The Voice Inside

The Voice Inside

-Try To Escape The Darkness!-

The Game

The Voice Inside is a voice-controlled atmospheric exploration adventure game with elements of psychological horror.

The ‘voice control’ mode provides a whole new voice-driven game experience. It enables you to freely move your character using your voice. You can also use a controller or mouse & keyboard.

  • It’s fun and challenging!

  • You can choose between more than 30 voice commands to help a nearly blind character navigate through a dark, atmospheric, and abstract world. Meanwhile, you solve puzzles, face enemies, and perform actions to recover the light.

  • The character reacts to easy commands such as ‘move’, ‘run’,‘45 left/right’, ‘show commands’ and many more. A voice inside the game will guide you and help you find a way out. But be careful – the Darkness is chasing you!

    Ready for the challenge?


Voice-Control, Controller, Mouse & Keyboard

  • Voice Mode

  • Controller/Mouse & Keyboard Mode

The character will move freely in response to more than 30 voice commands!

Developed by 2 Students

Read More: Best Controller 3D Games.

The Voice Inside on Steam

Binary Domain

Binary Domain

Binary Domain was yet another part of a (free) bundle given away by SEGA, featuring mediocre games mainly. When I started playing it, I was expecting an average shooter (the reviews didn’t provide much clue). What I got was an absolutely positive surprise in all aspects. But I’m not explaining this fact that I liked this game so much with the element of surprise: I wish every overhyped AAA game could provide as much fun as Binary Domain did. It has everything a good game needs: a thrilling story, excellent characters and funny (!) dialogues, choices & consequences and of course great combat with fluid controls. This is one of those games that would require a sequel, but apparently won’t get one, since the game never received the proper amount of praise and appreciation it should have deserved.

Real player with 105.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Action Games.

Binary Domain is a Third-Person-Shooter with a cover system set in the future after catastrophic events led the world to some major changes.

In 2080, due to climate changes, the world faced the large flood ever existed, and in search for cheap, reliable labor, the humanity turned to robots, in hope for a better future. To lead this revolution is Bergen, a US-based company, responsible for manufacturing robots for all over the world. But Bergen is not the only one in the business. Amada, a Japanse company, sued Bergen for stealing their technology. Bergen won, much because of its influence… They do manufacture over 90% of world robots, and this made the USA more powerful than ever!

Real player with 48.8 hrs in game

Binary Domain on Steam