

Dear Mr. Drawy,

You have caused me and my friends great pain. Everytime we guess one of your words and type the plural of it, it does not count it. Mr. Drawy please fix this issue. I have lost many friends due to this.

Love Rahim.

Real player with 204.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Word Game Games.

Its a fun to interact with chat but I wish their were more words to draw than the same ones over & over again.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

Drawy on Steam

Witch Stone

Witch Stone

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Witch Stone, which is a 2D mobile app tier clicker/physics puzzle from known asset flippers, Piece of Voxel. This is a basic retro puzzle game that plays like Bust-A-Move but without shooting, you just click on balls to make them fall and if they fall the right way they pop.

The artwork is minimal and looks to be phoned in/asset flipped (not a surprise, this is Piece of Voxel we’re dealing with).

There’s no working full screen mode, in fact, if you hit alt+enter, Piece of Voxel actually go out of their way to insult PC gamers by telling you they won’t allow you to try switch to full screen (“Don’t even try, i won’t let you do it), then terminate the game. Insulting your customers is not a winning strategy, but then this is Piece of Voxel, who make a living stealing other people’s work and trying to sell it on Steam as a scam. What’s that? Oh yes:

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Relaxing Games.

Witch Stone on Steam



This is a beautiful game with a fantastic soundtrack and an adorable cast.

The amount of personality and detail in every single aspect of this game completely blew me away!

It’s got plenty of cute stuff to reward you with and the achievements range from funny to challenging.

Mom is best bat ♥

Real player with 82.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Beat 'em up Games.

Bought this after I saw some Bat mom artwork on the internet, the game may be simple, but it has all I want, Bats, Bat mom, cute stuff, different characters and, did I already mention Bat mom?

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game


Code Brown

Code Brown

there are hard keys and it is a not so long game

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Hilarious game play. Can’t seem to figure out the safe yet, but everything else is self explanatory. The game is meant for people with a sense of humor.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Code Brown on Steam

Gal*Gun Returns

Gal*Gun Returns

The very first time I played this game, I still had a girlfriend. We were in a great spot back then. This is probably the only semi-lewd game I showed her. She thought it was funny and cute. Truth be told, I have fond memories of the opening song, as one of the very first times I made love to a real woman was during a non-so-well-thought-out playthrough. Those were carefree days of lazyness and lack of responsibility. Lovable moments of total void, filled with the simple joys of life. Time went by slowly, youth was in full bloom. What a great time to be alive and experience this little gem.

Real player with 94.7 hrs in game

TL;DR Summary: 100% hard recommend. Fun, cute/sexy, and appropriately challenging. However, if you’re new to the Gal*Gun series, I recommend trying out Gal*Gun: Double Peace as your first game. If you already enjoyed Double Peace, I definitely recommend this prequel.

I’m going to write this review from my personal perspective of a GalGun addict who has 100% completed not only this game, but all of the others available here on Steam (Double Peace, 2, and VR), and pre-ordered the special edition without even thinking about it. Specifically, I will be comparing to Double Peace, for two reasons - first, both this game and Double Peace are true rail shooters, with very similar forced camera movement gameplay, whereas 2 and VR are stationary wave shooters where you have some control over the camera and when you proceed down the track. Perhaps more importantly though, the other reason is that I think Double Peace, as a sequel to the original console release of GalGun (which came out 10 years ago, and of which this game is a remaster), is a more interesting and robust game. So if you haven’t already played Double Peace, I suggest you start with it. Don’t get me wrong, Gal*Gun Returns is a great game on its own, and I definitely recommend it even to a new player, but Double Peace has more features and is currently cheaper, or essentially the same price for the Deluxe Edition add-on for all the costumes (which is totally worth the extra cost, BTW). So I’m going to assume you’ve played Double Peace, and base the rest of the review on how Returns differs.

Real player with 89.0 hrs in game

Gal*Gun Returns on Steam



EDIT: This review is already very long, so I will post a video. However, the developer fixed almost all of the issues within a couple of days of my original post. THANK YOU! I changed my mind about recommending this game after seeing the developer’s diligence. I think there is a little ways to go still but this is definitely going to be a great game!



There is a lot of potential for this game and I want to like it but I think it needs some more development. However, there is one major issue that would make this playable beyond 30 consecutive minutes for me: the player character sticks to everything in the environment. This means that there are about five times the usual amount of keystrokes required to navigate through the town.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

It’s a cool game. If you’ve seen The Walking Dead - just like Rick you wake up and don’t know what’s going on. You discover you’re in a post-apocalyptic and there’s a zombie apocalypse going on.

You can walk through the town and find items like guns, money, and quest items. And meanwhile it gets increasingly more difficult with stronger and stronger waves of zombies spawning every couple of minutes that you have to survive as well.

There’s a variety of zombies attaching you, like some sprinting zombies, rotting ones, exploding ones, and massive “boss zombies” with armor and stuff. The other characters in game are fun too, including the random catchphrases your own character has

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Team-Z on Steam

UNBEATABLE [white label]

UNBEATABLE [white label]

Initial impression after beating all the songs on Normal:

Game’s real stylish, but that can get in the way of playing it. Had several times I missed a beat either because there was so much going on screen I couldn’t even see it, or the camera was moving around so fast that the beat I needed to hit wasn’t shown until right before I had to hit it.

The blue enemies are obnoxious since you don’t know what the delay will be between the first and second hit until ~after~ the first hit, makin it kind of annoying to get right since some blue enemies need you to hit the second immediately after the first, while others have a noticeable delay between the two.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

I really wish there was a “Keep an eye on it” option for reviews.

This game looks great, has an excellent soundtrack, and the gameplay is there. There’s very little in regards to an actual one player mode - you start the game, it dumps you into a tutorial, then a single song, then it just lets you select songs without showing a story progression. It might be because it’s still a work in progress, I don’t know.

Edit 6/26/21: Please disregard the previous review I had posted; After playing the game a bit longer, I figured out that the counter is for the percentage of perfect hits that you score, based upon the amount of notes that have been played so far. THAT is why the value goes down severely when you miss something very early, and why it feels like you’re not gaining that much of a percentage back as the song plays on. It’s a very backwards/opposite way for the game to keep score of that, and considering a lot of other UI design choices, it might be intentional. I haven’t figured out the formula, but it assigns a different value to Great and Poor hits.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

UNBEATABLE [white label] on Steam