Ruthless Water

Ruthless Water

Was a kawaii chatroom, changed to parkour overnight. ┌╏ º □ º ╏┐

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conspiracy Heist Games.

1. This game’s thumbnail is clickbait

2. optimization is doodoo fart

3. Slender man can walk through walls

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Ruthless Water on Steam

Decide 4 God

Decide 4 God

Decide 4 God is the final entry of the Abime Series.

One hour.

The woman and her team of investigators had one hour to infiltrate a prison and cause a breakout. Her dearest hope was that, among the prisoners, there would be her brother who disappeared nearly twenty years ago.

She couldn’t shake the feeling that something sinister was waiting for her team.

One hour.

The man had been up for one hour, contemplating his past. Everything changed when breakfast was delivered and a box with clothing was slid through the opening in the door. He was told to put it on if he wanted to escape.

Something felt wrong but the prisoner obeyed. Someone was breaking him out… but why?

It is for the future when none may tread.

Key features:

  • The final chapter in the Abime Series. Decide 4 God contains the entire truth behind the events of both Head AS Code and Birth ME Code. Familiar faces return and new faces emerge to complete the unfortunate cast suffering through over a dozen endings due to the misdeeds of Empathy Systems.

  • Two sides of the story. You will be able to follow multiple characters as they live out their terrible tale. Side A and Side B have wildly different events making up opposite parts of a whole story.

  • Interactions are your choices. The companions you choose to explore with determine what you find, and what you find determines your fate. You can examine rooms alone or with others, and their involvement will change how the story unfolds.

  • Knowledge is a powerful curse. Everything you learn in your trip through Complex Twelve becomes a permanent part of your journey. The data transfers across playthroughs, but autosave means your information retention is permanent. Be careful of what you learn, as some of it may not be good for you…

  • A linear yet malleable flowchart. The game’s flowchart sorts your available paths and allows you to combine them in various ways to achieve new endings. Can you find your way out of this labyrinth of information and reach a Permanent Ending?

Note: Only 16:9 resolution ratio is fully supported.

Read More: Best Conspiracy Multiple Endings Games.

Decide 4 God on Steam

Head AS Code

Head AS Code

I like it. This is an indie game styled after the Zero Escape franchise, so there are a lot of references and spirit you can feel throughout the game. Just so you know, Head AS Code is a remake of the original title and is somehow superior in every sense. The presentation is pretty simple and there’s a lot to think about in this plot-driven story. I wish I could say much about the characters and the plot, but a lot of this game relies on reveals, so the magic would happen best if you saw them yourself. Coming up with theories is great, and I like to think this game gave me many opportunities to guess at what’s going to happen next. One of my only real non-spoilery complaints about this game… I’d say it would be the serious lacking of puzzle difficulty. As in, there’s only one real head-scratcher and that’s it. All the “puzzles” are just clicking the next option and that’s it. I get why creator decided to remove the difficulty from the game and I understand that many puzzles in the original version alienated the player from ever solving them without outside help. Still, this beats out doing obscure mathematics anytime.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conspiracy Multiple Endings Games.

A refreshing swim during an absolute drought of mysterious multiple-route sci-fi visual novels, exploring esoteric concepts both originating from science and philosophy, and delving into matters of the mind and body.

Many game reviews I’ve read act redundant by repeating the plot summary and anything else you would find on public platforms, so I’ll try to refrain from doing so.

Written alone by one person, this visual novel features a strong and distinct cast whom you will interact with often, soaked in their own mysteries, to varying degrees of intimacy and personality across several routes. This is one of few VNs where, when given the option to talk with certain characters, I had wanted to talk to everybody right off the bat. What fuels the nuanced characters, their desires and motives? Hidden behind layers of facade and veil, YOU will quest to learn the reason for each member’s existence.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Head AS Code on Steam



Nuts is a fantastic little game with fantastic art and sound design. I played the demo when it was released and immediately fell in love with the look and feel of the game. The best way I can think to explain the extreme appeal of this game to ME is that it feels like you are occupying a liminal space. Like you are on the threshold of two planes of existence. From the desolate bus stop that you initially arrive at to the wide empty forests with these strange little squirrels being the only living things besides yourself… it’s strange, perhaps even a bit eerie in later chapters, but overall peaceful.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

I feel like I am the perfect audience for this game—I love Firewatch, Gone Home and almost all first-person adventures / walking simulators. Recently I’ve enjoyed Call of the Sea and Old Gods Rising, despite their flaws. But Nuts left me very unsatisfied.

The success of a game like this rests on three things: The game world, the puzzle mechanic, and the story. Ideally, all three would be great, but usually one of them is weaker. So, Firewatch has an incredible game world and characters, but weak puzzles. The Witness has an incredible game world and puzzles, but no real story. Sadly, Nuts has an incredible game world, but the puzzle mechanic and plot just did not work for me.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

NUTS on Steam

A Hand With Many Fingers

A Hand With Many Fingers

So I was given a key for this game, to create some content. The result of which you can see here: Before you watch, to clarify the video contains SPOILERS however this text review does not.

Firstly the concept of the game is great, I would love to see this adapted to a more conventional case-based system for murders, true crimes, etc. Maybe split into an episodic story etc.

The searching, retrieving boxes, reviewing evidence is interesting although a slightly tiresome mechanic. Thankfully the game isn’t too long, much longer and I would have resented the walking up and downstairs.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

I absolutely loved A Hand with Many Fingers.

In my college studies I work under a history professor as a research assistant, focusing on digging through FBI files from the mid 60’s / 70’s (specifically COINTELPRO related documents). Given this context, A Hand with Many Fingers scratches an itch I have only ever really been able to experience while doing actual archival research work. The game is a like a direct injection of the dopamine rush experienced when something finally clicks in your investigation. Leaving out the hours of scanning useless or redacted pages of documentation, this game plays like a highlight reel of those “Ah ha!” moments of coming across something juicy or finally making an important connection that can move your research forward. The use of a conspiracy cork board that you put together over time only goes to make the experience even more satisfying as things fall into place.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

A Hand With Many Fingers on Steam

Eldritch Academy

Eldritch Academy

A nice mild magical girl (without the flashy change scenes or clothes change)

type horror with mild yuri romance. This is the prelude of the Eldritch University VN which is The Girl who got Badly hurt and her girlfriend..

You have the 3 girl endings and a harem and a secret ending, I have the secret and harem to find.

It is a good VN so give it a go.

Real player with 68.3 hrs in game

  • cute yuri game

  • interesting mystic concept

  • a few fun conversations

  • this is NOT a horror or a thriller. there are definitely no scary or tense moments in the game

  • the game is short, but terribly repetitive

  • I expected more from Akomi, almost all her innuendo are dull

This is a cute short game with misleading tags in the annotation. The characters and the story itself lack depth. Even so I enjoy this game. You should give it a chance

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Eldritch Academy on Steam

Pleiades - A Subversion Saga Game

Pleiades - A Subversion Saga Game

Seems like the few people who have reviewed the game haven’t had a chance to spend a ton of time with it, so I thought I would chime in with a more detailed review. It’s gonna be all kinda jumbled cause I’m just gonna write what I think and keep writing until I think I’ve covered everything. I was hesitant to give the game a chance due to the low amount of reviews and the one lengthily negative review. After watching the trailer, I really wanted to see what it was all about and give it a chance. I’m glad I did! When I found out the game was developed by one man over the course of a few months, it blew my mind! That’s crazy, especially for a game with this much going on in it! That’s another reason I decided to write this review, this game deserves more attention and love from people who I know will enjoy it. Anyways, I approached the game with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised. As the negative reviewer states, the game doesn’t really do anything revolutionary in the mechanics department. Hell, most games don’t nowadays. The mechanics work well though and I very much enjoyed running around using my different light sources to explore the very unique and diverse levels. Not to mention the enemies in the game, which aren’t anything crazy but they are satisfying to kill and add more to the story than really present a major challenge. Although I did die a few times and often found myself running for my life. Where the game makes up for the lack of mechanics innovation, is in the rich story. I think the negative reviewer is not the type that is into immersing themselves in a world and was just trying to run through to “beat” the game. I took a completely different approach. I let myself get lost in the story, exploring every inch of the levels and I found myself taking a deep interest in the details strewn about. Take the papers scattered around the world for example. In most games I look these over and just keep going because they are usually some boring writing that’s not really relevant to anything and doesn’t add much to the game. With Pleiades, they are pivotal to the full experience. I stopped to find and read as many as I could and it was always something different. Sometimes it was just a nothing note, but it still added to the richness of the world and explained something about it’s strangeness. Sometimes, I caught myself laughing out loud as I read the hilarious woes of a notes author. Other times, I was highly intrigued by the science-fiction accuracy to real world UFO research. This guy that made this game really knows his UFO stuff and he made an excellent game and story that really entertained me. Some of the papers hold information that is absolutely vital to moving forward in the story via key codes or clues, etc, so I highly suggest reading every note you find and enjoy piecing the story together like that. None of the notes are really all that long and it never seemed like a chore to me like some games make it. But if you don’t like reading, or don’t like that type of story telling addition then this probably isn’t the game for you. Moving on, I think the voice acting is pretty damn good. Especially for a game made by one man, on what I can only assume was a really low budget. The main character Michael is actually voiced by the creator of the game and he does a great job of bringing the story to life with a very unique and enjoyable voice and character. Sometimes the acting is a little corny but given the rest of the humor peppered throughout the game I really think that was on purpose haha. The attention to detail given to every aspect of the game, story and world makes me think everything was intentional. The other characters don’t play massive roles vocally but there is some quality content in there. The overall writing of the dialog is great and moves the story along at a nice pace. I don’t want to give away any spoilers to the story but it is a great story in my opinion. If you are fascinated with the UFO subject like I am then I think you will really enjoy it. I really enjoyed the rest of the sounds and audio in the game including the music. It was all very unique and different to what I am used to. The footsteps on wood and some other surfaces are a little corny and outdated but they aren’t that prevalent throughout the game. I think the guy who gave the game a scathing review kept saying things like you walk here, do this, then walk there and do that or something like that haha I’m pretty sure that’s like every game ever haha Anyways about that, I really enjoyed running around and exploring and walking through the puzzle areas and taking the full story in while doing so. The puzzles aren’t anything mind blowing but they are certainly interesting and I found myself having absolutely no clue what was going to happen next, which I very much enjoyed. I kept thinking I knew exactly what was going to happen next and I was almost always wrong. The game certainly has a few “scary” moments and an overall aura of mystery and fear but it isn’t overly scary and I wouldn’t really call it a horror game. It’s more of a mystery with hints of horror. What else… the graphics are pretty damn good, a little dated and certainly not AAA status but I enjoyed the art direction and a lot of the world does really have a lot of detail. Not too often you see UFO’s in video games so seeing those parts of the game made me extra excited. The game runs really well. To be fair I am playing with a GTX 1080 at 1440P so it’s probably a bit overkill for this game. The levels were really well laid out and I found myself using the camera in the game to take quite a few pictures of really beautiful shots. (Which save to your PC so you can share them!) They aren’t the biggest levels, some are bigger than others but there is a happy medium. There is plenty of painkillers and light refueling items strewn about to make it relatively easy to make it through the game and there are no difficulty settings either. I’ve never been the guy that enjoyed games that make it near impossible to beat, so I really enjoyed the easier approach to survival and not having to sweat bullets or re-load all the time. Sometimes I just want to experience a game, enjoy the story, have some challenges but nothing over the top and Pleiades delivered on that experience. Cut-scenes are at times breathtaking, sometimes hilarious and other times a little lackluster. Overall they are great and the pacing of them is good. This isn’t the longest game. I took me about 5 hours to beat it and I was poking around exploring a lot. I know I didn’t catch everything though and I intend to go back and give it an even more thorough play through in the future. (There was a secret area I found but didn’t have all the clues put together to access it.) I wish the game was longer and there were more enemies and weapons and all that. BUT I did enjoy having a more limited experience for once with a game. Where it’s not all about getting new weapons to kill the enemy in a slightly different way. The game focuses on the story and gives you a handful of mechanics that aren’t extraordinary but do the job and fit well. Well, I hope this answered some of your burning questions if you were on the fence about getting the game. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it if you are intrigued by the UFO topic, enjoy exploring and reading, like to game but aren’t in dire need of a massive challenge and you’d rather just experience the story. The ending is EPIC!

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

This game is a FANTASTIC value for the price. While was initially confused, it is quite immersive and story-driven. If you enjoy games focused around a bit of mystery and heavy storytelling, this is the game for you

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Pleiades - A Subversion Saga Game on Steam

Pegasus: Broken Wings

Pegasus: Broken Wings


Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

I played twice with it.

So for those who insist this part of the review included, up, left, right down arrows Enter and ESC controls and there you have it good.

The dev there got out of the classical soft 2D look toward a more 3D cold aesthetic where he both had more control and ownership of his characters and action. Since what happens globally, I guess it was his best bet to narrate a very complex story that casts an interesting foreshadowing into the future of our freedom, privacy and how much a government can use external events to their advantage to lock down a society and turn politics into plain accepted tyranny. It does into the same charms of the Incitement series, City of Chains and Outrage but in the Pegasus-5 mature universe. You got to check upon the morale of your crew members and have the option to romance most of them very inclusively, but without artificially changing them into your own likings and orientations, which makes them pretty realistic in the versimilitude of the game universe.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Pegasus: Broken Wings on Steam

Wraiths of SENTINEL

Wraiths of SENTINEL

A very solid CoG - better than most. I really only have two criticisms for the story:

1. The romance wasn’t handled that well in my opinion. It’s very abrupt, especially with the Sorcerer, and with the limited character exploration of the romance optinos it feels empty.

2. I didn’t like the inclusion of the non-Wraith entities. Magicians, demons, etc. To me it makes the whole thing feel smaller. I get that the author is building a shared universe with MetaHuman Inc. (which is a good game), but… meh

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

I liked MC’s base wraith superpower, I think it was unique and cool. I don’t think it counts as spoilers since you’re introduced to this power at the very beginning of the game: you can walk through walls and other solid stuff (including people) like a ghost, and you are invisible to the human eyes which makes you the perfect spy. It’s cool to see that MC wonders about the extents of this superpower, like can you somehow pass through earth and so on.

There are a number of major choices (at least it looks like it) and different endings (I’ve explored 2 endings, at least). I felt like most of the choices I’ve made had some effect at later stages of the game which is good.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Wraiths of SENTINEL on Steam

Welcome To Lakewood

Welcome To Lakewood

I broke your games boundaries simply by walking up the hill behind the bar. Perhaps put a fence there or rock to prevent people from doing so. Other than that I like this. It does scratch the detective itch.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Worth 99 cents if you can handle walking at a snail’s pace and some janky mechanics. The jump scares that I’ve encountered so far have been hit or miss because sometimes they’ll happen behind a wall or not in the way that I’m facing. I’m currently stuck because either one of the mechanics is broken (I need to push a box out of the way but when I interact with it as prompted, nothing happens.) or perhaps I need to unlock something before I can make this piece of progress - I’m not sure because the map is incredibly vague and there’s no compass of any kind. The fact that you walk SO slow made me give up, hopefully just for now. The story seems good so far but the mechanics make it a bit unplayable. I do want to pick it up again but it’s almost a chore to navigate around this game. I’ll still recommend it though cause for all I know these issues could only be on my end and it’s 99 cents.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Welcome To Lakewood on Steam