Safari Zone

Safari Zone

Pretty chill game, nice soundtrack, NPC dialogue was definitely a highlight.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Action-Adventure Games.

Safari Zone on Steam

Insect: Bombardier beetle

Insect: Bombardier beetle

This is certainly a game that exists.

Not a game that’s worth $16, or really worth money at all, but it does technically have all the features to qualify as a game.

You play as a bug that spits at other bugs until they die. That’s it.

The other bugs walk at you extremely slowly so most of the game is spent walking backwards and clicking your mouse a lot, because the other bugs have a decent amount of health and respawn too many times. I’m not sure how anyone thought this would be enjoyable enough to release, let alone charge money for, but it’s here.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Singleplayer Games.

Insect: Bombardier beetle on Steam

My Singing Monsters

My Singing Monsters

This game opened my eyes to the greater questions. Why are we here if not just to play My Singing Monsters? If there is any meaning in life I think I’ve found it. When the Fwog proclaims, “Wa wa wa wa wa wa,” I think I understand further why life was granted to us. Our whole purpose, was to create My Singing Monsters, and play it. The only thing we should have done, and the only thing we should be doing, is playing My Singing Monsters. I got choked up when the Maw said “De de, de de de, de de de, de de de, de de de, de de de, de de de, de de de.” It forced me to think, to open my mind to the bigger picture. Friends don’t matter. Nothing matters as much as My Singing Monsters.

Real player with 207.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Creature Collector Psychological Horror Games.

Shortly before My Singing Monsters was released on steam, my life was spiraling out of control. But then one day a friend of mine told me that My Singing monsters was on steam. I couldn’t believe it, it was true, it had just released and it turned my life upside up again. The second I heard the noggin gracefully slap the top of his head repeatedly to the first time I heard the mammot seductively say “Bummm”. I cried tears of joy, Every time I feed my monsters I feel proud and genuinely feel like my monsters care about my well being. I talk to my monsters every night and tell them about my problems. All I talk about is my singing monsters and my friends blocked me on discord because I only talk about My Singing Monsters. Thank you Big Blue Bubble. Thank you for bringing a purpose to my life again.

Real player with 194.0 hrs in game

My Singing Monsters on Steam

Abomi Nation

Abomi Nation

I’m still in the midst of my first run, but I adore the charm this game has. The combat is very enjoyable, and there’s a decent challenge even on the normal difficulty setting. A big selling point is just how customized you can make each run. Difficulty, permadeath, which Abomi join you, all of it can be influenced at the start of a new run, and the game very much encourages you to play it multiple times. No two runs are going to be the same!

The cutesy style of the game greatly contrasts with just how dark this game can get sometimes, though. There’s regular references to death, dying and killing, and your team members actually talk about it when somebody dies. It’s not the most complicated game - if you’ve played any recent Pokemon title, you’ll grasp this game pretty easily - but it’s good fun, and each trek on the island is a brand new adventure. I’m very impressed that this was mostly made by one person! And we’re getting new Abomis every now and then, too, which adds to the fun! I do look forward to what might get added to the game in the future, but for now, I think I’m going to go ahead and hop back in!

Real player with 41.5 hrs in game

A good concept for a game but poor execution. The design aesthetic itself is not a problem, but the naming conventions and designs are… inconsistent and kinda cheesy. The gameplay is slow and the framerate is bad so the game feels like it takes forever while you’re not even accomplishing much. Fights are very matchup dependent which means they snowball based on who is your lead Abomi and the typing chart is unique so you really need to learn it before you attempt the game seriously. The UI is kind of shoddy and requires a lot of button presses and doesn’t allow for mouse/keyboard play which is odd for a game released for PC.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

Abomi Nation on Steam

Snack Tick

Snack Tick

The game is allot of fun and really makes me ask the question ; " man have i been killing aliens by mistake my entire life?".

jokes aside the game is really fun the simplicity is very refreshing. my favourite upgrades are magnet, and speed.

but i have one Gripe.

The grass man is just too much. it kills my Frame-rate.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Its not a bad game

The idea is very creative, taking inspiration from bugs and the games becomes more fun trying to complete more frustrating challenges. My only complaints with the game is the bottom character of bugs have a bugged movement in the fire stasge( the last stage).

The Stage where there is 2 separate lawns with a hammer or something crushing you, I have a big problem with this. The Hammer descends too fast and the fake/harmful food needs a better visual hint to show they are harmful like a black aura surrounding them.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Snack Tick on Steam



Lucky me gets to write the first review of Catch’em, which is a 2D retro pixel fishing simulator/clicker game. Gameplay consists of clicking on the screen a lot to make it seem like you’re fishing, so basically what you would expect from a crapware mobile screen tapper game, but for some reason, inflicted on PC gamers instead, via the wonderful DailyIndieGame shovelware bundles.

I don’t know if this is an asset flip or a template flip, I never saw this one before, but it’s garbage anyway. 2D retro pixel “art” used instead of proper graphics, locked resolution, low resolution (jaggies everywhere), terrible attempt at “gameplay”.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Catch'em on Steam



You’re falling from the sky, air booming in your ears. You don’t remember how you got here, but the ground is getting awfully close.

THUD! Your back cracks against blue, hard ground. You groan in pain as a hoarse voice close to you croaks “Hello Plonks … Imma need you to build me a house”.

A thick hand helps you up on your feet. As soon as you’re steady a building tool is placed in your palms.

Populate and customize your Island

  • Build custom homes for Chonkymons that want to live on your island.

  • Craft unique materials and use them to build colorful furniture for your residents.

  • Unlock new recipes through quests and achievements.

  • Fuse Chonkymons into new unseen creatures.

Hang out with others

  • Mingle with the island’s residents.

  • Help animals around you that are in need.

You’re so welcome to come hang out in Chonkmondia!

Chonkymon on Steam

Re: Summon

Re: Summon

In the world of Re: Summon, humans and monsters have a unique relationship. They form contracts with each other and live alongside each other in their daily lives. In a Contract, the human side is referred to as a Summoner, with the contracted monster being called as a Contractor. Re: Summon is an excellent blend of the monster taming genre and a JRPG. Experience a compelling story, face off other summoners, solve puzzles and become the best summoner in the world of Re: Summon!

Form Contracts with monsters and become The Greatest Summoner!

Game Features:

  • An Epic Story to play through: Experience the journey of Weiss and Gemini in their adventures to become the greatest Summoner

  • Over 100 Contractors to form contracts with!

  • Lots of towns and cities to explore

  • Choose your battles! Monsters roam the overworld so you can choose whether to fight or run! Featuring a fun and engaging battle system

  • A robust fusion system to fuse your Contractors

  • Fishing!

  • Engaging puzzles to solve

  • Full Keyboard/Controller Support

Re: Summon on Steam

Zombie Gotchi

Zombie Gotchi

Fun little game!

Still needs some polishing here and there. But it has potential and I’m waiting to see how this will develop.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Se você quer voltar aos bons tempos do tamagotchi, esse é o jogo!

De início você pode escolher entre um zumbi macho ou fêmea, ,as pode ter acesso aos mesmos itens do sexo oposto (ex: roupas). Existe uma grande variação de roupas, acessórios, cenários, atividades, comidas, remédios e até mesmo itens para dormir! E de acordo com que você joga, o seu zumbi de estimação vai adquirindo níveis maiores que irão desbloquear novas atividades e itens.

Apesar de estar no EARLY ACCESS, ficou bem completo… tudo que falta é uma música ambiente.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Zombie Gotchi on Steam



Wholesome and funny. DOGS.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

i am extremely satisfied with my purchase.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

DOGS.IO on Steam