Death Rattle - Hell Unleashed

Death Rattle - Hell Unleashed

A fun game, running around killing all sorts of things. Quite like the campaign. All sorts of different ways to interact with the world. Things popping up all around you. Keeps you on the move and on your feet.

Definitely worth a couple of bucks

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crafting Violent Games.

I am really enjoying this game!

At first glance I thought that this game seems really cool. The graphics are stunning, the crossbow looks cool, and the voice overs of the guards are done really well (especially the Captain). The tutorial/ training bit in the start is short enough to not be annoying, but it still teaches you the game fairly well. Once you finish the tutorial, you are surprised by a group of monsters, and when they spawn the music changes which is really cool and captivating. I also like that you can destroy some of the structures and even trees!

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Death Rattle - Hell Unleashed on Steam



Founded in 2012, Crash Effects Inc. has specialized in helping vehicle manufactures design and test the vehicles of tomorrow! Now it’s your turn to take the seat of a Vehicle Crash Test Engineer and design the safe rides of tomorrow!

Build It!

Build your design from the wheels up sparing no detail untouched in the design dome. Meet the specifications required by the manufacturer’s mission or build your own crazy creations. With no details left to spare, everything from the type of vehicle frame used to the paint color of the tailgate is up to you! With over 150+ vehicle parts and many more to come the possibilities are endless!

Stage It!

Prepare for impact! Well not just yet. As an official Crash Test Engineer you will need to set the stage for your momentous event. Configure the crash floor with a variety of cement barriers, blockades, barrels and a few other wacky items. Maneuver the 750 ton portable barrier into its final resting position. Aim the high speed cameras placed throughout the facility to ensure every angle of impact is captured. There’s even a tunnel that can be moved into one of five possible angles of attack!

Load Em Up!

In the vehicle bay, configure the vehicle selections for impact. Place five different types of crash test equipment on your crash test subjects. To buckle or not to buckle is up to you, with four unique crash test dummies. You choose when and where our friend “Steve” the dummy gets seated. You can even bring his whole family along for the ride too!!

Right then, Let it rip! Flip the switch to engage the cinematic stage lighting. Press the start button and send your creations hurtling down the crash test halls at speeds over 60 MPH or 100 KPH! Let the carnage unfold at your own pace: in slow motion or high speed. Watch as the glass breaks, metal crumples, airbags deploy, and vehicle parts fly!

Grab the Data!

Once the lights come back on, it’s time to collect the critical impact data. Use the Measurement Master M2000 to record changes to your creation’s shape after the crash. Download the onboard crash data from the Data Logger and Crash Test Dummies to determine if your occupants survived. Finally compile your results and see how your vehicle creation’s ratings match up. Only then, will you see whether or not you have what it takes to be a Crash Effects Inc. Crash Test Engineer!

Happy Crash Testing!

Read More: Best Crafting Immersive Sim Games.


Sea of Craft

Sea of Craft

Join Sea of Craft, the new wave of realistic physics-based construction and adventure games. With hundreds of building materials and weapons at your disposal, there is no limitation to the unique and wonderful seafaring vessels that you can create. When you’re done building, take to the treacherous waves of the Beela South Sea where wild adventures and rich bounty await you. Band together with players from around the world and do battle with mysterious monsters lurking in the depths, or battle your enemies and claim the spoils!

Sea of Craft features 3 unique gameplay styles allowing you to enjoy the game your way!

#### Challenge Mode

Head to single-player and progress through varied and brain-teasing challenges test your creativity and engineering skills to the limits. Race against the clock, navigate difficult terrain, take down targets with formidable firepower and much more.

Open Sea

Navigate to the Beela South Sea in the Open Sea mode. Join forces with players around the world to battle mysterious and fearsome monsters or turn your cannons on the other players and battle for supremacy in intensive PVP Battles!

Sail across a boundless ocean unlocking points of interest on your map and picking up material to build vessels as you do, remember here resources are scarce and you will only be able to build with what you scavenge from wrecks. Navigate to a factory and turn your materials into ship parts or purchase parts at the purchasing station. Buy or sell ship designs at the Ship Expo. Meet your friends at the Customshouse. Join in the many varied wonderful and exciting game modes within the Open sea that rise from the ocean depths!


Hard day at sea? Why not retire to the tranquillity of Creative Mode for the evening. Make the build of your dreams using unlimited resources. Experiment, test, rinse and repeat. The only limit is your imagination!

#### Features

  • 3 Distinct game modes catering for every playstyle

  • Puzzle-based single-player challenge chapters

  • Sandbox mode with unlimited resources to let your creativity run wild

  • Unique and exciting minigames on both land and sea

  • Open Sea with resource management elements

  • Blueprints trading at the Ship Expo – share your ships with the world!

  • Battle in open-world PvP

  • Ability to build huge complex vessels

  • In-depth building mechanics featuring pistons, pulleys, hinges and more

  • Ornamental shipbuilding parts and colourful spray paints

  • Large 64km² open-world map (to be expanded with future DLC)

  • Explore the map collecting resources scattered throughout the world

  • Realistic water physics

Read More: Best Crafting Building Games.

Sea of Craft on Steam

Wedding Designer Prologue

Wedding Designer Prologue

This game is basically a demo of the full game. You get to play through one wedding, which is at the farm. I had a lot of fun fixing up the farm and then decorating it for a wedding. I didn’t expect there to be a band and a fun tractor race. So that was a plus. Overall the game works great. I did have some issues with painting, so hopefully that gets fixed in the full version. It would have also been nice to have a ladder or something to be able to paint the high spots. I do hope that there will be more customization on individual items or at least more colors in the full version. I would also like to be able to customize my office more. One thing that I didn’t like is that you are limited to the supplies that you clean up. I would really like an option where I can buy more. So If I need wood and run out I can pay for it. Other than that I had so much fun playing this game and I can’t wait to play more of it.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

I am worried about the release of the full game. Since the release of the prologue I have tried everything to be able to play the game. My specs are above the recommended and the game has been verified. I was expecting the devs to talk in discussion but nothing, I went to discord thinking the Devs will me more active there but no response. If this is the behaviour I am getting for the Prologue am I going to get the same response for the full game. I know people are saying it’s a good game and recommend but how should I know when I cant even play the game.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Wedding Designer Prologue on Steam

Nimbatus - Drone Creator

Nimbatus - Drone Creator

Absolutely love this game as a side when I’m bored or want to be creative. The building and design is really fun, I like messing around with the logic gates, making automatic drones. I did try the full game, but didn’t really like it; too many missions where you just need to put a lot of guns on your drones, so I was pretty happy when you released just the editor. I also really like the music.

Some criticism: there is no way to connect a part to multiple parts, so unless you use magnets or springs, anything bigger will not hold together. Also, the glitch where if you put too many parts in the same place and it starts jiggling and explodes (which you might know as the Kraken from KSP) shouldn’t be in your tutorials as a feature; you should be fixing that.

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

I’ve only gotten to play around with the Drone Creator so far, and even just the creator is alot of fun. Theres alot of parts, and I’ve made many drones. From ones that generate more drones, giant worm drones that have 200 flamethrowers, and more. I heavily recommend playing around with this game.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Nimbatus - Drone Creator on Steam



At first I thought maybe I wasn’t going to like it. The combat felt a little bit jank and you spend the vast majority of the game doing exactly what the game’s title implies–-you break stuff. A lot. Almost constantly.

Once I got to around the 5 hour mark (when you first leave the tutorial/intro area and the credits roll), that’s where I really began to question if I was really going to have a good time. I wasn’t sure I was enjoying the combat. And I wasn’t sure I just wanted to tediously break stuff for 120 hours.

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

The game is very addicting and generous in content. There is a lot to see and to explore and quite a diversity in scenaries and actions. I like how the story is told and the fact that you keep on discovering things and paths with great freedom. I also like how you have to discover things yourself by experimenting and being curious.

Be warned that it can feel like a grind and that if you don’t like repetition and farming, you might not enjoy it, because you often do the same things ; mostly exploring, breaking stuff, fighting, and crafting. If you enjoy the gameplay loop, you are in for a long time. If you don’t, you might feel bored or exhausted before the end. I enjoy the game and like to discover the new places and grow more potent.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game


IKEA VR Experience

IKEA VR Experience

Of all the early free experiences, this one holds up. They added a Christmas mode to it as well, that’s a good sign! I also don’t recall the stickie-buns from my first play-through, so that must be new as well. It renders well for a Unreal Engine game, maybe that’s my 970 1070 upgrade or engine improvements. I’ve played alot of VR architecture demos, and many more expansive areas to explore, but I don’t think I’ve seen one with this interactivity. There’s a fair bit of fun.

! I once got a free desk from IKEA because the one I had ordered had a slight scratch on it, but c’mon, y’all can buy one, and then photoshot that spit, and build the Mega-Desk(r) you know you deserve.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

It’s so lifelike!

I only went in for a cheap desk lamp, but after 30 minutes of being shepherded through the store without stopping, I found my path blocked by a couple arguing over soft furnishings whilst their child threw a tantrum over getting a hotdog and an ice-cream. I went around them and wandered a little more (on rails as per the store layout) and eventually stopped for minute to look at some bedroom furniture however I realised that I am in fact not a giant and therefore do not have 16ft ceilings in my bedroom ergo they wouldn’t fit (BUGFIX: I think there may be scaling issues). Unfortunately, the couple had caught up with me and were still arguing only this time over the mans commitment to the shopping trip. The child was complaining that it needed to go to the toilet. As if by magic an NPC in a yellow polo neck T-Shirt appeared from behind a mirror (I think no-clip was left on by mistake) and started filling up a pencil dispenser but before anyone could ask the way to the restroom it vanished behind a stack of pillows. I then walked for another 10 minutes until I found the lamp section. I found one I liked but the bulbs were some weird triangle shape that I’d never seen before so I decided to wander round and see if one of the NPCs had any clues. I eventually found what appeared to be an enormous warehouse full of boxes. There was an old man bending to lift a flat-pack bunkbed while his wife looked round nervously with a “excuse me young man could you help” look on her face (the graphics are astonishing) … I decided to offer my help as I thought it might be a side-quest… Unfortunately, the box was slightly too big for the trolley so I had to help them all the way to the checkout while the old lady did more to make it fall off than help (she meant well). In a moment of sheer determination to finish the quest I decided to help them to the car. Sadly, I got distracted by the sound of a child screaming “BUT I DON’T LIKE STRAWBERRY SYRUP ON MY ICE-CREAM” at full volume followed by crying as I left the store and I forgot to ask the nearby NPC about the lamp. By the time I remembered, I was outside waiting for the old man (Collin) to fetch the car (BUG REPORT: the bollards have odd collision boxes that the trolley won’t fit through). It was a 1993 Nissan Micra. Even after removing the basket of knitting supplies, 1972 AA road atlas of Great Britain, and full tool set including kneeling pad from the boot; I realised the box wouldn’t fit. I tried everything as the old woman looked on expectantly but no luck. Sadly, we unboxed the item in a bid to make it fit (Nice Tetris clone mini-game) and it meant the item could not be returned so I had to restart the quest.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

IKEA VR Experience on Steam



This is sad that this game was released before it was ready, it has so much potential. I wish I had noticed the demo before I bought the game, that is my fault. There is no instructions and for the life of me I cannot figure out the controls, I have looked for a full hour how to delete a piece placed in the wrong location without deleting the entire ship. The camera controls are all over the place, no way to rotate a swivel piece when installing on your ship. If the game was the thrust to be up it will be up, no way to change it. I cannot find any info on the game or a developers web site. Steam should not allow games that are no where near ready to be released. Hopefully there will be some instructions posted somewhere and a update or two, but I feel that I wasted my money…..

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Eggineer on Steam

Medieval Engineers

Medieval Engineers

… a shame it was abandoned…

but don’t be fooled. I consider this game still the top game in my whole steam library.

Why? you might wonder….

this game is living on vividly in the mod community.

Theres hardly a hundred players still running it regularly but its state is better than ever before.

The online community is superb. All very passionate people who invest real time and skill in this wonder of a game.

credit where credit is due: big thanks to Deepflame, Peaceman, and modders like Equinox, Xaerthus , Onca, JohnBeere and many , many others, who are taking this game to unseen levels.

Real player with 2907.4 hrs in game

(New Edit, 2/17/2019)

I hadn’t played ME for months, after the last update broke the game into unplayability and I left in disgust, after having written the review below. But I had heard about the rail and water mods and so a few weeks ago I fired it back up to check it out.

Like my initial Steam review (below), the modders have done an amazing job. The new rail mod is intuitive, fun, immersive, and solves the main issue of planet, which is it’s unruly size.

The new water mod finally added what everyone has been asking for since the games inception, and which KEEN assured us they would never provide. Water. Like, you know, the prerequisite for life itself.

Real player with 2182.5 hrs in game

Medieval Engineers on Steam

Monuments Flipper

Monuments Flipper

Monuments flipper is a game in which you play the role of a professional monument renovator. You choose from among the world’s greatest monuments, restore them to their former glory and learn about history and architecture.

You organize, fill and paint. You rebuild collapsed walls, renew old frescoes. Do everything to bring the monument back to its glory days.

Improve your skills in using various tools, use different materials and renovation will become more efficient and more enjoyable.

Take care of the details when you work. Check the plans for the correctness of your work and make sure that the renovation proceeds in accordance with the project.

The last stage is interior furnishings. Make the famous building functional as well.

Ready for the next challenge? The next great monuments are already waiting for your help.

Monuments Flipper on Steam