Soul Reaper

Soul Reaper

Soul Reaper quickly hooks player attention with an effectively deployed progression system, and does a fine job in offering multiple avenues to keep engagement levels high. While enjoyable for the most part, its grindy nature can render it tiresome, and the current lack of proper side quests beyond feats leaves something to be desired. Still, it’s a good debut, and a fresh ambassador for the RPG genre that leaves a lasting impression by defying convention.

Review key provided. Thanks Power Level:)

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Loot Games.

Really nice, and fast paced; monster-catching strategy RPG. The game has aspects of idle-game style gameplay, however the strategy comes from squad optimisation, gear socketing, and order placement (there are ‘row bonuses’ available, but those’re kinda beyond me at the current time of writing, lol).

I made a fairly in-depth, but still very early, impressions video; available here:

Really looking forward to discovering more monsters, and more strategic optimisation in the hours and days to follow.

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

Soul Reaper on Steam

Geneforge 5: Overthrow

Geneforge 5: Overthrow

Awesome game with a fair bit of challenges and stuff.Plus that it has good graphics and awesome creations


Fyora:Basic Creature with both melee and missle abilities,but not that much health

Thahd:Creature with powerful melee attacks and very high health but a very high chance to get confused or charmed in battle

Artila:Very low health and low melee damage,but very good acid damage.Suitable on large forces to defeat some weak bosses

Cryoa:Improved version of the Fyora shooting Ice Bolts.Still doesn’t have a lot of health

Real player with 385.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector RPG Games.

This appears to be the largest of the series in terms of choices and lore.

As always try to find your games on sale. While I personally feel all of the Geneforge games deserve to be bought for full price…money is money and people need it for other things like eating or having a home

I copied and pasted from my own review… I’m lazy…

This game is a turn based game Fantasy RPG just like the previous games You will need to read for context during the game. If you don’t like reading you won’t like the game. You generally get short scenes from the story where you and your companion will speak and you will receive details about them depending on your skills. You choose how to respond and the scene continues. Making choices with words and actions will shape your story and eventual ending.

Real player with 75.4 hrs in game

Geneforge 5: Overthrow on Steam



Entodrive is a Pokemon-like adventure that I’ve grown fond of over my 3+ hours of playing. The one person development team is very active, with weekly updates indicating what was added/changed, as well as what is in store for the next update. As the community is relatively small, any feedback you have will be read and considered as part of future development, it’s a fun experience!

The game is still in an alpha state and is enjoyable as-is. It’s well worth the price if you are prepared going in that there are unfinished aspects to the game, and crashes will happen from time to time. Thankfully the game has a robust save system and is very quick to boot up and resume your progress. I also enjoy the music a lot.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Party-Based RPG Games.

Cool creature collector game

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Entodrive on Steam



The game is very enjoyable from the peaceful soundtrack to the ping you get from catching a new monster. Keeping in mind its early access somethings could be made clearer, like for example perhaps in the pause menu a place where you can see the controls, or perhaps adjusting the dialog from some NPCS made easier to understand, For those who don’t know how to think. For the price of roughly $22, id say its worth it, the game currently has 20ish monsters to catch and Nyanko (Dev) has already pushed out a large number of fixes for bugs that the very welcoming and active community report in the games discord page. All and all if your looking fun, peaceful game to take your time on and enjoy with minor challengers, then this may be the game for you.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Neumunsters is a game that is very charming because of the design of its monsters and surroundings. The game also shows a lot of potential with all of the planned content. Nyanko also patches a lot of bugs really quickly and tries to add new stuff as soon as possible which is quite astonishing if you consider that they make by themselves. I personally would say that the game is worth its current price explicitly if you consider that it will get more content over time.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Nuumonsters on Steam

World of MiniMonsters

World of MiniMonsters

WORLD OF MINIMONSTER is a game of creature collection. You must beat 20 levels to reach the boss in the final showdown. (This can change each game).

To be able to beat the final boss, you should level up your MiniMonsters. What better way to do it than with potions?

POTIONS - Buy potions to make your MiniMonsters stronger or change its stats. But you will need gold to buy them, then…

LET’S GO ON ADVENTURES! - Each level has 3 different adventures, 2 easy and 1 not so easy. While you are overcoming adventures, you will get gold and new potions for your MiniMonsters. You will need to have specific MiniMonsters to reach the victory. So, you should manage your group of MiniMonsters as better you can.

Are you ready to FIGHT? - Beat 3 different MiniMonsters in each land to reach the next level, but be careful! Maybe the last one is a Gold Star Minimonster (like a little boss with a special skill).

How to FIGHT? - It’s very important to know that each type of MiniMonster has different strengths and weaknesses. Light gets a bonus when fighting against Nature. Nature gets a bonus when fighting Mechs. Mech get bonuses when fighting against Dark, and Dark get bonuses when fighting against Light. You will also be interested to know that each MiniMonster is linked to an element. So Water gets bonuses against Fire, Fire against Earth, Earth against Air, and Air against Water. These elemental blasts are very powerful but will consume energy.

BATTLEGROUND - Select your battleground to get more bonuses for your MiniMonster. Each battleground will help one type of MiniMonster. Thus, it is essential choose your battleground well.


  • 68 MiniMonsters (64 playable)

  • 13 Different potions

  • 35 Adventures

  • 16 Battlegrounds

  • 9 different skills that change the fate of the battle

  • Random music for the main panel and battles

Have you already chosen your favorite MiniMonster?.

World of MiniMonsters on Steam

moon: Remix RPG Adventure

moon: Remix RPG Adventure

In 1997, the now legendary anti-RPG “moon” launched in Japan. Now, under the watchful eye of its original creators, it’s finally in English!

Have you ever felt it odd that the heroes of RPGs go around opening villagers' closets and stealing from them? Or that they travel the world indiscriminately killing all monsters they meet? This game looks at the RPGs we all know and love from a new perspective.


One moon-lit night, a young boy is sucked into the depths of his television set.

He falls into a place called ‘Moon World’, and thus begins a search for love in order to recover the lost moonlight.

Here, the mighty hero of Moon World murders innocent animals for experience,

but the boy’s growth comes from saving the souls of the animals and gathering the love in the world.

Yes, in this game, you level up by loving, not fighting.

The inhabitants of this world are all unique. Observe their daily lives and learn where they hide their secret love.

“Now, please, open the door!”

An RPG without battles - Save the monster’s souls -

All the monsters killed by the ‘hero’ are actually just innocent animals. As you explore the game, you will encounter the bodies of these pitiful creatures. But, if the boy can catch their souls, they can be saved.

A living, breathing world! - Peek into the secret lives of the NPCs -

Moon World’s residents go about their routine lives, depending on the time and day. The florist goes to work in the morning, and the castle guards arrive at their posts. Some folks have secret midnight hobbies, and others just spend their days fishing.

MD System - Choose your own soundtrack -

In moon, you can choose your own music. By using the special music playing Moon Disc(MD) function which appears in the game, you can walk around the map listening to the tracks you like in the order you set them.

moon: Remix RPG Adventure on Steam

Geneforge 1

Geneforge 1

Geneforge 1 is pure, simple perfection, and a large part of my emergence as a gamer. For those liking more story-focused RPG games, it may very well be a hidden gem.

G1 is a testament to how a well-written story will outlast graphical advancements any day, because while graphics become more outdated with time, a good story will last forever. G1 hits you with a curious but well-executed medieval Sci-Fi story, that’s simultaneously thoughtful, memorable, and well before it’s time. There are no real low points to it either; from start to finish, it remains strong and consistent. You are also very much the master of your own destiny in the game; unlike the future games, which place you into a specific sect as soon as you start the game, G1 has zero hand holding. Beyond the vague reputation of your kind, you’re free to do whatever you want, and you can very easily play without allying yourself with the numerous factions presented to you. There’s also the option to go completely mad with power, which I personally have a big preference for, and very much appreciate and recommend.

Real player with 188.6 hrs in game

tl;dr: If this review is too long for you, you probably aren’t going to enjoy this text-heavy game. But you can skip to the summary at the end.


Go back to the very early stages of this millenium (when this game was released), and you might remember two things: (1) fascination with emerging medical technologies surrounding genetic modification and (2) the Infinity Engine at its zenith. Both of these influences can be found in Geneforge, which takes genetic modification as its theme, and uses a Baldur’s Gate-like mechanic for its gameplay (although shorn of D&D rules and a conventional fantasy setting).

Real player with 100.5 hrs in game

Geneforge 1 on Steam



Chainmonsters is a massive multiplayer online RPG where you catch, battle, trade, explore, and combine different types of monsters and abilities to create your own style of play. No game subscription required. Explore the vast lands of Ancora together with your friends on Steam, iOS and Android!

Key Features

Massive Multiplayer allows you to join your friends on an epic journey and complete quests and dungeons together.

Cross-Platform Play across Steam, iOS and Android.

Catch over 135 unique Chainmons with diverse traits, types and abilities. Combine into multiple Squads for various occassions.

Story-based campaign. Join the N-Corp agents and discover the mysterious disease that is affecting Chainmons across the land.

Dungeons and Raids challenge those that are eager to dive deep into the world and defeat special Raid bosses.

Dynamic day/night cycle not only alters the visuals but also has gameplay effects.

Chainmonsters on Steam

Hidden Object: Detective Holmes - Heirloom

Hidden Object: Detective Holmes - Heirloom

A very interesting and addictive game, suitable for those who like not to waste time. I can note that in the game, there is a good portrayal of the slightest moments. The levels are very cleverly made, they do not let the player get bored.

After the game, only positive emotions remained, and I can safely advise my friends and acquaintances, and I’m afraid that they will not like it.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Being able to play repeatedly with different objects to find each time.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Hidden Object: Detective Holmes - Heirloom on Steam

Hijack Overdrive

Hijack Overdrive

_Why blow up an enemy vehicle when you can steal it?

Why stay in 1 vehicle when you can pilot a small fleet?_

Hijack Overdrive is a fast-paced action game where you steal enemy vehicles mid-combat to fight back. You’ll have to jump from vehicle to vehicle in order to grow and maintain your self-acquired-fleet as you pilot them single-handedly through the enemy forces.

It’s a unique genre-mix of Platformer, Shootemup, and a bit of Towerdefense.

Key Features

  • Innovative new game concept

  • 3+ hours of action-heavy gameplay

  • tons of different vehicle-types to acquire and use as you see fit

  • Bring acquired vehicles to the garage to dismantle them or built new ones, and take them to other missions

  • Grow your own personal fleet to lead assaults into the monster realm!

  • Defeat big boss-monsters

  • Unique scoring system by breakdancing on vehicles


You’re part of a small resistance fighting against a tyrant set on world domination. His quest for power has led him to look beyond our world in search of the elusive monster-realm and the power it contains.

He must be stopped before it is too late, but his forces vastly outnumber the resistance’s. In a last effort, “operation Hijack Overdrive” has been set in motion.

Now all hope rests on your shoulders, as you’ve been trained and equipped to turn the enemies’ numbers against them!


At it’s core Hijack Overdrive is a tactical side-scrolling platformer. Staying in 1 vehicle will often mean the death of you, so you’re constantly on the move, stealing different vehicles, creating a small fleet on the fly, all while dodging enemy fire.

Depending on what you decide to do, a vehicle can be an enemy, an ally, a platform, or a shield.

You decide how you want to tackle each situation, but you’ll have to think fast.


You’re stationed in a base near the front line, from there you will start each mission.

After completing a mission, the vehicles you acquired get added to the garage in your base.

You can use any vehicle from your base to start a mission with, and even summon one when in a pickle.

There’s also a unique challenge for each vehicle type in your garage, so try to collect them all!

Grow your own personal fleet and use them on special missions where you’ll need every last one of them!

You can redo completed missions at any time to get more vehicles in your garage. (and get the ones you missed)

Hijack Overdrive on Steam