


Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Casual Games.

Sometimes you have to be creative.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

BzzzController on Steam

Project Hunter

Project Hunter

Although somewhat buggy, overall this was an enjoyable and addictive stealth/action game with some nice skill-based mechanics.

It was a pleasure to see your alien evolve from a small larva-like creature to a full-grown fire-breathing dragon.

The ending was a bit of rushed though - wish there was more to the story.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Strategy Games.

For what it is, Project Hunter is a very solid go at making a stealth game playing in the Alien Franchise.

Story: virtually nonexistent. You are an alien specimen that escaped containment, and your goal is to kill all enemies and evolve. I was somewhat annoyed that the opening scrawl was unskippable, but that’s just a minor inconvenience.

Gameplay: Solid, but limited. If you are familiar with the Alien Franchise, you may be perplexed that you start off as a small generic grub rather than the signature facehugger. As a stealth game, your best approach is to always attack enemies from behind, which is a one-hit kill regardless of your form. No particular surprise.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Project Hunter on Steam



I’ll try to be as concise as possible, but I’m a long winded individual so…here goes!

First of all, I absolutely love this game. The art style, animation, gameplay, replay, and humor is just amazing. This is probably my favorite game this year and I think the first game I’ve gotten all the achievements on in a long time. It’s got it’s fair share of flaws, but nothing that completely breaks the enjoyment of the game.


Graphically, the game is beautiful. Big fan of pixel art, the animation is key in pixel art. With very few pixels to represent a character or world, the only thing that separates the generic pixel art and a living world is animation and this game has it.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Action Games.

I played the demo and that was pretty fun, it kinda sold me on wanting to get the full version ASAP…even though I was already pretty set on wanting to get it since it’s initial announcements because of its various innovations with the elemental mechanics.

As much as I enjoyed the demo though, it was a fairly condensed experience designed to give you a small taste of each of the elements that you get to work with throughout the game and only lasts a couple of hours. At the time of me writing this review, with the full version of the game (which I found heavily discounted ~ what a lovely surprise that was) I’m at just under 40 hours and about to start level 21 (Mountains 6). I’m not sure how many levels there are overall (I could look it up I’m not one to spoil these types of details for myself lol), but when looking at the game map I’m in the upper right section…about to leave the mountains, so I still have quite a bit to go it seems, which is awesome.

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

Wildfire on Steam



I played through this game in one sitting and found it very enjoyable.

I didn’t try it without a controller but you’d proooobably be okay without one? You control the two “things” with two joysticks, but I can’t remember any part that took extremely precise angles or coordination so wasd/arrow keys are likely adequate. There are two other buttons necessary (shoulder buttons on controller), so thumbs/pinkies would be needed too on keyboard. Definitely recommend controller if at all possible, but you can always try it out and refund it if the controls are annoying.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

If you take a brief glance at a video for this you may think it’s all about timing and dexterity but it’s nothing of the sort. This is a puzzler through and through.

You have two rooms: orange on the left, blue on the right, with a jellyfish in each. The two rooms are usually identical, sometimes there is a small difference. Using your left and right controller sticks, you have to move both of your jellyfish to the exit portals at the opposite ends of the rooms. Doorways are guarded by sentinels with vision arcs, and if one of your jellyfish gets caught by an arc he’s zapped back to his starting position.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Semispheres on Steam



You like big Guns?

You like shooting your Way through hundrets of Enemies?

You like Bombing everything away that comes insight?

You like your Enemies hearing you coming in a distance from over 1000 Yards?

Wanna be like RAMBO?

Then you are wrong here. Sorry.

Here you will only have a Katana and your Skills.

You can be like SNAKE EYES!

Come on, thats the cool Ninja from the G.I. JOE Series.

BUT you have hundrets of Enemies!

Welcome to UNSHADED!

Somewhere in a dark Future, in a World ruled by Corporations, plagued by corrupt Police and Gang Wars you, the mysterious Fiend, are hired by one Corporation to test new Technology. Thats also your Chance to clean this World from the Scum that infested it.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

I dont play stealth games often but this was actually not that bad. Apart from the gore it has. The enemies AI walk into thier own traps HAHA probably the most funny thing about this game I would say you should probably buy this when its on discount otherwise there are better games. Good game. Needs more Updates and Levels

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Unshaded on Steam

Hyde and Zeke

Hyde and Zeke

Please. Read this entire review before you come to a conclusion about whether or not to try this game & remember that most of the following complaints come from the last mode, Sage mode, & all my losses were mostly my fault. While the RNG is either the worst or most noticeable in that mode, I got impatient & left my cover when I thought I had enough time, so a lot of my rage was self-inflicted.

As problematic as this game will sound, as awful as I’m going to make it appear, please understand that it functions perfectly fine & is still a product of effort, clearly seen in the art & AI.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

I Like this game but i might be a little biest because the animater for the game is my Art touter so ya here is her link: this game is a keyboard game so there is no mouse controls you press A to start and S and W to go up and down very good game highly reccomend

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Hyde and Zeke on Steam

Mark of the Ninja

Mark of the Ninja

I’m long time due with a review about Mark of the Ninja, as it’s gameplay and way of presentation captivated me from it’s first level.

Gameplay-wise the game is an stealth game - but unlike games like Thief series, here you can dispatch your enemies in various ways - if you want to.

You can arm yourself with incredible variety of tools - you can change your skin/cloth, resulting in a different combat style that can alter your health, pool of distraction or offense items, and sometimes introducing unique traits to that combat style.

Real player with 42.9 hrs in game

I personally wasn’t a fan of Klei’s previous games, like Shank and Eets. I felt they were meh at best, extremely frustrating at worst. It doesn’t really help that puzzle games and beat em' ups weren’t exactly my forte.

And then they just went and released one of the best stealth games ever made out of flipping nowhere.

Pros (+) :

  • Excellent level design, 95% of the rooms have more than one way of sneaking around, and many of them will require you to use your brain. How will you get around these lasers ? How will you sneak past these guards ? How will you open that door ?

Real player with 42.4 hrs in game

Mark of the Ninja on Steam

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell®

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell®

Splinter Cell is Ubisoft’s response to Metal Gear Solid, and boy did they deliver! The game has amazing graphics for 2002, with light and shadow environments, cloth physics and movement caption, with the epic voice of Michael Ironside as the ex-Navy SEAL, and now NSA agent, Sam Fisher. You are helped and guided by a team of specialists from the Third Echelon, a super secret branch of the National Security Agency (NSA). The controls present some neat flexibility to the player, giving the stealth genre much needed maneuvering space. The game is set in the Clancyverse, so you can expect the usual high-class military-political intrigue coupled with the rough military guys surrounded by state-of-the-art tactical gear; the green googles being the trademark of the Splinter Cell series.

Real player with 80.4 hrs in game

Splinter Cell is a stealth title that was created as a “Metal Gear Solid 2 killer”; a MGS2 killer it is not.

A good game it is.

Rather than the MGS formula of using enemy line of sight as the danger, Splinter Cell uses light as the catalyst to all stealth play. At the bottom right you have a small bar that shows how visible you are; light sources shoot this bar all the way up and any enemy looking in your general direction will be alerted to your prescence. Sound also plays a role in this, as you can adjust Sam’s move speed by 6 or so degrees. Different floors (wooden, grates, concrete) make different sounds, but the general idea is that in addition to staying out of sight, you must also stay out of sound.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® on Steam




Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

This game definitely deserves some attention. I’ve played a ridiculous amount of horror games. Especially indie horror. It’s a mess of disappointment out there. However, you find some gems out there too like this one.


-This game could teach a class on how to use subtle cues to invoke paranoia and unease. It uses small details moving around objects and placing objects right in place that’s in the corner of your eye to make you think for a split second that might be a threat. It doesn’t rely on jumpscares at all and thankfully does not include any of my least favorite shrilly loud noise scares. Those are just annoying.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game


Slybots: Frantic Zone

Slybots: Frantic Zone


Now that I have your attention: This is a great game. Got hold of it a while back and it’s addictive as hell! You could easily make this the only game in your library and be as happy as a dog with two willies.

It’s the smashing lovechild of being the Companion Cube from Portal and a Cardboard box from Metal Gear Solid. And then arming them to the teeth so they can kill eachother is sneaky, leathal & imaginative ways.

If you’re a crappy multiplayer, get ready to rage quit. Your mates will hand your ass to you in a paper bag. But if you’re good at that kinda shizzle; turn on, boot up and jack in! These crafty crates are gon' give you and your buddies plenty of reasons to not be friends any more!

Real player with 20.5 hrs in game

I played Fatal Error this weekend with a couple of friend… and I was surprised by the great amount of fun that this game can give. The stealth mechanism is very new in this genre and permits different style of gameplay and the three different game types give us a vast array of options.

Probably it needs maps with above-ground paths and a game mode where players have limited lifes with no crystal to capture. I think it could be more interesting with these options.

Sometimes it remembers me of an old game that I was using to play on PlayStation with friends: Blast Chamber.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Slybots: Frantic Zone on Steam