Agent 64: Spies Never Die

Agent 64: Spies Never Die

A retro FPS inspired by classic 90s console shooters. Explore new locales, accomplish varied objectives and fight against state-of-the-art 1997 enemy AI. A work of love by a dedicated fan.

The Agency is sending you on missions all around the world, in order to save it!

Each story mission is a self contained environment where you have to accomplish varied objectives, such as hacking terminals, steal secret plans, free civilian hostages and much more. All the while fighting armed guards in epic shootouts.

Be Agent number 64, the most elite operative the world has ever seen!

Read More: Best Conspiracy Singleplayer Games.

Agent 64: Spies Never Die on Steam

Birth ME Code

Birth ME Code

EDIT: Review updated to reflect the Feb 7th 2021 ending rewrite (version 1.2.1).


Birth ME Code (BMEC) is solid second entry in the ABiMe series and sequel to Head AS Code.

Overall, an enjoyable experience, although not without its criminals cons. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys darker, grittier plot-heavy mysteries and visual novels.

Disclaimer: From a gameplay perspective, BMEC does NOT offer fully integrated escape room puzzles like Zero Escape nor Classroom Trials / Endless Debates like Danganronpa, so if you go in expecting either of these from this indie game, prepare to be disappointed in that regard.

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conspiracy Puzzle Games.

I rarely write reviews, but I felt compelled to write about this… experience, I think I’ll call it. I’m a huge fan of Zero Escape and having played this developer’s first game (Head AS Code), I was counting down the minutes until its release so I could have a solid excuse to ignore the giant pile of work sitting on my desk.

So was it worth it? Yes, absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, every penny.

Birth ME Code is an ontological mystery game wherein a bunch of people are dumped in a place and told they’ve gotta play a death game for the chance to MAYBE get out alive. So yes, same premise as Zero Escape. However, this genre is less about premise and more about world building, twists, and flowcharts. Flowcharts are essential because they allow the player to live the story from all perspectives. How many times do you play a game or watch a movie and think, “I wonder what would happen if that guy died instead of this lady?” I know, frequently. It was a rhetorical question.

Real player with 39.1 hrs in game

Birth ME Code on Steam

Psycho on the loose

Psycho on the loose

Definitely worth the money

Its one of those games that keeps the simplicity but keeps it challenging.

Its simple and easy to get used to, but finding it to easy and you will be challenged. One of the nice and unique things about this game is that no matter what you always get to keep your money even if I finish the level got back home do another level i always keep my cash but if I die, I die, I lose it all.

Good job guys.

I hope to see another map in the future

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conspiracy Gore Games.


Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Psycho on the loose on Steam



★☆☆☆☆ Terrible!


The 2020 remake of XIII is a cheap, lazy, broken cash-in on a once fascinating name.

It really makes me feel bad to have to say that because I had high hopes for this. But it’s true! In the same year that 2K gave us an amazing remake for the original Mafia, XIII stands in its own class of awfulness. That anyone could release a game in this state and try to charge 40 Euro for it, let alone goat people into pre-ordering it, is appalling.

At first, I thought the ‘very negative’ review status on Steam was a little overboard. I had followed the discussion boards before release and boy, some people did not like the style change. Having played this for an hour and then gone back to the original, I can say with a certainty that I should have listened to those people more. Not only have the developers ripped all of the charm from the original game, but they have also failed to replace it with anything of substantial worth. I think this is the most apparent in the half-a$$ed attempts to tie some of this remake’s style into the original’s. In the original, was frequent and eventually blended into the background. Here it’s reserved for very few things. It’s noticeable that its inclusion feels inconsistent at best.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Graphics aside, what the remake was INTENDED to be was the original game’s campaign and levels more or less faithfully recreated (with the original cel-shading replaced by more of a Fortnite-like cartoony art-style), but with new, more “modern” Call of Duty-inspired gameplay, including aim-down-sights, a limited inventory, a simplified health/armor system, and partial regenerating health. Rather similar to what happened with F.E.A.R. 2/F,E,A,R, 3, Bioshock Infinite, Aliens Colonial Marines, etc.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

XIII on Steam

Millennium Atoll

Millennium Atoll

The idea is very nice and one can tell the effort it has been put on it, cool atmosphere.

But frankly, this game has no more than 40 minutes gameplay, it cannot be sold for the price it has. It is quite sad. It would be better to bundle it with other games. Or maybe I missed something?

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

I loved the characters and they stories, the main plot is super interesting.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Millennium Atoll on Steam

Operation: Pinkeye

Operation: Pinkeye

Operation: Pinkeye is a first-person shooter throwing back to shooters from the 90s by the likes of Rareware and Free Radical Design.

Set in an alternate Universe where the Acts of Union in 1707 never happened, Scotland and England remain independent and tensions between the 2 remain very high.

A journalist has been killed in a hotel in London near a political rally, his room was ransacked, as if their murderers were looking for something. It was believed that he held important documents containing plans by the English to invade Scotland. Fearing that this is the case, The Scottish Secret Service (The SSS) assign their best agent, Ken Maxwell, to obtain the stolen documents, and find out exactly what they’re planning.

Traverse through 15 levels of high-octane spy action, with music from the composer of Planet X3, and FMV cutscenes filmed in Scots!


  • Relive memories of ’90s era shooters without the annoying bits

  • Faithful old-school graphics

  • Multiple language support, including Scots and Gaelic!

  • Customisable mechanics and controls!

  • Music from the composer of Planet X3 and Half-Life: Dark Matter

Operation: Pinkeye on Steam




Looking to Support SYNDERS Developent?:

#### STORY

In the future “Mega corporations” control the world’s main powers, they aim to rise above the each other by setting out to explore and map the known universe, for the purpose of profit. Through experimenting & pushing the limits of technology the goal was to open worm holes for faster exploration and exploitation of the universe. When the first attempt was made, an unstable worm hole was opened but not to anywhere in this known universe.. the wormhole released a temporal signal that caused the inhabitants of earth to almost instantly undergo some kind of demonic transformation. Earth was overwhelmed from within days.


The inspiration behind SYNDER would be such titles as the new DOOM games with a bit of Left 4 Dead to name some of the main ones. With this project I wanted to make a solid story driven FPS with some arcade mechanics to add to the experience. The story will take you through multiple hostile ares as you push through SYNCity gathering what you can along the way…


FPS Survival

Horde Mode

Fully Voiced Story

Large variety of enemy type

Large variety of weapons


SYNDER on Steam

Cosmic Awakening VR

Cosmic Awakening VR

Very Fun and scary game. The atmosphere and space station setting are both really well done. There’s a real sense of dread When you’re moving down the halls. The controls are fairly responsive although some things, like picking up certain objects, don’t seem work perfectly. I’m usually very sensitive to motion sickness when it comes to VR games, but I had no problems here. I was able to play for an extended period with no real problems. I definitely reccomend this game to any Vive owners who love a good horror experience.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

First thing I want to say is I liked this game and I had no bug issues. The game ran 100% fine for me and there’s a video to prove that below. My specs are listed at the bottom.

Well this game was gifted to me so I decided to try it out. I am not very good at puzzle and discovery games as I have not played many in my life time so this one started off a bit slow for me. The atmosphere was fine and the graphics well enough and since it was horror the game went into creepy mode nearly right off the bat. The game in general starts off very slow until you kind of figure out what you need to do. There are 2 game modes. The first I wasn’t sure what to do but the story mode basically keeps you moving along a certain path, so to speak, I am guessing to a climax. In the begining exploration takes up most of your time then after you get the jist of what you probably should do the game moves faster and then gets more tense. I purposely didn’t finish the game because I was making a video and didn’t want to spoil the experience. Later this week I will continue where I left off as you can save your progress (yay!!). Look at the tags. If you like any of the tags then you should enjoy this in VR. If this was a regular game I don’t think I would have been too interested but I am looking for VR games that put me in another time and place. This fulfills that for me. I like action but I think adventure and exploration games fit VR really well since the mechanics are not very complicated and the focus can be on the environment rather than running here and there not really enjoying the setting. The price is a bit steep since I am guessing it is not super long but the quality of the game is not bad. I love Virtual Reality and scifi so this kind of game sends me there. It has many options too for graphics and other things. I say it is a buy. A number rating would be above average but only 7/10 mainly because the price is a bit high, in my opinion. Don’t expect to be very scared by this. It is more a “atmospheric tension” experience but does have some surprises which I won’t reveal in writing.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Cosmic Awakening VR on Steam

The Council

The Council

“Mr. president, are you a killer?”

~Keir Simmons

For whatever reasons out there, “choose your own adventure” games, in which you make your way through the story by making certain choices, become more and more popular nowadays. I mean, we had quite a lot of those back in the days. Brilliant Digital Entertainment alone released tons of such games back in nineties, but somehow, even though they’ve made games based on such popular names as Superman, Popeye, Xena and even Ace Ventura, those games were never popular. Heck, most of the people nowadays don’t even know about the fact that 7th Level’s Ace Ventura game wasn’t the only one out there. Nowadays, on the other hand, we have all sorts of popular games of that kind. From Detroit: Become Human to Until Dawn / The Dark Pictures Anthology and Life is Strange. People love that stuff. So… yeah. Here comes another one of such games. Can’t call myself a big fan of the genre, though. Personally, I prefer proper Point-and-Click or puzzle experience, while “choose your own adventure” is something I prefer in the books, but… you know how it is. I don’t mind such games as long as the story is interesting, the choices are satisfying and they’re well-written. So… let’s have a look at The Council, shall we?

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

ORIGINAL POST = 08-08-2021 at 11:51 AM EST:

I’ve been playing The Council on the PC (over on Steam) lately. I certainly have some thoughts on it, as I’m currently on Episode 4 (out of 5).

So far, it has been ranging somewhere b/t really good to great. Namely, Episodes 1-3 were great; and Episode 4 at a certain point has taken a turn…and I’m not sure where it belongs yet, as it has hit a really shocking moment that sets quite bit of a change in both story elements & your skills; and I’m not sure how fleshed-out this will get, as it happens late in Episode 4 and the fact that there’s only one Episode left.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

The Council on Steam