game - if you’ve played any recent Pokemon title, you’ll grasp this game pretty easily - but it’s good fun, and each trek on the island is a brand new adventure. I’m very impressed that this was mostly made by one person! And we’re getting new Abomis every now and then, too, which adds to the fun! I do look forward to what might get added to the game in the future, but for now, I think I’m going to go ahead and hop back in!

Real player with 41.5 hrs in game

A good concept for a game but poor execution. The design aesthetic itself is not a problem, but the naming conventions and designs are… inconsistent and kinda cheesy. The gameplay is slow and the framerate is bad so the game feels like it takes forever while you’re not even accomplishing much. Fights are very matchup dependent which means they snowball based on who is your lead Abomi and the typing chart is unique so you really need to learn it before you attempt the game seriously. The UI is kind of shoddy and requires a lot of button presses and doesn’t allow for mouse/keyboard play which is odd for a game released for PC.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

Abomi Nation on Steam

Alcheverse: Shadow from Gladview

Alcheverse: Shadow from Gladview

The map of the island of Gigax is generated from scratch every time and it’ll be hard for Lumpy to complete his journey! In the map you’ll find ingredients like the Tentacle or the Star Shard, fight packs of Corrupted Alcheverse that will attack you, meet strange individuals like the Merchant or King Paxton, who will offer you extravagant trades!

Craft your Alcheverse by mixing different ingredients together and unlock all recipes. Each of these powerful creatures has 10 differents statistics that influence their performance in battle and an unique skill that gives each of them a characteristic play style! To get the most out of your team you’ll also need to use the Sinergies wisely. When two or more Alcheverse share a common ingredient you’ll gain a Synergy bonus that improves the creatures statistics!

Position your Alcheverse in the most strategic way and let them fight for you: automatic combat allows you to focus on the strategy rather than the reflexes. Unlock powerful Synergies to overcome the hardest fights! Beware, the game is challenging and it will take you time to learn all the best strategies and combos!

The town of Gladview is in danger! The greed of King Paxton led to the creation of the Corruption: a failed alchemy experiment that infects everything it touches! The Master alchemist Gullio was also Corrupted, and he’s the only one that can fix this mess! You are Lumpy, the alchemist apprentice that will make the journey to the Volcano of the island of Gigax to rescue Gullio. Will you be able to save the master and end the Corruption?

Alcheverse: Shadow from Gladview on Steam

The Corpsmen

The Corpsmen

Unless you have a passion for making an ultimate abomination, the content of this game, at the moment, only amounts to 2 hours tops.

Game got great concept and a very solid core, but very messy in many ways. Bugs, crashes, lags. Afaik the devs are aware of the bugs and UI issues, so it should be fixed eventually, but for now, if you can’t stand “true” early access games, I’d say you wishlish this and wait. “True” early access as in, it really is an early access game, unlike many modern games where it’s pretty much complete but they just put the early access tag there as an excuse in case anything goes wrong, this game really is in early access state where the game pretty much is incomplete, but out there early so people can test it out.

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Warning before I post this. This game is still in development, and as such has some issues. That being said it just had a huge update, and a rather riveting beta phase for such an update. The development team seems to be paying attention to the forums and are able and willing to answer questions, even inane ones like that kind I ask.

They are working hard on fixing the bugs and issues, even at this current moment as I type this up.

That being said, I do recommend this game.

I should go over it, so here I go.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

The Corpsmen on Steam