Protect Eggs

Protect Eggs

Protect Eggs

Protect eggs and hatched birds from being caught by foxes and Eagle

The player plays a lovely squirrel and Phoenix, looking for the phoenix nest in the beautiful forest, laying eggs (press R key), driving away foxes and eagles during the incubation period of bird eggs (left and right mouse button skills), when the bird is born, it can be summoned around (Q skill)

Phoenix nest is divided into three kinds, each with different functions

The flame above the bird’s head can replenish the life of the big bird

Read More: Best Crafting Singleplayer Games.

Protect Eggs on Steam

Miracle field

Miracle field

Absolute TRASH. You can only move slowly left or right, move right for about 2 minutes with NO challenges what-so-ever. game will end just after about two minutes of boring content.

$30 is absolutely ridiculous and this “NON-developer” knows damn well it is. This was only put on Steam to sell on key selling websites for a nickel or dime per key. That’s exactly how I got this BS.

NOT Recommended. I paid about a dime for this and got ripped off at that.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crafting Singleplayer Games.

Miracle Field is best described as a “walking simulator” that consists of less than 2 minutes of “gameplay”, which is simply a matter of running a dog to the right along a deplorably low poly Unity landscape. There’s one thing you have to jump over, a pond to swim through, and one thing to crawl under. And two chunks of meat to eat. That’s the entirety of this “game”.

It’s been dumped into Early Access, and we might say, “ah, it’s not complete yet!”. But any credit due to the developer is immediately evaporated by the way the game has a ridiculous $43 price tag, and the way the game was sold to DailyIndieGame and put into bundles as a complete game. This is the hallmark move for someone abusing early access rather than someone genuinely trying to make a video game.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Miracle field on Steam

Citywars Savage

Citywars Savage


  • Fight together in the wild and complete dungeons

  • Explore a world filled with unique mechanics

  • Gather resources, Mine minerals and Fish! All the world is filled with treasures.

  • Go on adventures and complete quests to level up your gear.

  • Build your own city and furnish your house with your friends.

What Else?

Join our community now and get involved in the development of the game.

The game has a unique editor that let our community improve the game at runtime. Which helps to deliver new content every month!

You can also apply to be staff and moderator in-game. Contact our admin at

Read More: Best Crafting Cartoony Games.

Citywars Savage on Steam

UAYEB: The Dry Land - Episode 1

UAYEB: The Dry Land - Episode 1

:Final Review:

Managed to beat the game and get all achievements. The save and teleport features are fixed. The game is a whole lot less grindy than before so gameplay is way more fun. Since my gripes are solved and I actually put over a hundered hours into this game exploring and looking for stuff as well as finishing it, I find it is well worth my dollar to fun ratio. I stll think it has glitchy and buggy moments, especially if the car hits anything including tiny rocks, but overall worth it.

Real player with 151.9 hrs in game

TLDR: Patience required; but immensely rewarding/satisfying puzzles and an intriguing world make UAYEB worthy of the player’s time.

What’s Awesome:

  • 20 distinct artifact levels varying from puzzle solving, platforming, avoiding boobytraps, and killing enemies (or any combination of the aforementioned elements!)

  • Cryengine and ‘some’ great texture work can make UAYEB a fantastic looking game at times

  • Cringy yet endearing voice-acting (sets a rough early impression, but the actors both fall into a better groove by the game’s conclusion)

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

UAYEB: The Dry Land - Episode 1 on Steam

Island Raft Survival 2021: Ocean Escape

Island Raft Survival 2021: Ocean Escape

annoying bird in the beginning of game, I’ve played much better games similar to this one.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

It’s a super fun game, but its not letting me repair my raft

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Island Raft Survival 2021: Ocean Escape on Steam

Lux: The Journey

Lux: The Journey

Come join us during the early days of Lux. New placement items and interactables have been added. We update the game regularly.

VR Beta & Skills Update

We are proud to announce the release of our skills update and VR Beta! The VR mode beta is available for those wanting to jump into the new VR Mode early. Dig out crystals to unlock a slew of new skills and decoration options. Beware the new Dark Matter Spheres hunting you. Paint the world around you with the World Painter feature.

About This Game

Lux : The Journey is an atmospheric exploration game. Power up your character as you unearth ancient magic wielding machines. Featuring an original soundtrack, and an infinite alien world of colorful hills. Build using cubes and real-world items. Paint the world’s blocks to your liking.

The Story

You are left behind on a world built by the descendants of the first truly conscious beings created by The Humanity, a race long gone. To rejoin your people, you must travel far, and unearth the old guardians buried by time. Beware the Dark Matter constructs that forced your people to flee.


With the fusion of magic and tech, summon your house to you wherever you are. Harvest materials with an array of powerful staves. As a being powered by light, you will weaken the longer you stay in dark zones. Gather and combine materials to create artistic and useful objects. Your staves can be powered up to enable you to jump higher, run faster, dig more efficiently, capture realities, and more.


You can build structures out of the materials you excavate. Build voxel creations, structures with abilities, various real decorations, and more.

In-Depth Tutorial

Learn the ropes quickly in a brief tutorial that shows you how to summon your house, decorations, and more.

The Future of Lux: The Journey

We welcome player feedback, be it resolving an error or input on desired updates to come. VR support is a high priority for us, and we hope to offer it eventually.

Lux: The Journey on Steam



I like the game its very good. Can’t wait for the next update! Please download

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Right now, this “game” is not worth $5. I’d even go as far to say it’s not worth $1. What we have here, is essentially an unpolished tech demo for a very basic unity “building” game. The entire map consists of two small islands on which you can build with, “as of right now,” two different materials - a wooden plank, and a longer, skinnier wooden plank. The drag and click build system needs lots of polishing, as it’s frankly an absolute pain in the ass to use. Character movement is extremely, EXTREMELY limited and FULL of bugs - try jumping off a structure you built, you’ll float in the air. The only positive things I can say about this game are that it looks nice and has a neat aesthetic, and the models themselves aren’t bad. I could only recommend this game honestly if it costed nothing, but $5 is absolutely absurd for the miniscule amount of “game” you get to play.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Feelin on Steam

Kitaria Fables

Kitaria Fables

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are well worth your time[/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 30h

Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1

Is there a good guide available: I wrote a guide about all kinds of game info which you can find here and an achievement guide that you can find here

Real player with 33.7 hrs in game


This game does the bare minimum of everything it claims to have. Some things in the games ‘About’ are rather disingenuous to this as well; this is the inspiration in creating an extensive and spoiler-free review. The combat, farming, quests, dialog and environments are the same exact cliches as every other game of this type. Everything felt uninspired and dry. All in all this had a feeling of being an early access game where all major mechanics were present but had yet to be fleshed out. Many games fall into this category, and a lot of them make up for it by being charming or unique in some niche- this game does not.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Kitaria Fables on Steam



Bugs? Mechs? Hell. Yes.

Stonefly is a wonderful little game that gives a chill adventure and an experience that left me smiling with the evident charm throughout. Though it has it’s rough edges the developers at Flight School Studio clearly put a lot of heart into it, and I sincerely wish them the best with whatever they do going forward.

Visuals: Much like with their previous title; Creature In the Well, Stonefly has an incredibly unique artstyle that on top of being eye-candy really helps lend to the overall moods of environments you see throughout the game. Much of my time spent in Stonefly outside of the gameplay was just gliding around to take in the setting. Additionally, character designs (and mech designs) all have little quirks that create all sorts of charming little flares that I can’t help but smile at whenever I see. Color schemes as a whole are pleasant and nothing ever grates on the eyes. Even with the chaos that can happen with the amount of bugs you’ll sometimes fight on screen the visuals manage to not appear so overwhelming as to clutter the player.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Big feet can’t fit in shoes.

Stonefly is a rather short game. I made it 9 hours in, with about a half hour of time accumulated from time spent paused, but the game was running.

I have yet to complete it, but I’m VERY CLOSE to being done. I’ve got to unlock only two more parts, otherwise all the abilities are maxed out.

The enemies consist of a handful of body types, and a few variants there in either taking more hits (denoted as dots) and/or just in that they hit with a different type of damage. There is acid good, flame goo, and some kind of purple stuff. There are two main flying type enemies, spiders that can hit you mid air with a jump up then wide range sawblade spin, units that stay on the ground and fire very accurate shots, and ones that have more defense and lob big burst shots, and ones that just ram you.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Stonefly on Steam

Praey for the Gods

Praey for the Gods

I’m giving this a negative review so the devs can see what is wrong with their game, and hopefully make changes. Or explain how to circumvent issues if they are integral. I also want to offer guidance to others. While I love many aspects, it is still a long way from being outstanding.


-The tracks in the snow are so simple yet so well executed. I know it’s not a big deal, but I love it. So I think it should be noteworthy and praised.

-The grappling hook is underwhelming from what I was expecting. I can’t shoot as far as I wanted. But it still is a very impressive tool.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Wall of Text incoming, so if you want the short version scroll down to the TL;DR-MARKER. ;)

So i played Praey for the Gods for quite a while now, and now it’s time to share my first thoughts and impressions.


First of all: YES! It’s kinda like Shadow of the Colossus. You face (at the time of this review: 01.08.2019) 5 bosses. Very big Bosses!

Of course you can’t beat them with usual weapons, so you have to reach certain spots on the creature and use some kind of cylinder/sigil thingy to damage and/or kill it. This takes time, stamina, sometimes some of your nerves and besides it is one of the funniest things i’ve done in the last few years.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Praey for the Gods on Steam