Sakura Succubus 3

Sakura Succubus 3

With all the talk about a Succubi princess (queen actually) it had to happen. This episode introduces the Himedere. And boy does she act like she owns the place.

This is the only chapter that is a true visual novel as there are two possible endings, one of which ends the series, the other continues on to the next chapter. But both endings are realistic.

Our protagonist is not that smart when he meets the newcomer. The whole thing was screaming “She is a succubus” and it took him a bit to figure out. This is my only real complaint.

Real player with 40.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Sexual Content Games.

Like 1 and 2, Sakura Succubus 3 is really short. However, while I found 1 and 2 pretty boring I found 3 a little more interesting. It introduces a new character that kidnaps you and keeps you “captive”. While a cut above 1 and 2, it still shares the problems lacking content and features other VN have.

Probably the best in the series so far, but still not worth the full price.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Sakura Succubus 3 on Steam

Sweet House

Sweet House

Welcome to join “hentai game group” and “porn game group” , prepare to immerse yourself in hentai-based games world today!

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A fascinating hentai casual game!

sbeam丧尽天良,我与黄游共存亡!加入色情游戏 黄油大师 ,一起发掘好玩的黄油吧!

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation Sexual Content Games.

Glad to see that this dev is getting better and better.

I think this game could be sold for a higher price if it had less bugs and a better translation to English. What this dev needs is a better quality control. Preferably by a native English speaker.

(Also please improve the GUI for the VN parts and improve the balance between the volume of music and the background sounds.)

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Sweet House on Steam

Ecstasy Elf Shotenken -Naruru’s Sexy Adventure-

Ecstasy Elf Shotenken -Naruru’s Sexy Adventure-

Very short and not much adventure or RPG-elements, game takes place in a small town without much locations to explore and without character progression.

Art-style is cute and there are silly elements in the story, but it is over before it really begins.

If you get this in a sale then it can be worth it.

Remember to patch.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conversation RPG Games.

Good sexual content doesnt justify a lousy game, but a lot of DLSite devs think thats the case.

Really weak and short sadly, I did like the fighting system and the art, but I wish they would have expanded more on that and also made it more difficult later on tho, it was piss easy.

The game tells you that you shouldnt do anything lewd to get the happy ending, but it literally doesnt matter, in the last fight you can choose the ending you want, whether MC got defiled or not.

Some parts of the game arent translated, its a nice touch imo, but feels a little half-assed.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Ecstasy Elf Shotenken -Naruru's Sexy Adventure- on Steam

Fading Hearts

Fading Hearts

Before Fading Hearts i’ve played TONS of Visual Novels and Dating Sims. I knew nothing about Fading Hearts before I decided to pick it up not knowing what to expect. From the main store page it seemed interesting enough for the $10 I paid for it. I have to say, I was quite dissapointed to be frank.

First I’m going to go over what I liked about the game. The gameplay was really interesting and fun, definitely felt more closer towards a Dating sim. You get stats you can raise by doing various activities throughout the day and the stats (usually) have some effect on the game, such as how much money you get and beating certain monsters in the forest. There is a combat system, though not very in-depth, was entertaining for the first few times. And the game strongly encourages and is ment to be played with multiple playthroughs for all the endings, even including some cute dialouge at the end of each playthrough that provide hints on what to do on your next one.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

This is a spoiler-free review.

This is a type of game that seems to have people that either really like it or just straight-up hate it. There’s also a lot of curious people that want to know if the game is worth getting, so rather than just tell you “Oh yeah, I like this!” I’m going to list all of the various things a person may like or dislike about the game.

First of all, this is NOT a visual novel. This is a simulation game mixed with RPG elements. A visual novel is a game in which you only point and click to get story to continue. This is NOT that kind of game. It becomes a simulation game when there are stats to alter and daily choices to be made. It infuriates me that so many people called this a visual novel, when it’s obviously a simulation game. Since you can go into a turn-based battle with HP & MP, level up, use a sword or magic, that’s the part that’s RPG-like. Although, I definitely wouldn’t call this an RPG, since the battling is definitely not the focus of the game. In fact, you don’t have to step foot in a battle if you don’t want to. You can progress the story without participating in battle.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Fading Hearts on Steam

Your Diary +

Your Diary +

I Enjoyed Playing this Game Very Much and will recommend to others to Try Buying the Game and Playing too.

Real player with 49.3 hrs in game

The English Translation

Despite the warnings about the English translation I decided to purchase this visual novel. I read all the routes and can say that despite the translation issues I thoroughly enjoyed each heroines story. I found the heroines (voiced) dialog translation to be slightly better than the protagonists (un-voiced). While I cannot understand much spoken Japanese, I’ve studied the language a little in community college and am an avid anime/manga fan, so I’m familiar with honorifics and titles.

Real player with 44.2 hrs in game

Your Diary + on Steam