

I’ve played over 600 hours of Temtem and read through some of the reviews today and like most games with thousands of reviews think there’s some valid feedback and some not valid feedback and I figured I’ve play enough to give an adequate opinion.

PvP is the best part of this game and is one of the best turn-based strategy game I have ever played. Unfortunately, you (as of today) need to complete the story and grind very heavily in order to be able to sufficiently access this. In competitive matches, you have a team of 8 temtem and go through a draft/ban phase before the start of a match and end up battling opponents with 5 of your 8 tems. You and your opponent each get to ban a tem, then pick your two tems to lead (battles are 2 vs 2 at all times) then each get to ban another tem, and then draft 3 more. This phase alone requires quite a bit of strategy as you need to quickly be able to read counters to your team, and draft effective opposition to your opponents picks, and also means you have to have a well rounded and thought out team. Simply picking the best tems in the game or best tems on your team in a draft usually isn’t enough; you need well thought out win conditions, strategies, and tems that synergize with one another to accomplish shared goals get you there.

Real player with 638.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Character Customization Games.

To be fair, I shouldn’t compare this game to Pokémon, but it honestly does so much stuff better than most games from that series, SPECIALLY when it comes to combat mechanics, it trully makes me think a lot more about my overall team composition instead of focusing in each individual creature, plus you can fully customize moves at any time if you need to experiment and all. And most important of all: no RNG in combat, thanks goodness.

I have yet to reach the endgame, but I currently am on the 4th island of the game, and seems to be a pretty good game overall.

Real player with 72.6 hrs in game

Temtem on Steam



10/10 Would recommend to any fellow goblin, great for refunds

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

Goblin.Life on Steam



Chainmonsters is a massive multiplayer online RPG where you catch, battle, trade, explore, and combine different types of monsters and abilities to create your own style of play. No game subscription required. Explore the vast lands of Ancora together with your friends on Steam, iOS and Android!

Key Features

Massive Multiplayer allows you to join your friends on an epic journey and complete quests and dungeons together.

Cross-Platform Play across Steam, iOS and Android.

Catch over 135 unique Chainmons with diverse traits, types and abilities. Combine into multiple Squads for various occassions.

Story-based campaign. Join the N-Corp agents and discover the mysterious disease that is affecting Chainmons across the land.

Dungeons and Raids challenge those that are eager to dive deep into the world and defeat special Raid bosses.

Dynamic day/night cycle not only alters the visuals but also has gameplay effects.

Read More: Best Creature Collector Indie Games.

Chainmonsters on Steam



*Most Recent Review from this is October 24, 2015.

Hello to everyone who wish to purchase this game, but have difficulty if they want to. This is the review that you SHOULD read instead of the past reviews. Let’s begin…


Minimon’s storyline is very unique from other games that are an innovation of Pokemon because it involves your family, criminals, and the urge to become the best! monster hunter (trainer). The theme can clearly be seen as a mix of good and evil and the importance of family.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

Tags: Tycoon&Simulator&Sim&City

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Eternal Early Access. Broken. “Had to go get a job” devpost as update.

Menus are extremely slow to open, sluggish, I see the transition animations going on and off in crisp detail. Screen flickers occasionally when switching menus around. Game loaded at 10 frames per second, with no textures and just pure black void for all landscape. Could not move, environment non interactive, tried the user interface, slow and sluggish, clicked an emote and my character started a slow FPS dance. Could not cancel it. Force closed it.

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

Minimon on Steam

Digimon Masters Online

Digimon Masters Online



-Easy to access

-Wide variety of Digimon


-Only 4 Digivolution trees per character (you can make like 30 characters, but that’s tedious; guess that’s why so many slots are locked behind a paywall)

-Essentially pay to win (hatching lv3 eggs is hard enough, but I hear lv5 is necessary late-game)

-Words cut in half in dialogu


-Poor grammar

-Terribly unintersting storyline

-Crashes consistently (in my sub-hour playtime, it crashed twice)

-Difficult to learn (controls definitely take a long time to understand and get used to, and the game does a horribl

Real player with 5783.0 hrs in game


They have now removed eggs from arena and Removed perma aura nd perma jogress from coloseium reward makeing other players not able to compete.

officially dead game now

** UPDATE **

Started playing few days ago and manged to get preatty far.

its a good online game somewhat querky sale system but its not bad. ( after some searious time in this game i wanted to add some things )

i made it to max level and max digimon level on my main digis.

and i found the entire experiance of this game quite good.

Real player with 1509.5 hrs in game

Digimon Masters Online on Steam

Flower Design

Flower Design

In the brief time since FLOWER DESIGN was first released, it has blossomed into something rare. It is obvious that this DEV has a love for beauty (as well as desire to share it), and that love is what motivated him to embark on this project. But he also created something of beauty that encompasses game concepts (and even achievements now!)

When FLOWER DESIGN first launches, few components of flower arraigning are available. The player has a single pot, and very few flowers and accessory plants. The player can select a background, and the related lighting and shadows. At first, I considered that this might be a detriment for appealing to the more impatient of today’s gamers. To actually REQUIRE numerous finished arrangements to be “sold” into the game, to collect game currency in order to access more pots and plants? Would players be willing to wait, and work, to produce more elaborate arrangements, after starting off with possibilities so simple and basic?

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

I play this game when I’m supposed to be going to bed but not ready to get off electronics yet. It’s very simple, you pick flowers for a pot and can change just about all the parameters for the flowers and pot, then sell your creation when you’re done; the more parameters you’ve edited, the more it sells for. This game works perfectly on a touch screen tablet, and is pretty relaxing, except for the fireworks sounds when you sell an arrangement.

My major complaint about this game is not being able to move plants around in the pot. There’s a “pose” button that will change their location and direction at random, but sometimes plants will just stay stubbornly clustered away from one corner of the pot. Add the ability to move plants instead of all the other edits the developer is making to this game, and get rid of the fireworks sound, and it would be perfect!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Flower Design on Steam