

Help. I do not know which combination is needed for Pancake Soup in this game

Edit says

Never mind. Some guide helped me figure it out but now I don’t know which combination is needed for French Toast

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crafting Tutorial Games.

I believe cooking only takes time away from eating (not to mention the shopping before and washing up after), but was happy to finally see a food-based puzzler that isn’t time-management nonsense.

cooking is very similar to doodle god, but with actual sense, not just combining random stuff to create more random stuff. at least that’s what I thought at first, then blamed myself for being a big-time eater with zero idea about cooking, then realized that part of my being dumbfounded is because everything consists of 2 or 3 ingredients, which may sound easy, but it really isn’t.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

CooKing on Steam



HackShot is a puzzle game with a mix of physics, logic and crafting

Analyze the environment, craft your solution, and hack the system!

Immerse yourself into open-ended puzzles where you breach security, destroy viruses, and battle black hats.

Analyze = Craft = Hack

Hundreds of twists, mix-ups, and interactions


  • Over 20 hours of puzzles

  • Feel like a real hacker with an optional command console and scripts

  • Open-ended puzzles, with multiple solutions

  • Craft over 7000 unique cyberballs to use

  • Security systems: Anti-virus, Anti-malware, Firewalls, and more

  • Viruses: Trojans, Ransomware, Worms, and more

  • Hackers will hack your solutions, so plan ahead

  • Annoy the developers and solve puzzles in your own way, you have all the necessary tools


  • Learn hacking, meet others in the Murky web, and earn your place on the top

  • Meet hackers, security specialists and cyber maniacs, through a mysterious, light-hearted and fun story

  • Dynamic narrative: other characters dialogue and reactions are affected by your actions

  • View the files you hack, and uncover information and secrets

Accessibility and game settings(still in development);

  • There is a quit button in the game, and a quit button in pause menu

  • Supports both windowed and fullscreen, and also support widescreen resolutions

  • Button remapping, and support for keyboard and mouse, keyboard-only, mouse-only and controllers

  • Full support for touch screens both in gameplay and menus

  • Full audio controls, and separate audio settings for main menu, gameplay and cutscenes

  • The ability to turn off visuals that have repeated patterns

  • Color blind mode

  • Interface size options

  • Color contrast control

–Hackshot Documentation–

_Who reads the documentation?!

Try the web demo, no download required (the link is provided above in the page), and have fun_

Read More: Best Crafting Difficult Games.

Hackshot on Steam

Project Chemistry

Project Chemistry

I’d really like to give this a positive review, but this game still needs work.

If you already have some background in physical sciences or engineering, navigating the campaign is manageable, if frustrating, exercise in trawling wikipedia and online chemical equation calculators. However, this doesn’t help someone who doesn’t have that background. I would expect more “education” given the “educational” genre of this game.

Several reaction pathways that exist in real life and presumably would complete a campaign task, but the game stubbornly refuses to provide the expected reaction as an option. For example, I’m currently stuck on the “electroplating” task for creating CrCl3 from Cr2S3. According to to an online equation balancer, either 6 KCl or HCl should be able to complete this reaction, but no dice. The hint in this case doesn’t help on this step either. I’m unable to determine if I’m not finding the true reaction after several googling attempts, or if this is a bug/oversight by the developers. Chemistry, as with many fields, often provides multiple pathways to a desired end, and I think this game should reflect that.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crafting Singleplayer Games.

Game is good and maybe even very good for early access game. Hopefully this message will reach devs so there is my opinion written 25th Dec 2020:

  • game looks like it was designed ‘mobile first’ which makes rather poor experience for PC with average 34" screen

  • interface is terrible (wsad for movement in 3D environment with dull, gray background without reference XYZ axes, compounds are unmovable, no way to rearrange compounds but only to wipe all the table altogether)

  • an overlay menu to pick compound breaks user connection with the ‘table’ not mentioning the ‘quest’

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Project Chemistry on Steam

Factorybelts 2

Factorybelts 2

I tried it out. I think it is a fun little game. I love games like this but, As of now there really isn’t enough direction I guess. Cant turn the music off, the mouse pointer covers up the description of the parts you need to put down. just small things. But I did refund but will keep my eye on this game for updates and improvements. I think if they work on it, it could be a really good game.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Factorybelts 2 on Steam

Marble Run

Marble Run

With over three years on Steam, 1,250+ games, and well over 100 reviews, there is no doubt in my mind that I have NEVER worked so hard to like a Steam game as I have with Marble Run. Additionally, I have over 75 hours (some offline) in a desperate effort to find that there may be a future for this game, based on a concept that I cherish. Currently, there simply is not.

Had Marble Run been released as Early Access, this review would not be written (now, at least.) Had it been released in a complete state, or had the DEV shown more interest in improvement, I would have waited, then almost certainly praised Marble Run. (And I did buy it for two interested friends.) But nothing that has “burst full grown from the head of Zeus” (so to speak) should ever be so flawed, so incomplete, and so (seemingly) resistant to suggestion. All indications (beyond one change) are that this game may as well be chiseled in granite, as is.

Real player with 80.6 hrs in game

Thanks for the cool game!

There are some flaws, but overall the game is very interesting. At first I could not guess as to raise the gun up. But by changing the angle of tilt I was able to send the ball across the face of the cube. It’s good exercise for the brain.

Please turn buttons items.

Good luck in the game’s development!

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Marble Run on Steam



Outerverse is an exciting, quest driven, automation adventure game. Build automated farms, machines, and weapons then use them to travel across the universe, beat massive titans, and advance your technology while experiencing cosmic events.

Defeat Massive Titans

Defeat massive titans using the automation systems. One moment you will be launching rockets into a massive golem, the other you will be building automated destruction systems to stop a massive underground plant from spreading!

Build Automated Machines & Farms

Automate unique machines and farms using logic, transportation, and spawning systems inspired by Redstone & Minecraft Automation. Design your own custom machines, or use pre-made schematics for simplicity!

Pursue Engaging Quests

Follow a questline that will fully guide your adventure. Progress to unlock better equipment and new space travel technology. From starting out and learning the basics, to defeating the most massive titans, the questline will guide you through the whole way.

Survive Cosmic Events

During the questline you will explore the beautiful space and experience exciting cosmic events in unforgettable locations.

Outerverse on Steam



Now here is one of my fav things and that is finding cheap puzzlers that are better then most of the expensive ones .

This game is a really good sokoban game with a twist.Now here is a fun fact,only 8 % of players completed this game so most of the reviews saying that this is a casual puzzler are not telling you the truth.The game starts at level 30 in my opinion and these levels are more or less very complicated.You can rewind only 1 move so that will test your patience and you will have to plan your moves.The twist in this game is that you have to connect the pieces so the light bulbs are on and I found this twist very refreshing in a sokoban game. A real hidden gem.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Really nice game. It is indeed difficult, but I never felt stuck on the levels. The music is nice and I liked the puzzle dynamic. The only thing that was introduced a bit too fast, was how to solve the puzzles with multiple light bulbs. The first few levels where you needed to do that, I looked up what the end result should be, because I couldn’t think of it myself.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Lighton on Steam



I started writing this review but got distracted and kept playing it.

Its pretty challenging but learning and overcoming a level gives a good level of satisfaction, but do be prepared to end up sitting on a level for an hour or so trying to learn whats going on slowly revealing all the intricate parts especially on the fog of war levels.

If you enjoy logic puzzles and perhaps a lil logic coding CHR143 is more than worth the asking price.

Real player with 101.4 hrs in game

CHR$(143) is an absolutely mystifying game. Behind its retro drapery in the style of the Amstrad CPC (a computer both slightly before my time and popular on the wrong continent altogether) is a construct that tears apart the modern rubric for successful games.

The result is something that is equally wondrous and maddening. The sense of discovery experienced here is something unlike anything I have experienced since the original Portal. New gameplay elements will be introduced that will come totally out of left field - once you’re out of those tutorial levels, how will they work, how will they behave, especially in a strange and quirky physics implementation? It will be on you to find out - this game demands you to experiment!

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

CHR$(143) on Steam

Lab Craft Survival

Lab Craft Survival

This is a difficult survival sandbox game that doesn’t hold your hand. If you like figuring things out yourself and discovering hidden game mechanics, you’ll enjoy this game. If you don’t have a high tolerance for failing though, you might find the game frustrating.

It’s definitely rough around the edges with several bugs and translation errors, and updates have been non-existent. If you’re looking for polish in a game, you won’t find it here, although overall I found it enjoyable.

Real player with 80.0 hrs in game

An interesting game, a simple but addictive indie toy to use the skills of adaptation in an unknown environment. Top for your money

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Lab Craft Survival on Steam



FOUNDRY is a first-person factory building simulation set in an endless procedurally generated voxel world. Mine resources, craft machinery and automate your research to progress through the game. Face logistic challenges by planning and building a conveyor belt and pipe network. Manage a complex power system and expand your constantly growing production lines.

Automate Everything

While you start small by crafting your first items and machines by hand, you will soon find yourself surrounded by a large sci-fi factory doing the work for you. You need to expand your factory by building more production lines, conveyor belts and pipes while keeping a stable power supply for your growing energy demands. By conducting research, you will unlock more advanced, complex and faster technology to optimize the design and maximize the output of your factory.

Expand Worldwide

Every new game starts with a different procedurally generated voxel world. Each block can be destroyed and new blocks (terrain or buildings) can be placed to shape the worlds to fit your desires. Build your sprawling factory on a mountain, in the jungle or inside the deepest mine - everything is possible!

Play Together

FOUNDRY can be played alone or cooperatively with friends. The multiplayer mode works over the internet as well as offline through LAN networking. There are currently no player limits for multiplayer, but we think the game is best played with 2-4 players.

FOUNDRY on Steam