Sweet Hero

Sweet Hero

Control a coconut little kiss and slash your sweet enemies.

Think before move!

Sweet hero is a challenging grid-based movement game.

Every enemy have your own pattern, use this in your favor. Some stages are difficult but you respawn fastly. Think of a strategy to win.


  • 70 handcrafted stages.

  • 4 worlds with different enemies on each.

  • Relaxing soundtrack and satisfying sound effects.

  • Fast paced combat

  • Candy themed cute pixel art

Read More: Best Controller Difficult Games.

Sweet Hero on Steam



A lot of potential on this game from a relatively small dev team, not perfect, but it has a lot of potential onto it, it looks great, it plays amazing, though the controls need to be worked on, as I have suffered from moments where the keys weren’t responding very well, other than that it has been an amazing experience, I played it with a couple friends, and we had a ton of fun, I hope to see this game grow into a bigger community.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Action Games.

First, the good:

The controls aren’t THAT wonky.

Graphics are acceptable.

Shows some promise.

Now the bad:

Tutorial doesn’t teach anything useful.

Lotts of speling erors.

No direction.

No… I mean there isn’t really a game. Just run around and flimsily cast fireball, and no challenge in the combat.

What’s that blue spinny thing I found?

Couldn’t even complete the tutorial because the game doesn’t work.

It’s obvious the dev never played their own game because nothing goes anywhere.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Tyran on Steam

Externus: Path of the Solari

Externus: Path of the Solari


Externus: Path of the Solari is a character-driven tactical roleplaying game (RPG) adapted from an original tabletop game. We take inspiration from classic tactical RPGs along with modern game development to craft our own story and give you characters that matter. Our approach is designed to allow you to get to know the characters in your party along with strategic combat in full 3D environments. We encourage party interaction through our campfire scenes and storybook sequences that pay homage to the original tabletop game.


  • Strategic Turn-Based Tactical Combat

  • Full 3D Battlefields

  • Character-Driven Story

  • Storybook Choose Your Own Adventure Sequences

  • Death Matters, Each Ally You Lose Will Change Your Story

  • Unique Full-Color Artstyle

  • Based On An Original Tabletop RPG

We’re currently expecting to launch the game in the Summer of 2021.


Externus: Path of the Solari features classic turn-based gameplay. Our battles will take place in full 3D battlefields that allow you to rotate the camera a full 360 degrees. Our character-driven story will be told using those battlefields alongside interactive story sequences featuring custom artwork. You can traverse our world using a map that highlights the two distinct continents that make up the world of Externus. The world map features unique artwork inspired by early cartography.

Externus: Path of the Solari uses a turn-based battle system that takes advantage of our full 3D battlefields to make sure you can see all angles of the battlefield. This will help you weigh all your options from a tactical standpoint. The detailed battlefields feature elevation and other tactical landscapes to use to your advantage when facing your opponent. Sometimes it’s just easier to push someone off a cliff, right? Your choices make all the difference in combat.

Our goal for the battle system in Externus: Path of the Solari is to challenge the player so that they feel accomplished in defeating their foes. You should think about the risks and rewards of bringing certain characters and using their specialized abilities. Your actions and choices matter. Think about the world in terms of fate. Was it fate that a character died? Was it a punishment from the gods or just a mistake caused by an error in tactics? Death will be permanent in Externus, how will you react? Let the story play out and see how a character’s death affects those who knew them both in positive and negative ways. Maybe it’ll even send a ripple effect out into the world!

Externus: Path of the Solari is a storybook brought to life and your actions on and off the battlefield can change the pages as they’re presented. This goes back to our tabletop roots of wanting to tell a collective story that changes based on the players around the table.

#### Story

The world of Externus: Path of the Solari was crafted through years of playing the tabletop game and was a world created with friends. Fate plays a large role in our world as the balance between order and chaos is constantly shifting. We find ourselves in a time where two Gods have been slain by a powerful unknown enemy. Was fate in play here or did the Gods' time end before it was supposed to? Can even the Gods escape Fate or will the world be plunged into chaos?

The story of Externus: Path of the Solari follows Osmund Steele and his sons Alrik and Amante as they travel through the continents of Alcretia and Katrona. Osmund is part of an order known as the Soldat Solari, a tradition he intends to pass down to his sons, that is tasked with keeping balance and order throughout the world of Externus. Our story begins as we follow the Steele family and their companions on their way toward the town of Zyais when they run into unexpected trouble from a mysterious group known as The Monotheists. This group of zealots is led by a man named Gabriel who has a history with Osmund and the Soldat Solari. Was it fate that brought them together on this day? Was it the will of the gods? With Gabriel in the picture and rumors swirling of a larger threat, known only as The Abomination, the Steele family will have a lot of roadblocks in their way as they try to keep the balance of the world from shifting into chaos. Will your choices balance things or plunge them further into chaos? What does Fate have in store for you and your companions? Death matters in the world of Externus and losing an ally can change the story.

About Winterborn

Winterborn was formed by Kent Gambill in November of 2018 to make a tactical role-playing game set in a world he created over 15 years ago as a tabletop game. The studio was founded alongside Moudy Hamo, Jack Steele, Stephen Boilegh, and Trevor Osz to make a game using their unique skills.

As a studio, Winterborn was formed to adapt the original tabletop game that the team played for many years into a video game. We all have fond memories and a lot of stories to tell about our time playing the game. Now is our chance to tell those stories and make the kind of games that we grew up playing.

Read More: Best Controller Strategy Games.

Externus: Path of the Solari on Steam




Real player with 0.7 hrs in game


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game


Manual Intervention VR

Manual Intervention VR

While it has to be said that ‘Manual Intervention VR’ is little more than a modern-day asteroid clone I still found myself enjoying it. There is a certain playability about it even if those interactions are basic at best. The controls are pretty basic as well, one controller to aim ad fire the missiles and the other to spin/rotate the planet. I have to say rotating it too fast does lead to a touch of nausea, but nothing too bad. Sure, the graphics are adequate at best, but what do you want for just £2.09? For that price, you get a pretty good arcade-style game that retro fans will love and there is even a touch of the anime graphical novel thrown in for good measure. While not exactly original it’s still pretty great fun for a cheap price.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Great game, easy to pickup.

Missile command vibe.

Its £2 for 4 to 5 hrs.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Manual Intervention VR on Steam

The Undisputables : Online Multiplayer Shooter

The Undisputables : Online Multiplayer Shooter

Very good game. I really appreciated the cartoon atmosphere which gave it a very original touch. Also online matches are especially fun, you never get bored. I highly recommend it

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Interesting third Person Shooter in cartoonish style and very casual for any players. It has potential.

However, I have some remarks and I hope that the developer will take consideration:

-There is a slight input lag while using keyboard and mouse that needs to fixed as soon as possible.

-The game seems locked to 60hz while using my 165hz monitor. “unlimited FPS” and “Vsync” for non-Freesync/Fsync users are a must to be included in graphic settings.

-Perks like in COD games would be interesting to be included.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

The Undisputables : Online Multiplayer Shooter on Steam

Dice Of Knights

Dice Of Knights

dev must have taken an acid trip while coding chess to create this kind of masterpiece

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Dice Of Knights on Steam

Rogue Company

Rogue Company

Stick long enough with this disaster of a game and you’ll find true worth of it. It’s worse than the actual sh*8.

They want to loot money through Micro-Transactions. Now hold on!! I would’ve have said earn and that would’ve been completely fine if only they would have been somewhat serious about fixing the damn game. But no, all I see are more ways to loot money while they keep introducing new bugs update after update. At this point, they are literally features of this game.

You know what the funny thing is? Go on and check most of the positive reviews. How much time did they spend on this game to write the review LoL. Looks can be deceiving, right!

Real player with 483.6 hrs in game

I have some very mixed feelings about this game and wasn’t sure if I should recommend it or not, but in the end it’s a fun game that’s absolutely free, so there is no way I cannot recommend this.

The reason for my mixed feelings are the following:

The game is free and has great gameplay. The characters feel good to control and the general gameplay loop is engaging. It also has a variation of modes that feel quite unique from each other. As a result, you’re less likely to not enjoy any of the modes.

Real player with 325.1 hrs in game

Rogue Company on Steam

Scramble: Battle of Britain

Scramble: Battle of Britain

Scramble: Battle of Britain is a simultaneous turn-based dogfighting game. Set in a 3D airspace, the game features fast-paced, tactical combat with dynamic flight physics.

Luftwaffe and RAF fighter squadrons go head to head over The English Channel. Competing players simultaneously issue control inputs for multiple aircraft while time is paused.

The planned orders are then played out simultaneously: shots are fired, loops are looped, colliding planes collide.

Each turn is divided into three phases: planning phase, action phase, and review phase.

Survey the aerial battlefield, plan your flight paths, execute spectacular manoeuvres, scrub through time to assess battle damage, and defeat your enemies through masterful tactics and captivating aerobatics.


The two squadrons simultaneously set input controls for each of their Aircraft, adjusting their flight path and attempting to bring them into attacking positions. Setting the flightpaths works like flying planes in a real-time combat game: you’re not choosing from set manoeuvres or levels of altitude, you’re adjusting pitch, roll, yaw and throttle to create your path.

The Planning Phase is time-limited: you need to think fast and act quickly.


Time is unpaused and your planned actions are played out. All aircraft move and shoot according to the inputs from the Planning Phase.


Time is paused once again. You can move back and forth through the timeline, reviewing the events of the Action Phase to plan for the next turn.

Once both squadrons are ready, the turn is over and you jump to the next one.


Scramble: Battle of Britain allows you to manage your Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe squadrons and to fly with your favourite planes. All the key aircraft that took part in the Battle of Britain are represented.

Featured Royal Air Force Aircraft:

  • Supermarine Spitfire

  • Hawker Hurricane

  • Boulton Paul Defiant

  • Gloster Gladiator

  • Bristol Blenheim

Featured Luftwaffe Aircraft:

  • Messerschmitt Bf 109

  • Junkers JU87 “Stuka”

  • Messerschmitt BF110

  • Heinkel He111

  • Dornier Do17

  • Junkers JU88


You can play Scramble: Battle of Britain with your friends or against the AI. The game features single-player and co-op missions, as well as quick skirmishes and competitive scenarios. Do battle in pure fighter-versus-fighter dogfights or engage bomber formations in objective-based missions.

Up for something different? Use the scenario builder to create custom single-player missions or multiplayer matches for endless fun.


Make the squadrons your own: the game features in-game tools to customize your fighters with unique camo patterns and decals.

Scramble: Battle of Britain on Steam

Mordheim: City of the Damned

Mordheim: City of the Damned

Hi all,

I will present this review in different segments depending on if you are:

  1. a GW fanatic and preferably familiar with the Mordheim Tabletop game. (GWF)

  2. A general fantasy/tactics lover (GFTL)

  3. everyone else (EE)

First the TL:DR version:

  1. a GW fanatic and preferably familiar with the Mordheim Tabletop game. (GWF)

You have been waiting for this game since the first time you critted the Ogre mercenary. It’s here. Go buy it. Oh wait, its not a straight conversion like BB? Hmmm. Well then have a look below to see if this adaptation is for you. Yes there are some bugs and yes the AI is not great, but this is meant to be played vs friends anyway right?

Real player with 874.9 hrs in game

I know the feelings about this game are very mixed but as far as I am concerned it is perfect. The difficulty is the kind of unfair that requires you to think about every move you make, even one attempt to cut a corner and you’re punished severely.

I’ve played a fair bit now and from the negative reviews I’ve read alot of people seem to dislike the hardcore nature of the game. I can appreciate why but I don’t think anyone was ever mislead about how difficult this game would be or the penalties your units face for going out of action in a mission. This is almost a roguelike RTS, the best thing about this game is that you use the environment as part of your strategy to out manouvre the far superior enemy, lock them down and beat them into nothing.

Real player with 749.8 hrs in game

Mordheim: City of the Damned on Steam