Through The Fragmentation

Through The Fragmentation

Short but sweet. Charming, but at the same time, low-key depressing. The setting, the themes, the visuals, and the music all come together very nicely. The multiple endings and achievements add replayability, and coming back for more was well worth it. There’s some pretty deep and metaphorical stuff going on, which might hit home for many of you, I found it really touching too. Had a very pleasant experience. I don’t think the charm of this game is going to wear off of me for a long time, very memorable stuff.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation First-Person Games.

Defragging For More

I love it to pieces. Or should that be ‘I love it to fragments?'

If like me you’re a fan of Thirty Flights of Loving and Gravity Bones, you might be in the right place. One aspect I really loved about those was the light inventory management combined with something like a spy premise. There’s something so effective about an ‘augmented walking sim.’ Throw in as many varied and single-usage mechanics as you can and you birth something constantly engaging. Not the norm given how expensive a disposable approach to gameplay would make most games.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Through The Fragmentation on Steam

Memories of East Coast

Memories of East Coast

Memories of East Coast is a short and linear Ren’Py visual novel which tells the story of two destinies entwined by a tragic accident. You play as Sam, a young police officer who decides to take a few days off and revisit his hometown, 15 years after the incident. There he meets Lisa - a young and bubbly, yet mysterious girl who seems to have a hidden secret.

As he gets to know her better and finds out more details about her background, Sam becomes tormented by his own guilt and nostalgia. Linked by fate in a strange way, these two characters are brought together once again to support and heal each other during a rough time, without them even being aware of this.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Atmospheric Games.

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Memories of East Coast

Developer: Roomah Gaming

Publisher: Roomah Gaming


1. A matter of guilt and how one moves on with it. “Memories of East Coast” paints a story of how two lives collide with each other after an accident 15 years ago. Two parties with vastly differing ways on dealing with it. It doesn’t try to be the most complex thing out there, it just lets its simplicity show throughout the story. It’s melancholic and can be applied to the everyday person.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Memories of East Coast on Steam

Where Birds Go to Sleep

Where Birds Go to Sleep

Where Birds Go to Sleep is a narrative adventure game set in a fictional Near East-inspired land, brought to life in a painterly artstyle, with voice-acted dialogue and original score.

Slip into the subconscious of Cormo, a churlish smuggler-turned-explorer, only ever influencing his actions, never directly assuming control. You will mould him through every sentence you put in his mind… but you might not like what he becomes.

Confront him about controversial topics like sexuality, prejudice and morality, and change his mind… or have him change yours.

There is no “Mission Failed”; saying “No” opens new avenues. There is no golden path.

Lie to others, and you’ll be more likely to hide the truth from yourself. Fail to justify your actions and you might find your character not heeding your commands.

Every single small choice you make builds up, and shifts the direction of the story. While there are crucial moments and big decisions to be made, it is the small things that – true to life – ultimately decide who we are.

Reflect on your actions along with the protagonist; exchange your thoughts on what happened; regret or rejoice, grieve or laugh together… or independently of each other.

The difference between saying “you tried your best” and “you’re horrible” is empathy.

The smallest of your choices are remembered by the experimental Insight System, which analyses your character and offers you personalised, interesting viewpoints and alternative outlooks on the things you’ve said and done, recontextualizing your experience both in and out of the game.

An island has appeared in the distant sea…

Sneak your way into a dangerous expedition to explore that island, reserved only for the worst prisoners. Get to know a handful of very special, deeply developed and fully realised characters. Become their friend, get to know their secrets, manipulate or abuse them to your, or Cormo’s will.

One of the first characters you will meet is Dunlin – a noble-born, young man who is steadfast in his moral and religious principles. But what must a purebred like him be guilty of to end up here with you?

Sprawling, naturally flowing dialogue: react in intense back-and-forth conversations. Every dialogue is ready for the choices you make, and can potentially branch off into a completely different conversation with game-changing significance.

Explore the mysterious island, unravel its secrets and lies. Shrouded in noxious, mind-altering mist, you must prepare for every journey inland, anticipating the challenges ahead. The provisions are scarce… but the others need them less than you.

Is Where Birds Go to Sleep a text adventure?

Where Birds Go to Sleep is not a text adventure. It is an adventure game featuring graphics akin to those seen in the trailer with fully voice acted dialogue, sound effects, ambience and music.

Will there be localisation to [language]?

Where Birds Go to Sleep is likely to release with only English, but we are keeping an eye on wishlists and interest from different regions, and will strive to localise the game accordingly post-release.

Will there be Linux support?

Unless we run into major platform-specific issues, we would like to release a Linux version in parallel to the Windows version on Steam.

Read More: Best Conversation Story Rich Games.

Where Birds Go to Sleep on Steam

Our Hero! First

Our Hero! First

I discovered this game by chance and I was really surprised by the story cause it is adventuros and charming and also funny (I enjoyed its sense of humor). I still have to finish playing but I am sure I will have a lot of fun. The characters are nice and some of them also weird (some of them looks so dumb lol), I like the style and it is evident that those who created the game put a lot of effort on details.

I reccomend it, it is really worth it.

I hope to play more games like this one!

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Our Hero! First is an action adventure RPG (not turn based which I love). The sprites and animation are cute and fun and the story is original and not bad. I found no bugs or glitches while playing it and it has good frame rates. There are lots of different swords and enemies to fight, as well as lots of boss fights. The game doesn’t overstay it’s welcome and is enjoyable throughout the whole adventure of Our Hero. It doesn’t have tons of crazy features and is simplistic and easy to learn. I think this game is best for Younger audiences just going in to the world of RPGs, but is a good game for everyone who enjoys them.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Our Hero! First on Steam

Falcon Age

Falcon Age

An entertaining birb hunting and robot smashing game.

Played in VR, and had a lot of fun playing with your falcon and going through the story.

There were some elements that seemed a bit unpolished, it feels like there was intended to be more to the story and setting that never came to fruition, was a bit short in that respect, and while it gives you different dialogue options it’s really unclear as to how much it really affects your playthrough or the ending (in some cases there is only one answer that lets you continue). Also, at least in VR it seemed difficult to be precise in moving objects with your electric whip, making one sidequest unnecessarily difficult - this may be easier outside of VR, but the feeling of being being -in- the world was hard to give up.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Note: I played this as the Desktop, Non-VR version. I don’t use VR, so I didn’t play that version.

I was keeping my eye on this game for a while, so I was so excited when it finally came to Steam! Because I was excited about it, I might be a bit biased.

Beautiful looking game! The only thing in this game that didn’t look good was, when you gave the falcon different colour feathers, their feathers looked a bit weird. Other than the feathers, everything looked good! The storyline was interesting and engaging, but short. It would have been nice to have a game like this have more gameplay in it. I normally don’t mind short games, but I really wish this one was longer, because it was so much fun!

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Falcon Age on Steam