Project Alpha 002

Project Alpha 002

Total CRAP! DON’T buy this shit play 7 days to Die instead :) Cheers

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crafting Violent Games.

Game has potential. buggy as hell can only carry 1 weapon. menu to exit game and menu has to be fixed no keys are mapped to it. very early stage but fun.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Project Alpha 002 on Steam

Death Rattle - Hell Unleashed

Death Rattle - Hell Unleashed

A fun game, running around killing all sorts of things. Quite like the campaign. All sorts of different ways to interact with the world. Things popping up all around you. Keeps you on the move and on your feet.

Definitely worth a couple of bucks

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crafting Destruction Games.

I am really enjoying this game!

At first glance I thought that this game seems really cool. The graphics are stunning, the crossbow looks cool, and the voice overs of the guards are done really well (especially the Captain). The tutorial/ training bit in the start is short enough to not be annoying, but it still teaches you the game fairly well. Once you finish the tutorial, you are surprised by a group of monsters, and when they spawn the music changes which is really cool and captivating. I also like that you can destroy some of the structures and even trees!

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Death Rattle - Hell Unleashed on Steam




(100% Spoiler-Free Review)

SSTR is a first-person horror puzzle game primarily, that however also tries to integrate survival-craft and tower defense elements in its gameplay. The game takes place on a massive colonization ship, the Horizon, that became a death trap after the AI controlling its systems, Sister, rebelled against its masters and slaughtered most of the crew. As one of the very few survivors, players will impersonate various characters in their struggle to shut down Sister’s core and wrestle back control of the vessel.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crafting Violent Games.

Don’t be fooled by the trailer this game is no run and gun FPS, more of an escape room style game. The puzzles get pretty hard as you progress and the game has a tower defense element that will help you slow down the enemies. I have to say this game is a bit challenging but I enjoyed the journey! Excellent atmospheric environment and audio design.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

SSTR on Steam

The Jungle

The Jungle

a lot better from last time i played it but still needs a lot of work i keep die from no water the AI some how could hit me and with out ever being around me and when i did fight the AI half my hit was like hitting air even tho i was hitting right at the AI body if somehow the developers read this would love to help you out with this game like what needs fixed what needs to add to it what needs to be taken away

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Such a shame this game is not worth your money I will be requesting a refund. I gave it a fair chance even though it looks so much like The Forest its just not complete or in a playable state sorry to say

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

The Jungle on Steam

Island World

Island World

Why is this 30 bucks. i mean what did i just play!?!?!?!

Gameplay - 0/10

Graphics - 0/10

Story - none at all - 0/10

Difficulty - if you count getting a gun with only 30 ammo and no way to get anymore I guess I could give it an 5/10, but there are only like 10 zombies anyway so 0/10

i give it a 10/10

Genuinely though, don’t buy

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

I was probably the first and last person to ever play this “game”, but if for whatever reason someone considers buying this, I suggest you try going to and playing some of those quality gaming there. (Y8 works too). If you’re expecting good voice acting, gameplay, graphics, difficulty, story, map design, physics or anything else, you won’t find it here. Bye bye!

Overall 10/10 tho.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Island World on Steam

Remothered: Broken Porcelain

Remothered: Broken Porcelain

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #46[/url] -- [i]New review every Sunday[/i]

Remothered Tormented Fathers , out in 2018, managed to shake people’s core through shocking plot, gasps, whilst enveloping the players in dread and grating atmosphere. You can imagine my jaw-dropping (not for the reason you’d think) when after two years of hype, anticipation via effective marketing- that Broken Porcelain was finally released to a shattered state… Are there any parts intact from criticism?

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Remothered: Broken Porcelain is a sequel to a decent game, Tormented Fathers, which was borrowing heavily from classics such as Clock Tower and a little bit Resident Evil for its basic concepts, to give us a short but intriguing stealth-horror adventure.

This one…. is just gross. Gross and schizophrenic just like most of the cast involved.

The plot revolves around Jennifer, an orphan brought to a newly opened hotel under the Etna, to work as a cleaner. It doesnt take 10 minutes for the story to fly well above its own expectations, as a person who’s supposed to be trustworthy, randomly spills the beans about every minute detail of the owner’s life story to a random orphan from a reformatory. After the load of infodump is nonchalantly thrown in the player’s face, in a couple minutes everyone goes insane just like in the first title, and its up to Jennifer to find a way to escape the hotel, uncover its mysteries, and possibly get to know who she is.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Remothered: Broken Porcelain on Steam



Ok so 6 hours in. If you can’t handle the random bug, this is in Alpha state. Wait until it gets more developed but $8 is a steal at the rate this single person development team and even if you don’t play it in its current state you will have it for cheap vs if the price is raised later.

I have built house but cannot add a roof.

I have crafted just about everything, except clothes.

As far as I can tell you are in underwear and can make a T shirt.

Meat is kinda scarce but not for the lack of things to kill. Foxes are hard to see and kill but provide the same amount of meat and leather as a pig.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

A very early alpha release game with a lot of potential. The game is playable but still has many points for improvement, as can be expected at this stage of development.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

4islands on Steam

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition

Aside from the notoriously bad port this game recived upon it’s arival to PC, this game is actually really damn good.

When i bought this game, i knew what i was in for. I had heard about people complaining about this game’s port to the PC, but.. to be honest, it didn’t bother me much. The framerate is locked to 30, which, sure. Is low compared to what a PC like mine normaly preform on games, but I have always been a huge fan of Capcom’s Dead Rising series, owning both the first and second game on console before getting them all on PC when i moved to it half-way through the 3rd gen console era.

Real player with 125.7 hrs in game

Dead Rising 3, the fourth dead rising game (Off the record was it’s own game but a rehash of 2). I’ve played all of them up to this point and to be honest, Dead Rising 3 might be my favorite.

The big thing Dead Rising 3 does is give the player far more power and time than the other games. The time limits are huge now, to the point where you barely have to pay attention to the story, just play the game, do all the side missions you want and then continue the story. It’s a freedom that the first 2/3 games didn’t have, and makes this game a joy to play. On the other hand it takes a 6 hour limit and moves it to closer to 30 for the first playthrough. This is actually a good thing as most people won’t replay these games repeatedly. I know some do, but I’m thrilled at only really needing one playthrough to see everything.

Real player with 75.3 hrs in game

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition on Steam

Exile to Death

Exile to Death


The game was given via curator connect. If you want to see more of our reviews, subscribe: True Reviews English Edition

The whole game consists of disappointments. First, the setup menu, which appears before downloading, has absolutely no effect on in-game graphics settings.

Second - at the ultra settings the game gives FPS less than 5. Even on minimal it’s freezing sometimes. Despite the fact that it look like 15 years outdated.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Hello Developers:

First off, please give us a tutorial or make a video showing us how to play this game. It’s near to impossible to find resources…What should I look for? How do I defend myself or even begin to defend myself?

The game is glitchy. It stutters a lot. The screen turns white and black. Why is the sprint button O?

Some communication from your team would be helpful as well. You don’t seem to like to post updates on Steam all that often. A little bit more from you would go a long way.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Exile to Death on Steam

Ultimate Summer

Ultimate Summer

If you’re someone who’s a fan of games where you’re basically a one man army fighting off hundreds of enemies and strategizing on what traps are best to use, where to use them, how long should you mine for rocks and wood to get items, etc. Along with trial and error. This is a game that does it pretty well for the price. For $3 you can’t go wrong with this game. It has a neat art style in it’s cutscenes and in game slight cel shading. Enemies have some neat designs. The game can get addictive and fun. It’s fun to just axe and shoot enemies with the guns provided.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Ultimate Summer

Asmodev’s are back with another banger, following the events from Infernal Radiation. Ultimate Summer takes the storyline further with another twist in the story-arc with a mix of a third-person shooter and tower defense gameplay.

Throughout the game, there are multiple references from the previous game and the story spills over to this one.

*– [Real player with 10.6 hrs in game](*
