

Please note that this build is still a work in progress. Dysterra will be officially released in a near future.

Everywhere that Terrafire is burning is about to be wiped away. Only you can stop it through a co-op play by visiting Landmarks on the map.

Collect resources from your surroundings and craft clothes, weapons, food, and other necessities of survival. Hunt down animals for fresh meat and cook to starve off hunger. To survive longer, you need to look after your body condition to avoid getting undesirable status effects from elements like cold, heatstroke, or radiation exposure.

Build your own base to live in. Freely combine any of the 16 basic construction components to create your own structures. Construct structures and devices that will produce essential survival items or protect you from threats, such as Workbenches, Storages, Grills, and Turrets.

Enjoy FPS combat with melee weapons and firearms. Build a research facility to start crafting modern weapons. With enough progress, you can even produce powerful futuristic weapons. Other factors affecting your chance of survival include random supply drops, combat encounters with mysterious scouts, and the presence of hidden snipers, among many others.

Read More: Best Crafting PvP Games.

Dysterra on Steam

In Next Life

In Next Life

In next Life is a crafting, survival, and civilisation building game, where collaboration with other players gives you very real advantages (it is possible to play alone, but it will be harder to survive). Your technology level starts at stone age level, and then it’s up to you and your village members to invent and craft tools and technologies such as fire, baskets, spears, …, in order to survive easier and to advance to new development stages. Time moves quickly and each game played equals one life, including birth, childhood, adulthood and old age.

Read More: Best Crafting Online Co-Op Games.

In Next Life on Steam



This game is absolute dogshit, but i have seen worse. Multiplayer is finicky as hell but fun when it works. The souds are loud and rough, but hilarious. If you plan on getting this game for the cringe then get it because it is absolutely beautiful. Otherwise buy a copy for you and your friends as well. I honestly love this game. I just wish the dev would keeps working on it and fix networking issues. 8/10 would recommend

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crafting PvP Games.

This game has massive potential if the developer just put more effort instead of leaving it to die. this is why alot of people frown on indie games and see them as “Money Grabbing”.

It has its moments for such a cheap price i suggest you buy it it is better than most negative games and actually has some fun elements and great graphics. 3/5

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

NightZ on Steam

Smithy Wars

Smithy Wars

Pretty good! The crafting is well thought and original. The enchanting cards really take me back to Legends of Mana

Real player with 174.2 hrs in game

Fun little game if you like to watch auto-battles and try to figure out the best gear and setup to advance further.

The adventure mode is very bare-bone but the puzzles are interesting (although repetitive) and it is a good way to farm for gear and money, especially early in the game.

I got over 20 hours of fun until I felt I maxed out on gear and could not push further.

But the game just got an update with new, much more expensive gear that should allow me to push my champions a little further and squeeze more fun out of this game.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Smithy Wars on Steam



–——– Thought I’d update my early review to explain where the game’s at right now ———-

45 hours in, I still haven’t gotten bored. 80-something hours in, I still haven’t gotten bored.

This game WAS a buggy mess, multiplayer USED TO BE fucked and the gameplay loop can still feel kinda same-y and repetitive. This game is like if you let a child open five different flavors of ice cream out of the freezer, throw some of each in a bowl, and stirred it around until it all turned into a weird, brown soup with little “unique” bits sticking out of it everywhere. That said, that’s a sweet fucking soup and dear god does this game not lack in the charm-department.

Real player with 101.2 hrs in game

Fantastic game. Got this a while ago and at first the multiplayer barely worked, but with subsequent patches (the devs are working hard on it) this improved and became playable.

Game has a lot of depth to it and found time after time there was an additional layer of complexity after ascending ages, or figuring out new mechanics with gear, or skill trees. The game gets even better with friends as you can actually make a composition of tank, heal (kinda) and dps, and I definitely reccommend this game to be played with friends.

Real player with 96.7 hrs in game

Craftopia on Steam



Put in more time than I’d like to admit as you can see above. I got a bit obsessive with the building which can be very tedious. But still, after playing this game earlier on when it was first released I fell in love with it. I’ts been a while since I’ve played, but without a doubt once the game is officially released with tons more content I’ll be back to put another few hundred hours into it.

Real player with 387.3 hrs in game

This game is an extremely immersive for a sandbox survival.

It’s like being in Honey I shrunk the kids but looks better.

Sound effects are on point, the chase/battle music is intense.

Night time is very dark until the moon comes out.

For a kid friendly looking game, it has a lot of fear induced adrenaline moments.

Great graphics, solid building interface for early access.

Game physics and atmosphere are impressive.

Fun game to play, I highly recommend it.

Real player with 372.5 hrs in game

Grounded on Steam



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Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Muck. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the features will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also Gronk’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realize that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Muck truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Dani’s existential catchphrase “is it me or is (insert name) looking kinda THICC” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dani’s genius unfolds itself on their monitor screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Muck tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Muck on Steam



It’s the year 1970 in Sweden, and the Cold War is upon us. None of the thousands of bomb shelters have been used, until now. You and 24 other players start in separate apartments as air-raid sirens go off. You don’t have much time so gather as many supplies and weapons wherever and however you can.

What gear can you find? What supplies can you craft? Who can you trust? Use Shattle’s in-game voice chat to make friends or enemies. You’ll need all your wits about you to survive three bombing raids and make it to safety.

20-minute rounds

No more hiding or camping. You don’t have time for that. Survive to the end in any way you can. You have to think strategically, but you have to do it fast.

Close Combat Survival

Battle your way through everything from dense forests and bunkers to bomb shelters and underground tunnels as you get up close and personal with other players. Be careful! You never know who’s hiding just around the corner.

Destructible Environments

As bombs fall, they take chunks of the environment with them, creating more dynamics and new spaces in forested areas and buildings. So every time you leave your shelter, prepare for all-new surroundings.

Extensive weapons and armour

Loot, craft or upgrade, there are many ways to equip yourself for the fight ahead. And watch the skies! The Swedish Forces are known to drop some rare guns and armour via air supplies.

Points-based scoring

This isn’t your typical battle royale where you want to be the last one standing. Everyone’s goal is to make it to safety, but how you do it is up to you. Whether you want to shoot your way through or be a tactically sound crafter, everything counts towards your final score.

Bird’s View

Death isn’t the end of your journey. Come back as a dove and be the ultimate spotter for your team.

Shattle on Steam

Better Late Than DEAD

Better Late Than DEAD

This is the first time I have writen a review for any game.

Bought this game a while ago, but couldnt even play at first, I’m on a mac, an it was insanely laggy and just impossible to play, however now it seems to work better, guess the devs have altered things/made it run better on mac.

At first I was determined to like this game, as it had all the hallmarks of a game I would usually love, however, after playing numerous times now, I just couldn’t recomend this game.

first off, like others have said, player movement is weird, combat seems lacking, and days are short.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

This game was reviewed using a code sent by the developer/publisher.

Better Late Than DEAD is a survival adventure game developed by Odin Game Studios, being published on Steam in July of 2015 on Early Access.

As we have come all too familiar with the survival genre of games; you start off as a single character, dropped in the middle of nowhere and you are expected to survive. Games of this genre are often a hit from the start or just flop straight away. Unfortunately Better Late Than DEAD does not have a very bright future in my eyes.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Better Late Than DEAD on Steam



truly amazing

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Crafty on Steam