Pizza Ghest

Pizza Ghest

Short story:

Pizza Ghest offers you a tasty little adventure. You need to go through a full cycle from ordering to enjoying the order. Do you think it will be easy? Ha!

Incredible experience:

Could you imagine being able to order a pizza? With us, you will have a unique experience of ordering and waiting. Do not miss your chance!

Key features:

  • The character can walk

  • The character can be worried and afraid

  • I want to eat

  • There is a menu

Read More: Best Cooking Demons Games.

Pizza Ghest on Steam

Mosaic Hearts Prototype Demo

Mosaic Hearts Prototype Demo

this game is so fkin good

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cooking Platformer Games.

Mosaic Hearts Prototype Demo on Steam

Kitchen Simulator 2015

Kitchen Simulator 2015

the entire game looks like those terrible 90’s compressed cgi full motion video things that play before you begin a game.

there are no options, period.

so the music is way too quiet, turning it up leads to excruciating beeps and boops that i guess serve as a notification. none of my actions made any noise.

graphics as i mentioned, are just awful. no options there either. chugs like a chungus. made in UNREAL engine.

Upon launch, you are greeted with a dreadful menu that has three things to click on. PLAY, TUTORIAL, QUIT. Even worse, they have those three things repeated right next to their english counterparts, now in russian. One of the worst UIs i have ever seen.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cooking Strategy Games.

Awesomeeee game once you get the hang of it and once you got the second spatula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need 30 Frames else it harder, found out the “Hard” way. GIVE IT A TRY :D

Yo GUYS…… why all the hate. Why not just post something helpful. Like say what you dont like and what you think could be changed… would’nt that be more helpful for everyone???

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Kitchen Simulator 2015 on Steam

Tiny Devil Adventure

Tiny Devil Adventure

Take Tiny Devil on his adventure to recover his beloved Brenda from the evil Octodevil.


  • Procedurally generated levels add variety to each game, with the option of controlling which level created.

  • Unique cooking system with over 16 million recipes to aid you on your travels.

  • Secrets hidden across the lands provide clues to the recipes for the ten legendary condiments.

  • Many unique, multi-stage bosses to battle.

Great rogue-lite platforming action with a permanent upgrade system, unique enemies and a great love story with a twist.

If you only buy one game this year, there are probably hundreds of games with multi-million dollar production budgets that you should consider. If you buy more than one, then consider Tiny Devil Adventure, a game produced with love, a sense of humour and not quite the correct pre-requisite amount of sanity.

Tiny Devil Adventure on Steam

Space Chef

Space Chef

Space Chef is a 2D open world action adventure, with lots of cooking, farming and crafting. Imagine Stardew Valley in space, but with a shotgun and a cook book.


Space Chef is an open-world, err.. open galaxy game combining gun-blasting action with fun cooking, crazy crafting and anything but your usual farming. Explore a vast universe that is different each playthrough. Best of all, bring a friend on your delicious adventures with couch co-op!



  • Hunt and gather ingredients - Visit strange alien planets and learn how to capture the tasty creatures before they wipe you out. If violence is not your cup of tea, you’ll do best to avoid alien contact and stick to friendly, yet juicy, plants.

  • Cook tasty meals - Chop and grill your way to success using a full set of kitchen appliances, built from scrap you’ll find floating around in space. The better the quality of your ingredients, the more you’ll earn.

  • Deliver to hungry clients - If you’re lucky enough to get a high value order from Zink Z’Boink of sector Z9, you’ll definitely need those plasma cannons. The hungry space pirates will stop at nothing to get their hands on your culinary creations.


  • Explore the galaxy - Discover planets, abandoned space stations and visit strange settlements. Upgrade your ship to reach further into the unknown. Feeling crazy? Why not chase a high velocity chrystalline asteroid? High risk, high reward!

  • Farm mysterious plants - Find unusual seeds on distant planets and nurture them in your farm until they’re ready to be harvested. Take good care of them though, or they might escape…

  • Craft machines and gadgets - Collect all sorts of useful junk floating around in space and put together to build machines that will make your food faster and your life easier.

  • Mine yourself rich - Using your nifty drill and various dangerous devices, discover valuable resources needed to build that giant thruster grill you’ve always dreamed of. But beware, there are others out there who want them as well.

  • Prepare for space combat - Upgrade your ship to defend yourself against pirates and competing food delivery services. Or join the pirates and get some very lucrative —and highly illegal— missions. Beware of the galactic police!

  • Craft awesome helper bots - Dirty kitchen? Get a SuckBot. Annoying friends? Get a SentryBot. Bleeding out? MedBot is on the way. Find rare electronic parts and build yourself a best friend in no time.

  • Customize your home - Where you work is where you live, so make sure it is cozy. Collect decorations from around the galaxy and, if you’re really lucky, you’ll even find a talking plant to keep you up at night.

  • Meet hungry characters - On your journey you’ll meet several interesting human and alien characters. Some will help you, some will need your help, but all of them have one thing in common. They need food!

  • Keep track of time - Each planet has its own day and night cycle. Certain creatures and plants are only accessible at certain times of the day. Also make sure to watch the morning report for the latest on passing traders and dangerously lucrative situations.

  • Find out who blew up your kitchen - Use your limited detective skills to find out who wanted you out of business. Who’s that suspicious guy at Zlurkas bar that only shows up after midnight? The truth is out there. And it doesn’t taste good.


Still reading? Congratulations, you’re now an apprentice Space Chef ready to sharpen your knives!


Now join our discord at and get the latest news before everyone else, and get a chance to play the alpha version.

Space Chef on Steam

The Hungry Elevator (Alpha)

The Hungry Elevator (Alpha)

In another universe very similar to ours the people of Earth realized how dumb it was to feud with one another and unite together under the banner to stop world hunger!

But low and behold, outside forces took notice of the lasting peace and ever growing food source. One nightmarish day, a terrible Spaghetti Monster, also known as Larry, invaded the planet and started gobbling up all the good people! He also used his magic to turn human food into MAN EATING MONSTERS!

In a last effort, the United Banana Republic of Earth built underground cities to hide from Larry and his minions! It is now up to you and your friends to help retake the surface world! Travel across the world with several locations like Egypt, France, USA, and more! Survive horde of food monsters, as well as obstacles and puzzles, and help humanity thrive! Uncle Ben wants YOU to enlist in his Food Corps!

The Hungry Elevator (Alpha) on Steam

Umami Grove

Umami Grove

Your Culinary Journey Starts Now

Umami Grove is a fun, quirky, physics-based VR cooking adventure packed with unique encounters in a variety of environments.

Epic Adventure

Explore a varied and content-rich world. In your travels you will find yourself a wide range of unexpected situations. Forage the land for ingredients, help and befriend one of many unique characters. Umami Grove will keep you wondering what you might find around every corner.

Advanced Physics-Based Interactions

Your exploration is powered by a fully physics-based interaction system. Jump, climb, duck, and swing your way though highly interactable environments.

Comfort options are available for those who are less tolerant to motion sickness

Umami Grove on Steam

Cold Breath

Cold Breath

I think this game will be better when it’s out of early access,but right now it’s okay.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

BIG WASTE OF TIME. no real controls. useless tolls and no promps to use them. big open areas and buildings you cant even access. dont waste your time on this game. very pointless

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cold Breath on Steam

Swords ‘n Magic and Stuff

Swords ‘n Magic and Stuff

Sword n Magic is one of the best games that I have had the pleasure to play. I picked up the game in September for a friend’s birthday since it was on his steam wishlist. I wish I had found this game sooner, and was able to find it on my own, because there are very few games that I am amazed at. It is a huge surprise to me that I have not heard of this game sooner, or that this game has not exploded everywhere like other games have. It is by far one of the best games I have ever played. I never feel guilty about spending time exploring this world and learning its secrets. Whatever price it is at, is an absolute steal. The developers take great pride and care in their work of art they call swords n magic n stuff, and it shows throughout the entire game.

Real player with 191.7 hrs in game

I am loving this game. Its aesthetic is beautiful and consistent throughout. Even in this early stage of its development I’ve invested 25+ hours in it and can’t wait for the updates to come (and they are coming regularly).

It’s greatest strength is in the feeling of exploration that is engraved in the core of its gameplay. Every nook and cranny feels like it could hold some secret or lead to some interesting new place and more often than not it actually doas just that.

My second favorite thing is combat. Even if it seems simplistic at first, as you can just attack in the direction that you are looking, because of combat roll, jump/double jump and glider movement, battles are dynamic and engaging. Large part of the fluidity of the combat are enemies and unique attack patterns they have. Those two things combined make up interesting learning curve as at first some enemies might seem really difficult, but as you fight them and learn their attack patterns and how to counter, you slowly start to feel comfortable against those enemies, sometimes even to the point where they can’t even touch you (if you are good enough). That sense of getting better at the game as you invest your time in it is rewarding and hooks you right in. With devs promise of new and more challenging enemies (Like skeleton horde mode in the “Witch’s eve” update) as well as unique weapon abilities and magic, this part of the game is sure to get even better.

Real player with 112.6 hrs in game

Swords 'n Magic and Stuff on Steam

Winter Survival Simulator

Winter Survival Simulator

What was supposed to be a nice winter hike in the Mount Washington State Park with friends, turned into a dire situation. You are left alone to fight for your survival. With only marginal supplies you have to fight off of the cold, the wildlife and find your way to an abandoned ranger station in hope to be able to call for help.

While you haven’t suffered any injuries during the fall, you lost your backpack and hence most of your gear and supplies. You will need to find shelter, find some food and rest. Then it’s about making your way to an old ranger station to call for rescue.

Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? It is, except for the supplies you are going to need for the trip, the weather, the freezing cold, not to mention the wildlife. The goal of the game is to survive. To prepare enough to make the trip to the ranger station and to deal with all the surprises along the journey.

Hunt or be hunted. You have no rifle and there is no combat. If you encounter wolfs or even a bear, stay away and run. You won’t be able to kill a bear with a knife, it’s not the movies.

What you can do is be clever about the wildlife and set traps. You might even be able to find some traps hunters left behind and use them to maintain a safe perimeter or to hunt smaller animals for food. Tracking, establishing the best spot and being patient is what the hunt will be about.

Cold, thirst, hunger and exhaustion are the four major factors you have to worry about. It doesn’t however end there. Injuries are another one and there is the weather. Spending the night in the freezing cold without any shelter is akin to a death sentence and trying to go out in a snow storm isn’t any better either. Don’t forget, weather in the mountains changes quickly and is unpredictable. You have to be prepared at all times.

You are not the first one person in this area. There have been many before you. More than a century ago some even lived here. If you explore your surroundings there is a good chance they may have left something behind that will still be useful to you. And while building a shelter on your own is certainly an option, it is a lot better and safer to adapt something that already exists.

You could find an old hunter lodge and fix it up to offer decent shelter and a base of operations for you to prepare, gather supplies and food and even hunt. You are going to have a long trip ahead of you. The better you prepare, the less risky it will be.

The rescue isn’t going to be instant. Despite modern equipment and well trained mountain rescue personnel, you are far away and their helicopter can’t take off in any weather. Between you calling for help and help actually arriving might take even a couple of days. Additional time you have to survive in the bitter cold at Mount Washington.

Winter Survival Simulator on Steam