Necromancer’s Gift

Necromancer’s Gift

Rescue your dog from a Necromancer that hates humans and find the meaning behind the title of this game. The Necromancer’s Gift.

Build your team

Build a team of 5 creatures out of 100 by capturing and evolving them as you get closer to the final battle with the Necromancer. Be careful. Death is permanent.


Battle your way through 1v1 battles where the abilities of alll your creatures influence the battle. Each creature can hold up to two items, and learn a variety of moves.

Plan Ahead

There are 5 floors, made out of a variety of rooms, like battle rooms, event rooms, and even shops. They are procedurally generated, and each floor has different floor abilities that modify the gameplay enough to keep it fresh. At the end of each floor, a floor leader awaits you.

Make the game your own. Customize how you want to play, what you want to encounter and try again. And again. And again.

Do not despair. You are not alone.

Read More: Best Creature Collector Turn-Based Combat Games.

Necromancer's Gift on Steam

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster

SMT 3 Full Save Progression (COMPLETE)

True Demon Ending : Complete (Hard / Chronicles / 18/06/21)

Freedom Ending : Complete (Hard / Maniax / 20/07/21)

Yosuga Ending : Complete (Hard / Vanilla / 02/08/21)

Musubi Ending : Complete (Hard / Chronicles / 01/11/21)

Shijima Ending : Complete (Hard / Vanilla / 18/08/21)

Neutral Ending : Complete (Hard / Maniax / 04/10/21)

Compendium: 100%

Puzzle Boy Completions: 6

Mot Deaths: 3

Extra Press Turn: Complete

Real player with 357.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector RPG Games.

It’s an old game but still a great game, never gets bored of the gameplay and stories, bought the deluxe during the autumn sale 50% discount. The new HD graphic looks good, main characters and some mobs now have voice acting, also now we can choose skills we need when fusing demons which is convenient. It was a pain and time-consuming before on PS2 that we had to keep shuffling until we get at least some okay skills. Hey Atlus, I wish you guys add Persona 5 Royal on PC too, yearning for that game so badly since a lot of us are unable to get a console.

Real player with 129.9 hrs in game

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster on Steam

Creature Lab

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist in search of the ultimate mutagen!

Creature lab sets you on a difficult path of a genius scientist with a very liberal approach to test subjects and official procedures. Establish your hideout and let the experiments commence!

Take stock of your inventory. There’s no use hoping for government funds so you’ll make do with anything you can find or even steal. Prepare your laboratory, obtain basic reagents, and see what happens when you mix them together. Analyze your results and see if your mutagens have any practical use or if they’re only useful as ingredients for more powerful concoctions.

Apply your mutagens to test subjects and observe how they react. Grow entirely new bodyparts and attach them to the creatures you create. Discover tens of different interactions between mutagens and body parts as you slowly assemble an army of mutants.

Running low on resources? Need more test subjects? Send your creatures into the city! Find whatever resources you need. Spread panic in the city to scare off anyone trying to find your hideout. And if the military starts looking for you, you can infect the citizens to delay the army as you prepare a more permanent solution. Let no one stop you in your search for the ultimate mutagen!


  • First-person mad scientists simulator

  • Complex resource and inventory management

  • A strategy element - plan raids on the city and prepare for encounters with the military

  • Dozens of different mutagens to discover

  • Unique body parts to grow and attach to your test subjects

  • A fear mechanic that lowers the chance of your hideout being discovered

  • Infection strains that delay military response to your experiments

  • Singleplayer campaign mode

Read More: Best Creature Collector Simulation Games.

Creature Lab on Steam

Cat’s Menace

Cat’s Menace

This game was a lot of fun to play in front of my stream audience, however playing it by myself without friends would have been a rather miserable experience, I’m afraid. The game has no save or checkpoint system, so when you have a Game Over, you have to start the entire game over from the beginning. The game operates by having you assign a cat to a task and making choices to decide whether the cats succeed or fail in the mission. The choices have no logic behind them, so it’s a coin flip in deciding if you lose the cat you assigned or not. Also, it doesn’t seem to matter which cats you assign to the mission. They’re essentially just very cute life counters.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

So, I’m going to be honest and say, I LOVE CATS…

Now, when I then looked at the “Similar to games you’ve played: The Witcher 3 and Portal 2” I was ready for this game to BLOW. MY. MIND.

Spoiler alert: It did not…

The other reviews are spot on:

  • English translation is bad, even to the point where some things doesn’t make sense

  • It’s game over pretty easily and you have no idea what would be the right answer to the events you’re prompted with

  • When you get a game over, you start over from the beginning - so it becomes a pattern of blindly guessing what’s right and having to remember every right answer to get further in the game. Which gets boring and annoying very fast.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Cat's Menace on Steam

Monsters of the North

Monsters of the North

Key Features

  • Befriend monsters and get to know them

  • Battle enemies in turn based elemental combat

  • Choose what monster gets to speak to new recruits

  • Build monsters relationships with each other and follow their quest-lines

  • Permanent death and high stakes, monsters react and grieve for fallen allies

  • Replayable roguelite runs with a continuous story

  • Online Multiplayer Battling vs other players


In the ruins of humanity, intelligent and speaking monsters roam the Nordic landscape. But something is rumbling in the deep: an ancient being has awoken and is preparing to extinguish life in the North. One human and a party of monsters are the only things standing in it’s way.


  • The game is blind accessible, with Screenreader support and descriptions for monsters and visuals

  • Super Cane navigation

  • Contrast Options

  • Scaleable Text

  • Rebindable Controls

  • Difficulty modifiers

Monsters of the North on Steam

Uninvited Guest

Uninvited Guest

I really like this game, but there is a part in level 4 that is literally impossible. I did exactly what walkthroughs showed to do, and has other people even try it, and no one could get passed ringing the bell. I tried restarting the game, I tried using a different controller, I’m at a complete loss, and that sucks because that’s basically the end of the game that I miss out on.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

This game was AMAZING! I was very apprehensive at first, but glad i gave it a go with my community.

Lot’s of jump scares, story line was awesome, it has 5 levels with all different scenery..

Would 100% recommend this and the price is worth it.

Below is my game play.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Uninvited Guest on Steam

Malice & Greed

Malice & Greed

I’ve currently put around 200 hours into the alpha version of Malice while playtesting it before the early access launch, and it’s a MASSIVE recommendation. I feel like I’ve learned so much about the game, but that just makes me realise how much left there still is to discover.

Malice is quite a fresh take on the Roguelite genre with a progression system that surprisingly manages to sit in the middle of Hades & Dark Souls in a way that clicks. The number of possible builds with distinctly different playstyles is actually wild, and the emergent interactions scale in a way where there is always another thing to learn or consider, even if you think you’ve learned it all. Each time you have another ‘aha’ moment and understand how you can combine the systems together in a new way, the game reveals a whole new world of what you are able to do with those systems, things you would have never even considered but make so much sense once you know it’s possible.

Real player with 153.7 hrs in game

You know how Early Access games usually build on top of itself like a tower but without expanding itself, so you generally want to wait until it’s actually full release so you don’t get bored or worse, done with the game completely? Somehow this game doesn’t feel like that. Each major update feels like its own little game, and replaying them doesn’t feel boring at all. It does help that if you don’t know what you’re doing you will get wrecked super hard, and even if you do know what’s going on you’re probably still going to get wrecked by some very poor decision-making.

Real player with 74.0 hrs in game

Malice & Greed on Steam

Atrio: The Dark Wild

Atrio: The Dark Wild

It’s still very early access but this is a fun game! I was in the mood for a new base-builder game when I found the demo for Atrio. I liked it enough that I bought the game on day one. I’ve sinked a few hours into the game and I am loving it. It’s like Factorio and Don’t Starve had a cute baby.

Right now I’m playing in story mode. I’ve reached the end of chapter 1 (which is as far as the story goes right now), but I’m still building out my base in preparation for when the next chapter comes out. I have almost everything automated and almost everything researched (that’s available right now). Once I’ve done everything I can do in the story mode I’ll switch over to free mode and see if I can take it further.

Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

I love making your own factory and the fact that you can make it longer, shorter, and it works the way you want 100% but 4 parts really bugging me is the bees just stand still and group up for hours unless your blow them up, the chests can be very little and take up alota space, its little but kinda anoying when you have to make 3 blocks touching the water for it to work, and the worst part is the deers wont stop stealing your glowbubs and making poos everywhere its anoying when you cant make them run away but other than that i would love 1-4 players that would be really cool since its simple and fun and you have so many tasks you can help your friends out

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Atrio: The Dark Wild on Steam

Mental Hospital - Child of Evil

Mental Hospital - Child of Evil

You work as a reporter for a small local newspaper. One fine evening, you receive a message from your friend Ada that something mystical is happening in the vicinity of the Santa Monica Psychiatric Hospital. The most hopeless psychos from all the states were brought there! So you take a video camera and decide to check what was really going on there. But the story you’re getting into is so terrifying that you will remember it for your whole life! And it depends only on you whether you can unravel this tangle of chaos and horror and survive.

Seven reasons to download Mental Hospital right now:

→ Solve the mystery of the mystical phenomena that are rumored;

→ Many scary monsters and animals.

→ Many available levels to complete.

→ An exciting and unpredictable plot will not leave you indifferent.

→ Stunning graphics.

→ A perfect horror game: intense gameplay, scary monsters, sudden screamers, as well as a chilling atmosphere.

→ You will be accompanied by the natural sounds of the environment, which convey the effect of presence and plunge into madness.

Mental Hospital - Child of Evil on Steam

Dark Forest: Lost Story VR

Dark Forest: Lost Story VR

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here:

This is a horror game for VR that currently only has 1 of 2 story chapters available. The story of Baba Yaga can be split up into three different parts, plus the intro. Whole thing took me approximately 1 hour, but I took the scenic route (which leads to many deaths unfortunately). I think you can easily finish this game in 30 minutes otherwise.

The intro is just really walking from point A to point B while some scary stuff happens. The first part is simply figuring out how to get through the level (finding the key and where to use it) and you may come across the Baba Yaga and she will kill you if you don’t escape. The second part is mostly chasing sequences where you have to find enough obects hidden within the areas. The last part is a horror stealth section where you have to figure out the patrols of enemies who hear very well, but can’t see.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

kinda awful, clunky controls and not very satisfying gameplay.

was funny though

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Dark Forest: Lost Story VR on Steam