BH Trials

BH Trials

This game feels like learning to walk after suffering a stroke. At first your movement will be uncontrolled and you will flail your limbs about the place helplessly. But soon you’ll get the hang of it and instead stumble about like a drunken toddler. Great fun!

There is quite a bit of content and extra challenge, as each level offers a collectible and a highscore list where you can try to beat the times of your quadriplegic fellows. Some levels are insanely hard and the highscore lists at later stages have very few entries. I really wish this game would be more popular, it would be well deserved.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Difficult Games.

I absolutely love this game.

I have always wondered how these sorts of machines are controlled in real life so when I saw Northernlion playing this, I bought it pretty much instantly.

BH Trials is an obstacle course game, where you navigate a “backhoe loader”, as I’ve learned these are called, through a path riddled with all manners of different obstacles. The only problem is, that the only way of movement is manipulating the loader and the backhoe arm. The wheels roll but that’s about it, you can’t actually drive or steer the machine in a normal fashion.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

BH Trials on Steam

Cyber Lemur

Cyber Lemur

This game is a really fun challenge. I don’t typically go for awkward control games, but this game achieves just the right level of difficulty with good pacing. The later levels are really challenging and would take a while to really master! The multiplayer options are where the real fun happens. There’s an element of unpredictability and silliness that balances the challenging controls to make it really fun both when working together to control the same character, or when competing against each other. I would definitely recommend it whether you are looking for a challenge, or just a casual game to play with friends!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Local Co-Op Games.

game was pretty fun just hard to control

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cyber Lemur on Steam



This is definitely one of the most unique games I’ve played. The learning curve it pretty steep initially but not overly difficult. You control two separate characters in a top-down shooter with a single controller. Your left hand controls one character and your right hand controls the other. Think of it as if rubbing your belly and patting your head got converted to a video game. I reccomend either putting both characters together initially so your movements are identical or just shoving one guy in a corner where he is safe.

Real player with 103.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Top-Down Shooter Games.

Awesome mechanics and weapons!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Ambidangerous on Steam



This game is an absolute delight. It is a cheap game though and I would only recommend it at a price point of around 10 bucks. I paid 13.50 CAD and feel it was money well spent.

You need a particular mindset going in, however. Things you should know about the game.

It’s comprehensible, but it’s not super well translated.

Movement and control are very tricky, and take a while to get used to.

There is almost no animation in the game. Characters will rotate, but there’s very little moving of limbs and stuff.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game


+Learning to correctly orientate your character and effectively using the different poses is fun for a bit.

-There is not much in terms of a story.

-Be prepared for this playing the exact same song over and over till you are sick of it.

-Certain levels will be frustrating in difficulty.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Otokomizu~漢水~ on Steam

I Am Bread

I Am Bread

My opinion about the game overall:

If you were expecting a funny/punny review then you came to the wrong review. I decided to make an actual helpful/serious review for the game. Let me start off saying this is a really great game and is a real and serious game despite looking like a joke, back when I saw this game in Greenlight I laughed and gave it a vote expecting it to be a game that wouldn’t even get to a full release, when it first came out my friend bought it so I went to his place and played it for a few hours, after playing it a few times I decided to buy i. Aas it got more and more updates it got better. A lot of people say the game is hard to play with a keyboard but I disagree, back when I first played the game I didn’t have a controller so I played it with a keyboard, after a while, I got a controller, and the only thing that was hard about playing with a controller was that sometimes I got confused with the buttons' names, overall it’s better with a controller. Awesome game, they really put a lot of work to it and listened to the community throughout the making of the game.

Real player with 89.8 hrs in game

This game is amazing! The main story is a fully immersive action, adventure, 3D platformer, roleplaying puzzle game with unexpectedly dark twists in the story. It is truly an emotional roller coaster as you hang on for dear life, inches away from safety, flinging yourself upward with the little strength you have left in a desperation, only to fall to a painful death, alone, far from loaf of your family, on the cold hard floor. Then you try again, and again, as frustration and you question whether it is even possible to reach you goal is this cruel world. The feeling of accomplishment after finally succeeding makes it all worth it. You learn, if a piece of bread can overcome all the odds and become toast, you might have a chance at succeeding in life too, if you stop playing this addicting game and go live it. You also learn that alcohol compounds psychological issues.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

I Am Bread on Steam

Sloth Quest

Sloth Quest

Enjoyed this more than I expected. At first I thought it looked “kinda silly, kinda fun…” I wasn’t wrong but it’s more “lots of silly, lots of fun.” Give innovative “sloth-based” mechanics a go.

Kotaku summed my first impression up well when they said “Sloth Quest looks stupid, but I still wanna play it.” Took a bit to get into it at first (the controls take some getting used to) but it’s been a blast!

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Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

One of the hardest games i have ever played but that is also because i suck at these types of games, but i absolutely love this game!!! you get to play as a sloth! that’s all you need to know. you are a sloth. if you like sloths, buy this game period.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Sloth Quest on Steam

🚀 Human Rocket Person

🚀 Human Rocket Person

Whoa! Way to go Activision! As you probaly know, Call of Duty has been going nowhere the last couple of games and many has been wondering what Activision would do with the franchise to revive it. Well, enter CC:HRP! It takes the series in a whole new brave direction! I mean, the inter-war, inter-age theme following different generations of the same family through ww1, ww2, the vietnam war, afghanistan and the american war is damn cool! Also, the historical accuracy is great. And then there is the changed controller scheme that changes the gameplay but in a really cool way! Anyhow, to sum it up:

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

This game is full of shit! In a good way :)

When I read the game was hard, I though: “Yea right…. How hard can it be?”. Well, it is hard! At the moment I’m mid level 6, and there is ass juice and helmets everywhere. It looks like a warzone, just with shit instead of blood. But the humor is awesome!

I see this game as a challenge. I want to beat this, no matter what. It takes time, and there will be poop. A lot of it. But I hope some day I will complete the game. Don’t give up if you play it, and don’t smash your keyboard or controller into the wall ;)

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

🚀 Human Rocket Person on Steam



Really fun game. I love platformers and this gave me such a refreshing challenge in gameplay. I would highly recommend if you want a challenging platformer that’s also really chill : )

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Two dollars gave me two hours of frustrating “punch the table” fun. There are only 5 levels and the replay value is none. Do yourself a favor (at the time of writing) pause the game and spam jump to do super jumps. Have fun destroying the game. That alone is worth two dollars for me. If you were expecting more…then that might be your fault.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

LOST EGG on Steam

Stilt Fella

Stilt Fella

After 18 hours of what can only be described as psychological torture aimed at people with masochistic tendencies and fingers swollen to the size of bowling balls - I have finally beaten the game. And I feel the most accomplished than after beating any other game. And… and… I hate this game. I despise it. And I love it. It is so good it will literally make you hate it and love it at the same time. At one point it even confused me sexually. I cannot recommend this game enough. I’m serious. I cannot recommend it. DON’T BUY IT. Unless you like really challenging games that will force you to fail thousands of times in the most infuriating ways possible. If this review confuses you, then you understand how this game made me feel. But seriously, BUY THIS GAME. It’s amazing.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

I’m one of the beta testers and responsible for the menu and end credits music so I’ve walked along this game for a while…

I have seen people mention games like Getting Over It, but I do see that view a bit lacking. While Getting Over It starts fairly easy, forcing you to get around a tree, this is an instant slap in the face, much like QWOP. Although, because the stilts are much easier to control than the runner’s legs in QWOP, you will be picking up the correct rhythm quite quickly and feel like a god just finishing the first levels.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Stilt Fella on Steam

How I learned to Skate

How I learned to Skate

“This is a story about how I learned to skate. It was hard…"

How I learned to Skate is a desperately difficult ice-skating challenge about a boy learning to skate for the first time, following an increasingly burdensome path, chasing after the girl he could never have.


Control individual legs and body tilt to move the ice-skater with a mouse or a controller. It’s simple.

  • Raise a leg

  • Choose a direction

  • Release the leg

  • Tilt the body to turn

Additional info

This game is all about learning and mastering a new unique mechanic.

  • A challenge with checkpoints.

  • Inspired by a Warcraft 3 mod that I love, Polar Escape 5

  • Merged together with instantaneous mouse controls from Getting Over It

  • Takes roughly 12 hours to complete, depending on how fast you learn. Roughly 3 hours for the demo.

How I learned to Skate on Steam