Kitchen Simulator 2

Kitchen Simulator 2

(Got this game for free via dev submission to SteadyGiveaways. Thanks!)

Trailer makes it look good, gameplay gets boring and fast!

Kitchen Simulator 2 is a simple game about gathering food and serving it up…not exactly cooking stuff. Some people want pizzas, others want half avacados, and some idiots want a single carrot slice….though the biggest idiots already have food on their plates even if it’s something they’re asking for.

If there’s something this game gets right is that the food looks great. Handling the food and all other models, however, look pretty bland or buggy. There’s also LAN support, but why bother when you don’t even have LAN multiplayer? This game basically has 10-15 minutes of gameplay before it spits you out at the main menu as if you hit the ESC button, which gives you the same result.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cooking Indie Games.

ok but what the actual fuck is this game??? it must be some type of woman thing but i cannot wrap my skull around this game, some of the items i think have been made up. wtf is a long muffin how can a muffin be long and where the fuck do i find it? what is the difference between french bread and normal bread how the fuck am i meant to serve you the correct origin bread that looks no different to japanese bread? i can grab the food just as well as Jimmy Savile can grab a child. there is no consequence if you miss a customer and i dont actually know the point as there is no scoring system and after the day ends it puts you back to the main menu. other than that id say 10/10 i would def recommend to a friend and i hope to learn all sorts of interesting facts about food prep and what its like in the kitchen. i would also like to state that Gordon Ramsay has been awfully quiet about the release of this game as i think all his fans would move to this far superior teaching method. i hope to obtain all the knowledge i possibly can from this game so i dont have to rely on my disobedient wife to make me shitty burnt scrambled eggs every fucking day. i hope you found this review helpful 👍

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Kitchen Simulator 2 on Steam