My Friend Peppa Pig

My Friend Peppa Pig


















Real player with 387.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Action Games.


• Huge open world adventure for you to explore

• Several side missions

• Character design is unforgettable

• Main story is breathtaking, the ending impacted my view on the world forever


• Unskippable cutscenes (not that you’d want to)

• Price is a little high for my liking, but forgivable due to the stunning gameplay and features inside


A truly immaculate creation. Visuals are great, world creation is marvelous. Allows you to create your own original character straight from the Peppa Pig franchise. It makes you feel like you really are a part of the Peppa Pig universe. Makes other games like Sekiro : Shadows Die Twice pitiful. Could be considered a GOTY contender.

Real player with 63.7 hrs in game

My Friend Peppa Pig on Steam

Void Vikings

Void Vikings

An interesting game… Recommended for a fans of twin-stick shooters looking for something a little different.

The core concept of paying back a student loan by pillaging local star systems is both unique and provides some tactical options. Should you pursue an expensive yet effective degree and struggle to pay back both the principal and interest, or settle for a cheap but shoddy education and focus on upgrades? Ultimately, you need both the education and the upgrades, but the premise disguises what would otherwise be a transparent grind.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Action Games.

Fun, polished little arcade wave space shooter with a couple of modes including a ‘diablo’ style randomised loot system, customisation, leader boards, and several distinct ships to fly.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Void Vikings on Steam

I Am Bread

I Am Bread

My opinion about the game overall:

If you were expecting a funny/punny review then you came to the wrong review. I decided to make an actual helpful/serious review for the game. Let me start off saying this is a really great game and is a real and serious game despite looking like a joke, back when I saw this game in Greenlight I laughed and gave it a vote expecting it to be a game that wouldn’t even get to a full release, when it first came out my friend bought it so I went to his place and played it for a few hours, after playing it a few times I decided to buy i. Aas it got more and more updates it got better. A lot of people say the game is hard to play with a keyboard but I disagree, back when I first played the game I didn’t have a controller so I played it with a keyboard, after a while, I got a controller, and the only thing that was hard about playing with a controller was that sometimes I got confused with the buttons' names, overall it’s better with a controller. Awesome game, they really put a lot of work to it and listened to the community throughout the making of the game.

Real player with 89.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Controller Difficult Games.

This game is amazing! The main story is a fully immersive action, adventure, 3D platformer, roleplaying puzzle game with unexpectedly dark twists in the story. It is truly an emotional roller coaster as you hang on for dear life, inches away from safety, flinging yourself upward with the little strength you have left in a desperation, only to fall to a painful death, alone, far from loaf of your family, on the cold hard floor. Then you try again, and again, as frustration and you question whether it is even possible to reach you goal is this cruel world. The feeling of accomplishment after finally succeeding makes it all worth it. You learn, if a piece of bread can overcome all the odds and become toast, you might have a chance at succeeding in life too, if you stop playing this addicting game and go live it. You also learn that alcohol compounds psychological issues.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

I Am Bread on Steam

Project Wingman

Project Wingman

Project Wingman feels like playing an Ace Combat game, but where Ace Combat flirts a little with it’s crazier aspects, Project Wingman embraces them. And it is all the better for it.

It takes a lot for a game with a campaign to get me to actually finish it because I usually end up distracted by another game before I do so. But with PW I haven’t just cleared it once, but multiple times already. Sometimes I just play a few missions for no other reason than that the game is just that much fun and I have nothing else quite like it.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

A beautiful post-rapture future in which California has finally been destroyed with all of its subhuman inhabitants, and all warfare is fought by huge swarms of advanced jet fighters. Where mercenary units can afford warplanes that would bankrupt small nations, and wars are fought over “Cordium,” a magic rock that allows scientists to subvert the inverse-square law.

Welcome to Project Wingman.

It’s best not to think of this game as a jet pilot simulator. It is a jet pilot movie simulator, much like Ace Combat. You control a warplane with an absurd capacity for missiles, and slaughter tens of thousands of enemies, like a wrathful god soaring on wings of steel. Play through a memorable campaign full of shocking twists and intensely frustrating missions. Replay these missions with a wide variety of jets, from clunky but awesome ground attack planes to sleek, sexy air superiority fighters. After you get bored of that, Conquest Mode may tickle your desire to fight 50 airships in one mission. There’s not a lot to say: If you’ve run out of Ace Combat games to play, pick this one up.

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

Project Wingman on Steam



Good game

Real player with 156.2 hrs in game

I am going on a FF spree and it’s thanks to FF8 here. Honestly very unique and interesting game vs the rest of the series. Though you’re either going to enjoy this game’s quirky and complex Draw/card/GF system or you are going to despise it with your entire existence. I like quirky systems, so I didn’t mind it. In fact, I liked it a lot. Triple Triad was honestly the funnest side-game or mini-game that I’ve played in any game.

I found it to be a fun experience, despite its flaws. If magic and GF cut scenes were faster/skipable, I think this game would be ten times better lol.

Real player with 150.1 hrs in game