Glitch War

Glitch War

Glitch War is a Action, Strategy, video game. It’s a game where you command units as you take back your world from invading monsters. You control unique characters who each have their own special attacks. There are puzzles and boss fights that you will have to make your way though. There is an open world to explore. You can go in any direction you want, find new areas, new units, and experience each area as you progress through the game. I am an indie developer and have been working on this game for just under a year now and its really shown me my passion for creating games! It has been such a blast and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have making the game!

Read More: Best Creature Collector Strategy Games.

Glitch War on Steam



Played for 7 hours was more than enough. Good try for a 16 year old. Gets boring fast.

  • Fly traps don’t work is always 0 flies.

-Drill does nothing when right clicked on

-Door does nothing when right clicked on and never closes anyway

-Chicken coops don’t give more chickens even if bar is kept in the middle. Easier to just pick it up and place it again for full restock.

-Trees stay fallen 50% of the time and need more chopping before they disappear.

-Wheat has no icon in inventory when fully grown and picked.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Strategy Games.

Not ready for release. Needs an intro reading book or small help window, not some guy speaking in french, (which I do not speak or understand), to give a long video explaining mechanics and needs more content and building/crafting details per item so people understand what the item is, purpose its for, etc… Also the first day I had four men show up and had no weapon to craft to attack them. They destroyed everything.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Grandiose on Steam

Kindred Fates: Combat Arena Alpha

Kindred Fates: Combat Arena Alpha

I am hyped for the future of this game.

If you wanna buy it and you are scared of the price, dont forget the price includes alpha, beta and full game access.

Buy it If you believe in the devs (they are the best devs you can dream of) and you want to support them.

This is only PvP but the full game will be an Open World Monster Battling RPG. Keep in mind that this game in its current state has bugs and isnt perfectly optimized (alpha). I just cant wait for the beta and hope many more people gonna buy it so the PvP community to test Alpha and Beta becomes bigger.

Real player with 207.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Arena Shooter Games.

Edit: With the alpha being out for almost a year now I got to say the game is still fun and the devs are great!


We will start off with the general gameplay and how it feels.

The gameplay is a fast paced real-time action packed gameplay, A style very unique to a monster taming game. But Skymill does not stop there, they also have what has to be my favorite part of the game, Types as a play style. What this means is that instead of your normal “Fire deal x2 damage to grass” that we see so often Kindred fates instead makes it so that its your player style that counters the type not your damage. This leaves much more room for player skill than other games. Here is an example of what I mean when I saw types as a play style.

Real player with 117.8 hrs in game

Kindred Fates: Combat Arena Alpha on Steam

Idle Monster Frontier

Idle Monster Frontier

I find this to actually be a very good Single Player Monster Collector game.

You push your team of monsters through a series of waves of enemies, collecting gold and other monsters to build your team. The basic gameplay loop is a monster collector, where a gold resource and other monsters you don’t want/need are consumed to make your main monsters more powerful.

It has a traits system where monsters can learn abilities from others allowing for customization.

The game is free, obviously with some very pay to win stuff available in the store. However there is practically nothing you cannot get in this game by playing it normally for free. The daily gems (premium currency) quests will give you a slow stream of currency to buy the things you need. Some players have complained that the best monsters in game are purchasable in the shop for 750 gems (which is a LOT) however they don’t really take into account that fact that this is a bad purchase type. The monster could have a low speed rating, and due to how levelling up a monster works, you do not need only 1 of a top tier monster, you will ultimately need many, many copies.

Real player with 1577.5 hrs in game


Lets start by saying this game will not play itself 100% of the time, SO WHAT!!.

This game has TONS of unique things not seen or tried on any of the multiple and plenty of Idles ive played before!

This game encourages creativity and imagination to build not the optimal but the team you dream of, The core is the only defining part while you are able to freely create a creature however you dream it for you specific team. They add new units, events, and they are (DEV) Looking out for the game, Dont let this few people that play the game for minutes or even low hours fool you. THIS IS A GREAT GAME.

Real player with 283.8 hrs in game

Idle Monster Frontier on Steam

Insect: Bombardier beetle

Insect: Bombardier beetle

This is certainly a game that exists.

Not a game that’s worth $16, or really worth money at all, but it does technically have all the features to qualify as a game.

You play as a bug that spits at other bugs until they die. That’s it.

The other bugs walk at you extremely slowly so most of the game is spent walking backwards and clicking your mouse a lot, because the other bugs have a decent amount of health and respawn too many times. I’m not sure how anyone thought this would be enjoyable enough to release, let alone charge money for, but it’s here.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Insect: Bombardier beetle on Steam

Rune Factory 4 Special

Rune Factory 4 Special

The Peak of Farming RPG Game

Having played the game for countless hours in 3DS and the Switch, RF 4S is easily the best in the series and is the best RPG Farming sim out there, rivaling even Stardew Valley and easily outclassing the series this game is based on: Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons.

Besides as a Farming sim, the game is a great JRPG with nice and fluid combat, there are several weapon type which has different gameplay each such as short sword which is decently fast and will have 100% of your shield effect but it’s range is limited or dual knife which is extremely fast and have lots of DPS but the range is very short and you cannot have the shield benefit at all, my fav is great sword since it has a lot of damage and great reach but it’s slow and only have 50% of the shield effect, but you can use other weapon skill while benefiting the greatsword’s range and damage, yes you can use different weapon skill even if you’re not equiping the corresponding weapon but you’ll get double the MP cost penalty which is annoying early on but once you have lots of food to restore your MP it is not a big deal.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Full video review:

Written review below!

I was a bit iffy going into this one. Harvest Moon type games have always been a bit hit or miss for me, but with Rune Factory 5 coming out soon, I figured I’d give this one a shot.


Despite the simple graphics here - RF4S is a bit of a beast in terms of content. Not only is there the farming stuff, but you’ve got dungeon exploring, this extensive crafting system, a large map to explore, and a dating and marriage system on top of that. Up front, it seemed like I would get lost in all of this, but the game actually does a really good job easing you into it through its request system.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Rune Factory 4 Special on Steam



Denied from both heaven and hell, the Corpo-seco was forced to roam the world like a lost soul.

Lost by hatred, he swore revenge on gods and humans.

In his quest for power, he allied himself with an immortal Witch named Cuca and thus acquired the power of domination over almost every magical creature in the world.

What is Lendas?

Lendas is an action RPG with focus on exploration and survival in a living ecosystem procedurally generated.

You will harvest resources, defeat powerfull creatures and borrow their powers to defeat the Corpo-seco and the mighty Cuca.

Lendas on Steam

Mython Island

Mython Island

If you like Monster Taming games like Pokemon and Roguelike games such as Slay the Spire then you need to own this game. It blends the two genres so seamlessly that I can’t believe it hasn’t really been capitalized on before.

The game offers two modes, Story and Survival mode the former has you choosing a starting Mython and the latter you will receive a team of random ones. You have to manage your Mython through the randomly generated runs and pick different paths depending on what gets generated.

Real player with 168.9 hrs in game

Mython Island is a game that I have been waiting for since Visionstead Studio’s first tweet about the game. The art style grabbed me, and the concept seemed cool: a roguelike monster taming game. Going into this game, despite it being EA, I had high expectations.

Mython Island 100% met my expectations, and the developer has exceeded my expectations when it comes to acting on feedback concerning the game.

One of the first things you will experience is the OST, and it is immediately enjoyable. The feeling and sound of the OST changes at different points during the game, but all of it is a cut above many indie games' OSTs!

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Mython Island on Steam

Necromancer : Winter

Necromancer : Winter

If you enjoy endless amounts of fun and the time of your life buy this game now. This game was a complete and udder blast i cannot amount it into words. I am positive this game was touched by the hand of god himself.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

i cant say this game has anything special about it expect the idea of reviving dead and taking them with you to the next level.

wich is pretty much the whole content. you wander from one area to another kill everything, revive it and go to th next area. there is no real challenge behind it and the whole game is finished in under one hour.

this game has great potential but waaay to little content. if it gets developped prpperly i would definitely pay more for it.





Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Necromancer : Winter on Steam



honestly a great concept. couple good jumpscares and keeps you at the edge of your seat most of the time. still a lot of work to be done as well obviously.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Its a fun game but it need more polishing. I really like the idea of hunting a monster with a friend but like i said it need polishing. It has alot of bug but still is fun to play. i really hope the dev will keep up with the game it has alot of petential.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

S.P.A.T. on Steam