Lovely Fox

Lovely Fox

Oh, Lovely. You walk like an exotic dancer, and you clomp around like one too, making more noise than a Clydesdale as you scamper around the map. But you have those cute little fox feet and when you swim I see those paw pads! So a whole .49 cents USD well spent.

OK, you have an uncanny valley human face, and ginormous boobs, but you are brave. You swim, you run, you fall off of rocks. Controlling you is like steering a tank, but that’s OK. You live in a beautiful world. I have no idea what size you are because you are bigger than some flowers and smaller than others, but I’m pretty sure this game is a meme anyhow.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Sexual Content Games.

This review was made based on an Early Access product (v1.4b), so some of these points may not apply to future versions of the game.

Over two years ago, this game popped on up Steam as “Coming Soon”. At the time, Steam didn’t allow much in the way of Mature Content offerings, let alone ones slanted toward “furries”. So I Wishlisted it, but the game never seemed to go live. Today, I found the game showing up in my Wishlist Sales page, “released” just a few weeks ago into Early Access. The reviews didn’t look good, but I had to give it a spin.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Lovely Fox on Steam

Loading Story

Loading Story

The short story that stopped abruptly, when it ended, I was still expecting something, laughing and crying. The content of the dialogue is easy to understand, the mini-games are simple and interesting, the characters are also very cute, and the gangsters who can fight and trade in a fair and just way are really unsatisfactory. When I looked at the name of the game, it made me smile again.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Short Games.

A little nice simple game, nothing more to say. I think a continue with more lore would be aprreciated but not necessary.

I wanted to report a bug tho:

If you fast forward the dialogues the text clouds will disappear and you may remain stuck in a dialogue forever because of not seeing the option to close it.

Thats because i tried to speedrun it to see if it had more ending, but no. So don’t waste your time trying to find it-

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Loading Story on Steam

Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead

Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE solitaire. I’ve been playing it ever since I was a wee lass, but golf solitaire has recently become my favorite version of the game. Imagine my delight when yet another title released featuring the enjoyable gameplay I’ve come to love. Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead had SO much promise: beautiful artwork, a fantastic theme, and interesting new power-ups and board goals I hadn’t seen done in other games — and yet against all odds it failed. As a lover of solitaire and supporter of indie game developers everywhere, it pains me greatly to have to write this review, but it is my sworn duty to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me Dios.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Stylized Games.

TLDR: Fun solitaire game, I’m glad I bought it, one oddity to note - the game is rigged in your favour, the next card on the deck being turned over has a high chance of being one you need!

The gameplay: 100 sets of 3 games each, each set has a goal like achieve a certain score, avoid diamonds for the next 5 cards etc. I’m half way through the game right now and haven’t needed to use the boosts much yet, the one most powerful of which is to unlock a second deck so that 2 cards at a time are revealed. For each set you earn 0, 100, 200 or 300 depending on your score, you also get zero to three skulls at the same levels, getting all the skulls is linked to an achievement. Even if you’re bad at the game you could still get all the skulls by grinding the early level for money for boosters to ensure a good score, hopefully it doesn’t come to this in later levels.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Forgotten Tales: Day of the Dead on Steam

Sam & Max Save the World

Sam & Max Save the World

I thought I smelled that joke coming down the turnpike, burning oil and dragging its muffler.

Sam & Max almost feels like one of those things that’s self-explanatory at this point, but also it’s totally not since point & click adventures aren’t really as mainstream as they used to be. So if you don’t know, Telltale’s Sam & Max games are episodic comedy games that were part of a (mostly successful) attempt to make adventure games more enjoyable for normal people. Sam & Max Season One was also kind of a proof of concept that showed that episodic games were viable. It’s also very funny.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

This game is what you need to start playing to experience point and click adventure gaming at its finest. The actual adventure gaming at its finest is Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse. But before you get to that, you must play this and also season 2.

How does it hold up to the original? It’s great! The visuals are improved. They have altered a few things, but the altered things were elements of polish that reflect society’s growing understanding of how to better talk about things and represent people (actually hiring a black actor to play Bosco, for instance). While it initially took a couple of games for the new Bosco voice to find his sea legs, they went back and updated the first couple of episodes so now it practically sounds like the same old Bosco. (And no worries about the original Bosco actor, he’s still Jimmy Two Teeth so he’s still in the game.)

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Sam & Max Save the World on Steam

Game Master Plus

Game Master Plus


The first half of the game doesn’t have much plot beyond clearing game boards because of the protagonist’s curiosity, though there is some lore about the previous heroine. The second half has more lore and more stakes, as well as several plot bombshells. While I did like the story of the second half, I can see the lack of real conflict in the first half turning new players off before they can get to the better half.


The first few parts of the game make it hard to gather any resources. Enemies don’t drop money and they aren’t guaranteed to drop sellable items, meaning the player is stuck in a resource drought situation if they try to do traditional grinding. This can be intimidating because in the beginning, the only way to fully recover the robot is to pay 10 cents, which means inefficient gameplay can result in waste of limited money. The resource situation does get better in the later parts of the game, since the player can find free healing/save statues and an accessory that increases the drop rate.

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

An easy but very nice RPG game. Its style really attracts me, and maybe anyone who loves ‘nostalgia’.

And if you love collecting things, or riddling, this game can be unexpectedly a little hard for you.

BTW bugs are seen too often, and the scene called ‘Sesame Hideout’ even disappears! Hope it can be fixed sooner.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Game Master Plus on Steam