

I would recommend this game. However, I will not do so without SOME talking points.

First - The art is amazing. However, it becomes very jarring when moving around inside of zones the fog of war and tilt shift become VERY hard on the eyes.

I STRONGLY suggest that anyone wanting to play the game mess with the settings at length.

Make sure the bottom three settings are OFF (Tilt Shift, Chromatic Aberration, and CRT) and the color scheme is set to something easy on your eyes like Flat or Cinema. Vivid works as well but will be slightly more straining.

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Military Games.

The world is one interconnected hub and unlocks different areas with to the story’s progression, but they all loop back round to each other and fast travel is conveniently placed. Given that the story is kind of a placeholder (name more than maybe ten stories in games that aren’t), I kind of wish it skipped the explanations about why you’re going from one area to the next in favor of an unspoken, Shadow of the Colossus/Legacy of Kain style, web of bosses you can choose to fight in any order you want to.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Orangeblood on Steam

Kira’s Contract

Kira’s Contract

Kira is the main character, who looks as gloomy asf, but unlike other protagonists, she’s really funny in the fact that she just says it as it is, “You’re a sacrifice. You’re all scum. Magiks DA BEST. You’re all idiots,” to the NPC’s nonetheless, who harp on about how hero’s are legendary and actually look down on her. You travel around with 3 other companions who each help you win the battle. Every time you win a fight, you level up. BE careful having a member down when you defeat the last monster, as that member will be excluded from the experience points. I’d say investing in everyone’s armour and weapons is the most important thing you can do, from the get go. Get those dragon rings asap. In the beginning, you can’t really do much about it, but try your best to keep leveling up in weapons and armor. You’re gonna notice a lot of the merchandise, you can only get with the blue crystal orb. These orbs are important as they get you access to the best weapons, armor, shields. So I’d do the battles and always look around, just for the sake of getting them. You can run away from fights. But sometimes you can’t and that is when they attack you first and it hurts. A lot of the fighting is repetitive when you’re in a specific zone. So i’d always keep trudging forward not dallying too too long. Unless you want to grind forever, be my guest. I’m that type of gamer, so it might not be for everyone. The music in this game is so wonderful and magical. 3 It really makes the game. 3 It’s soothing and calming! And really gives it that feel. The controls for this game though are by FAR one of the best intuitive control panels I’ve come across in an rpg. Usually you have to learn what to do with a learning curve. But I feel like I’ve been using the control panels forever! There are some things that could be easier like equiping, but that’s alright. One thing though! Sometimes it’ll glitch! Like while you’re scrolling done to buy some gear, it’ll disappear. An easy way to fix this is just by scrolling up, until it reappears again and going back down, but slowly so it won’t act up again. I wish the characters had banter/talk while they walked. But they usually run into some sort of enemy immediately, so SAVE SAVE SAVE. The fight music is pretty epic, though I wish there were more types. I really like this game and think everyone should give it a try on the account that for 5$ or less you get to travel with them and fight. It is getting HARDER to fight the end monsters, so that is troubling for me. I’ve died already 11 times with this current one I’m stuck with. It’s a shame there aren’t enough players yet to help me figure this out. T___T ahhh. 8.5/10. Give it a play!

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Singleplayer Games.

First: I played most of this game off-line so my real playtime is higher.

Now, I just can’t recommend this game.

You start this game with an rather overpowered duo. Not only that but you’ll find hugh amounts of money in chests and can buy weapons and armor with it that most games only offer much later (mostly the endgame).

But than….if you don’t buy them you are done. Because the balance is ….eh there is no balance. One moment you’ll can kill the whole enemy party with one spell the next moment you fight against groups who constantly silence you and/or hit with

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Kira's Contract on Steam

Ladies Orders

Ladies Orders


First and foremost, Ladies Orders is, as the tags clearly point out, an RPG Maker game. This can be a turn-off for many players, so there, you are warned.

Right now I haven’t played the game a lot, so this review is most likely going to be updated in the near future, so take my opinion with a pinch of salt.

Although I am currently neutral about the portraied religious background of the enemies you fight at the beginning of the game, I was a bit surprised & flabbergasted about the choice. I really do hope that this game will not turn out to be a propaganda piece for a political conviction.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Singleplayer Games.

I could make a better game on RPGmaker than this game. I don’t even know how to code or draw. I can script, but that’s about it.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Ladies Orders on Steam

De’Vine: Card Battles

De’Vine: Card Battles

(Edit) When i first playing this game i liked it alots. I wished to see this game getting better, so i decided to support this game since the day of the game release. Of course the developer is very active in community.

Sounds like a good game and good developer right? Yeah it is indeed. Many of you might question me right now, then why would i thumb down now after playing 130+ hours? Isn’t that too late for this?

Many things happen including the any criticism and negative complain that developer of this game can’t take. Last thing i did before i quit was pushing him to release new patch content because the announcement was on 14.04.2018. First it was delayed for 1 day announce tonight release again then delayed over and over. 5 days after i had enough, so i decided to say or push him that “You can’t keep it like this until next sunday. Now…is that malicious? I dunno….because after i saying this then his partner decided to came up and had a looooooong chat with me.

Real player with 131.1 hrs in game

I’m a sucker for card games. In the developer’s previous game, I often found myself playing to collect more cards, rather than the main game. To my surprise, the developer decided to expand upon the mini-game and make it a main feature. I’ve been hooked for the past few days playing this when I’ve spent more money for less enjoyment.

There are aspects of the game that do require some trial and error to understand the specific mechanics, such as damage reduction traits only work on defense, but there is some fun strategy involved in making an effective team. There isn’t a card sorting system yet, but the developer is working on getting that out soon.

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

De'Vine: Card Battles on Steam

Soaring Machinariae

Soaring Machinariae

I really wish steam had a neutral option.

TL;DR: For $10, not worth it. If you get it on sale, then why not? Despite the fantastic voice acting, solid gameplay, and incredible sound design, this game is ultimately a generic time waster. That’s not to say it’s bad, it has an incredible amount of polish with very few spelling or grammar issues, but polish doesn’t equate to an interesting or unique product. The characters are fun, but you’ve seen them a hundred times before. The gameplay is solid, but you’ve played better before. Every aspect of this game is done better by others, but if this is your first foray into RPG Maker, then it’s a pretty good starting place. In comparison to other RPG Maker games, this game is pretty dang good, and it at least stands out against them. The game only falls short when compared to games outside of the RPG Maker engine or when you’ve played a ton of RPG Maker games, but if you’re looking for a decently fun RPG Maker game and a way to waste some time, this is a decent pick.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Action JRPG + fully voiced + good controls = Zelda like gameplay with anime charm. Adventure as Iris the Machinariae and obtain skills. Great price! Normally this type of game is at least a $15-20.

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Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Soaring Machinariae on Steam

Dragon Slayer

Dragon Slayer

I bought this game on sale for a dollar and it appears to have better graphics than most of the RPG Maker games. The main menu is in Chinese and you have to keep trying to select different things from the menu until you find the options menu that lets you change it to English. Make sure you make two copies of your save every time because autosave will overwrite your save file, and make sure you backtrack at the beginning of the game to get all of the extra healing potions. The game randomly leaves some of the treasure chests empty every time you start a new game. This is a really good game for a dollar. At first I didn’t even pay attention to the fact that the weak healing potions are a lot cheaper then the strong ones. I like to add the third character to my party and buy another expensive ring for $9000, and then return to the previous area with weaker enemies to level up a little bit. I like this game because it doesn’t seem to have any of the annoying dungeons that other games have, and it is really easy to play through without a walk through.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Its shit. Its extremely unbalanced, the story is dull, its stupidly punishing, full of bugs i think, like maybe it were just stupid design choices, absolutely not rewarding.

The character artwork is pretty good and i wish it would have been used in a better game.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Dragon Slayer on Steam

Dungeons of Betrayal

Dungeons of Betrayal

–-{ Graphics }—

☑ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☑ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☑ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

I am really enjoying this game, it has a very unique feel to it compared to other RPG maker type games, I particularly enjoy the resource conservation - limited enemies so no farming easy enemies for exp, and limited healing items so its almost like a kind of survival horror.

Finished the game, it was entertaining but I could not figure out how to defeat the last boss, when he is nearly dead, he unleashes an instant kill spell that does 3500 damage which always resulted in a game over.

I eventually beat him by editing my save file to give myself 5000hp so I could tank his final attack.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Dungeons of Betrayal on Steam

Lost Legend

Lost Legend

This game is great and has dedicated creators that do live streams of their work. They are almost always patching and improving the game.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Like a lot of alpha games, it has a good foundation with lots of room to grow. Gameplay is mostly quest- and exploration-based, and is engaging even though there is no combat so far.

Devs are super responsive to feedback about the game. Gave them two bug reports with a few dozen observations and all were fixed within 48 hours. Diligent follow-through suggests the game might actually be finished, unlike the majority of RPG Maker alpha projects out there.

The game is worth the $3 price tag right now. Buy it while it is cheap.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Lost Legend on Steam

Guardians of Greenheart

Guardians of Greenheart

I am appreciated for the high-difficult enemy that required careful planning to ensure victory with minimum cost. The art is beautiful and the story is straight to the point.

However, over the first hour of my playtime, the grinding has became too much. In the very first battle, you will be pitch against a big bad enemy that can one-shot (in which it did) your character should you had not debuff them. Beating that big bad was hard, but that okay, no problems.

However, when that very same kind of big bad which would reappeared in the next dozens of battles, the game became too much monotone and boring, for by the 3rd battle, you have already mastered what combo should you use.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Guardians of Greenheart on Steam



“They say Hell lies in other people, but I don’t think it’s worse than living with your own past. Those people barely grasp what Hell can really be."


You are Avoir Cafard, a miserable, dull man that lives in a dirty and deplorable apartment, in a forsaken town with sad people and monotonous situations.

Avoir works in a local church as a spiritual counselor for people who have problems with life, either because of friendships, love, work, or family.

During five days, he will attend five different people with different situations that are disturbing them.

Taking them for a walk.

Talking to them for a while.

Making them see that things are not so bad as they imagine.

Maybe that will help them, somehow.

While at it, Avoir is also trying to solve his own problems. Problems about his own past.

He wishes to forget it at all costs.

Sadly, memories from an eternity seem impossible to forget.


Raziel (Rah-ziih-ell) is an adventure_-esque_, atmospheric and utterly poetic game where you wander about solving small tasks and talking to people. It aims to be a character study of five distinct people and their stream of consciousness, while also being a tale about introspection, alienation, nostalgia, loneliness, and the human condition.

The game is set within five days of Avoir’s life. In each of them, you meet a different person which you must help to ease their struggles about life while discovering new things about Avoir himself.

While not taking care of them, you are free to wander about in the city talking to its inhabitants and maybe even helping them along the way.

It revolves in five chapters with a prologue, two interludes, and an epilogue.

It was made using RPG Maker 2000, using everything the engine has to offer.


  • 3+ hours of gameplay;

  • Original Soundtrack;

  • Charismatic characters;

  • Pixel Art cutscenes;

  • No random battles (actually, no battles at all);

  • Various minigames, such as fishing and blackjack;

  • Free city-roaming;

  • NPCs that don’t have just one meaningless line of dialogue;

  • Customizable settings such as Text box transparency and style, text speed, fonts, and more;

  • Various button layouts for different controllers;

Raziel on Steam