

The concept and core gameplay of this game is fantastic and the presentation is super smooth. That said, the lack of content is really fatal for any hope that I could recommend this. You get to the final level really quickly. Another review said 5 hours but I’m pretty sure it took me much less than that. After that all you have to do is to try and get a high score on a very boring endless mode. I stuck with it for a long time but that was mostly because of how easy it was to pick up and the fact that I had very little else to play at the time. It’s kind of felt like drawing blood from a stone ever since I beat the final level. For this price point there’s loads of other puzzle games you can get that have far more content in them. Albeit none of them scratch the same itch this game does, which is why I’m honestly more disappointed than I ordinarily would be. If they released a substantial expansion to this game to add extra content it might be worth it, but as it stands you’ll get bored pretty quickly.

Real player with 179.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Local Co-Op Games.

This game is very similar to a free mobile game called Ballz (I don’t know which came first or if Ballz was an original idea anyway, but whichever of the two came second was either drawing direct inspiration from the other or they are both drawing from an earlier inspiration), but I think it justifies its cost because just about every difference between it and Ballz is an improvement. The rounded corners allow for some level of strategic skill shots while still being pretty chaotic, and the way that some pieces will fall if the piece below them is removed adds a layer of strategy as well. It doesn’t take very long to buy out all the upgrades and reach the endless level, and the upgrades aren’t wildly interesting; I think the simple gameplay is sufficient, but it almost makes me feel like the game should’ve skipped the whole phase before you have all the upgrades. The one quality of life improvement I wish the game had is a faster restart after you lose (or even win), since all the ui animations etc. you see (and especially watching your collected gems move to your wallet) feel like they detract from the pick-up-and-play, arcadey immediacy of the game for me.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

holedown on Steam

MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures

MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures

Truth in reviewing: I was a late addition to the beta team and got a copy for free.

I’ve enjoyed my time with MetaMorph. It’s a good, solid dungeon crawler with some fine carnage and tight, well-paced levels. It doesn’t do anything particularly revolutionary with the Gauntlet template, but it has a samurai bunny rabbit and flying buzzsaws. It’s the little things.

The gimmick of the game is simple enough: you play a fantasy critter that can (eventually) morph between three forms. You’ve got your sword-wielding rabbit (fast and deadly), your ogre (big and smashy), and a fire nymph that can toast enemies at range. Your job is to obliterate all the monsters in each level and scoot to the exit. Each form has its own stengths and special attacks, so the trick is to use the right Morph at the right time for maximum effectiveness, and also to not die so much. Enemies tend to bunch up and march as a horde, which CAN lead to some need for kiting (that’s bad!), but can also lead to situations where you obliterate a zillion guys at once with good timing. (That’s good!)

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Top-Down Games.

One of the most fun ARPGs I’ve played. Each level is less than 4 minutes long and works like a puzzle. There are no useless loot drops every couple of minutes like some other ARPGs and the progression is simple but very satsifying. unlocking new spirit forms and unlocking abilites for them is always exciting.

Each of the forms work VERY differently from the others and you will HAVE to shuffle between them dr=uring gameplay because of their abilites. Add to that the excellent level design and you have yourself a VERY enjoyable and simplified arpg where the only thing that matters is gameplay.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures on Steam



This reminded me a bit of playing Sunken recently, I like the combat and mechanics alot better here, Sunken has nicer graphics but lacks dashing and combat speed. Wish they would team up to make the best of both worlds.^^

Played the first 2 levels and I must say the dodging, blocking and attacking feels great.

Downsides are on the sound design (not bad, but you can tell there are some free stock sounds in there), graphical detail (the head of your character looks a bit like a potato) and trashmob design (like 1-3 mobs per room instead of typical arpg hordes, bosses were fine tho)

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Top-Down Games.

Can’t really recommend here’s why…

First off I bought this on sale. 66% off… what a Deal!

There is 4 chapters of play, with 4 levels in each chapter. Items are very bland and generic, and you can just upgrade them in the “outpost” and gold is so easy to get you will always have them maxed out, I’m pretty sure I used the same set of gear from my first run threw as I did up threw newgame+4…. Had a weapon with Bleed and Thundering, and a trinket with lifesteal it was over from there on everyone was smacked around like it was nothing, And there was no way for me to get weaker, I just had to stop at a outpost and upgrade my gear to my new max… I wish this was more then it is, because I kind of like it, but at the same time there is to much and to little going on at the same time..

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Dragonpath on Steam

Frog Demon

Frog Demon

It’s a nice game but when i faced a glitch my enjoying is over

i just stuck in (bug) checkpoint

only way to carry on close the game and re-open it

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Check out my Steam Curator page, “Minorthreatt Gaming Reviews.” I have the most organized and extensive genre lists on Steam! Be sure to “FOLLOW” for more of my recommendations: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/31339849-Minorthreatt-Gaming-Reviews/?appid=257170

The Short of it: A “rager” of a tower climbing platformer. Unless you are highly sedated, you will rage. You will rage quit. And then you will double click that little icon and climb again. Don’t pay more than $1 IMO.

Reminds me of: If you liked Downwell, you’ll probably like Frog Demon, because then you can go Upwell buh-dum-tishh

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Frog Demon on Steam



The Last Hope is a Metroidvania-style platform game with RPG elements, in which the player controls an unnamed character who is transported against his will to the underworld, and now has to discover how to escape and how to survive the dangers around him.

The game features:

_* great exploration,

  • more than 10 different bosses

  • item upgrades,

  • more than 350 maps

  • puzzles

  • more than 10 types of powers

  • more than 4 types of magic

  • two different endings and

  • many different types of enemies…_

TheLastHope on Steam

Amidst The Darkness

Amidst The Darkness

Amidst The Darkness is a truly terrifying first-person survival horror game developed and published by Loneminded.

Dragged, bloodied and bruised into old dilapidated worker halls, Amidst The Darkness follows the story of a sadistic entity - known informally as The Being. Trawl your way through old abandoned halls and sewers in a bid to find an escape.

No matter where you go, or the route that you take, The Being will unpredictably follow your every move. Creeping closer step-by-step, inch-by-inch until it is within reaching distance. The crows scarpering from their nest nearby, or that unmistakable slow-moving silhouette in the distance - it beckons upon thee.


  • Immersive First-Person Horror: Navigate through chilling, immersive environments

  • Truly Unsettling Story: Experience and uncover the story of old workers and The Being.

  • Unpredictable Enemies: Each playthrough will play differently with help from the unpredictability of AI.

  • Full Gamepad Support: Prefer sitting back and enjoying the experience? Now you can - Amidst The Darkness has full controller support.

Amidst The Darkness on Steam



Ok, I just beat the game and want to share some of my thoughts.

This game is a short platformer with a huge influence from Metroidvanias. I wouldn’t call it a Metroidvania per se because even though we have an interconnected map and abilities that let you visit new areas, most of the new areas you can visit with abilities are optimal, offering stats rather new upgrades or bosses.

This is also the first game created by the dev and feels like one of these browser games that I used to play ten years ago. That’s not bad by any means, but you have to be aware of what you are getting. The three areas are distinct between them, but there is not much variety within themselves. In the same area, most of the scenarios will look the same, which can make it hard for you to recognize places you have been before. You have like like 5 different types of enemies, and in latter areas, they are just variations of previous ones.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Temper your expectations - this is a $2 game from a brand new developer and it plays like one. The enemy variety is awful, the majority of the game is spent trudging through too-long corridors, and you’re basically incapable of fighting without the first upgrade (which means the first 20 minutes are going to be miserable). That said, the bosses were enjoyable, the music was acceptable, and the game is not long enough to become agonizingly tedious. As long as you know what you’re getting into, this is a reasonably enjoyable game. You can do a whole lot worse for the price, especially when it’s on sale.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Muzzleloaded on Steam

Dream Mirror

Dream Mirror

The IDEA, graphics, ambient music are simply awesome!!!

Vr needed a game like this!

Real player with 123.7 hrs in game

first i was very disapointed the stage was with sd graphism the horse was full of pixel , the cows , the space background even if the ship was great i was disapointed ans same for the next levels where i appreciated ony the sound part

until the balloon stage but from this stage i said wouah every stage

first the possibility to be in balloon is great and this stage of the city is wonderfull but empty there is no character like a deserted city and i love too underwater

after this there is a forest wonderfull the color of the tree and all and with great model and great animations of deer , in this stage all the animals are great worked , the light is wonderfull and the wonderfull color of the tree do we have the impression to be in the anime wonderfull i love this stage

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Dream Mirror on Steam

A Wonder

A Wonder

(Review below)

Keyboard and mouse controls guide:

  • Walk = WASD (or W + Mouse movement)

  • Run = WASD (or W + Mouse movement) + Shift

  • Climb/Drop = Space bar + W

  • Recharge lamp = R + Mouse movement

  • Activate/deactivate lamp = Left click mouse

  • Crouch = E

  • Camera movement = Mouse movement

  • Run jump = W + Shift

  • Pick up items/Activate ingredients = Space bar

  • Normal light mode = 1

  • Stun = Mouse wheel

  • Blue light mode = 3

  • Yellow light mode = 2

  • Activate (with yellow light on) switches = Space bar

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Most of the negative reviews are due to controller problems. As for me, my controller was fine. Every button functions as it should be. Though the movements/actions of the character is not too fluid, I still highly recommend people play this game!


I played for 30 minutes, and so far I enjoy this game! It’s FREE, graphics are good, and has a story. Judging from the number of pearls / constellations to collect, I think this game might take a good 5 hours to finish. I’ll update my review as I progress. But for now, 9/10

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

A Wonder on Steam

Molemen Must Die!

Molemen Must Die!

(I know the review is shit but I needed to reflect what I am)

Molemen Must Die.

What a hectic game. You can barely take your eyes of the sceen for a second unless you want to be eaten or drilled by those little fluffy bastards. I think thats why I love this game so much. Anyway, why would you want to look away from such a beautiful pleasing game such as this. (Cue the internet where you can’t have an opinion.) I do believe that MMD needs a chainsaw, but who knows what the future holds. Devs are also very sociable, but one gets ready to early. Was ready before midnight once, still dissapointed in him.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Our glorious President has been insulted, and one hot young mess of a woman who doesn’t believe in apologies, or forgiveness, or the oppressive shackles of sleeves won’t stand for it. It’s time to take the fight to the Molemen by delivering the biggest freedom bomb we can fit on an 8K monitor.

Molemen Must Die! ain’t your daddy’s shoot-‘em-up power-trip rogue-digger arcade fantasy. This is raw, unfiltered ice cold revenge served straight from the tap, no ice cubes, no orange wedge, no stupid sea salt around the rim. You’re gonna let those Molemen have it like a Truck-stop Sheila; hard, nasty, splattered across the pavement in a finish so ugly only Rorschach could appreciate it.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Molemen Must Die! on Steam