

I have achieved the greatest milestone in all of Ricochet. Unlike other players who have only experienced the glory of Ricochet for 5 minutes of their unproductive waste of lives, I have achieved the euphoric life changing exception to human flaws known as Ricochet for more than 1,200 hours.

Ricochet has brought me many gifts, and one of those gifts granted to me is my burned retinas, allowing a new way of peering into this world, for example, you filthy subspecies can look at something and see smooth seams and vertices, but to me, every defined corner has a distinct glow illuminating even the darkest of voids with the same semblance of a low polygonal object. The people around me are no longer just people to me, for every person I see is just a target waiting for the sweet release of a flung Laserdisc to decapitate them, breaking them from their meager existence that have been ignorant to the touch formed by the greatest thing our Creator Lord Gaben has granted to us.

Real player with 1366.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conspiracy Shooter Games.

When my wife left me and took full custody of all 26 of my Irish children, I almost lost it. I became suicidal, cutting deep into my wrists and wishing the emotional turmoil would end. I opened up my computer and planned to have one last good time before I ended my pain-stricken and worthless life. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a notification popped up on my desktop, a steam gift, I could only wonder what it was. I finally used my last essence of courage and wonder I had left in my battered and bruised body to open it. Ricochet emerged on my screen. ♥♥♥♥ it, I might as well have some fun on my last day of measly existence. I downloaded and opened the game. A flash of colour, the amazing soundtrack, enjoyment. I came to the epiphany that it had not been a worthless journey. I had rediscovered Jesus. No not Jesus, one who is greater than he, the legendary Gaben. I played it for hours on end. Win after Win. My wife came to her senses and realised the sexy alpha male she was missing out on. She came home, all my children in her hands.

Real player with 600.4 hrs in game

Ricochet on Steam

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

The narrative of this game is absolutely frightening. When I first played it some years ago, I was blown away by the attention to detail and twists and turns of the story. When I replayed it more recently, I instead felt that I was looking out my bedroom window, as though the writers had seen the future. I don’t know where Warren Spector is hiding his time machine, but I’d love to have a chat with him about it.

As for the game itself: if you’re willing to deal with some truly awful gunplay and some questionable controls, this is easily one of the greatest games ever made. It’s extremely difficult for me to describe the amazing feeling that comes from playing a good immersive sim; being able to hack specific ATM accounts because you read someone’s personal notes, reading newspaper articles that describe and flesh out the world just like a good book, the choices you have when it comes to conversations and interactions with both main characters and side characters; it all feels so real. I’ve truly never felt anything like it. I realize how cheesy that sounds, but I simply don’t have the talent for putting into words how incredible this game is underneath the dated exterior.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conspiracy Cyberpunk Games.









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Real player with 36.6 hrs in game

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition on Steam

Assassin’s Creed™: Director’s Cut Edition

Assassin’s Creed™: Director’s Cut Edition

This is the first video game that I have ever played. Although there are no subtitles and it sometimes can be really hard to understand the conversations with accent, I persisted through the end, and I’m really glad that I did persist. This game brought me right into the world of the Middle East in the 11th-12th century and the hidden world of assassins by creating such a powerful and detailed construct of background story, character portraying, and environment rebuild etc. The feeling of immersion is hard to compare when so much details and information regarding one culture are well-compressed and distributed in the game. Although one may argue that the gameplay design is not very optimal (I admit that, the quests sometimes can be too repetitive), I personally still consider this game as one of the best since it is such a great introduction to the Assassin’s Creed series (probably the one with purest assassin element?).

Real player with 76.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Conspiracy Historical Games.

TL;DR: Not without a couple rough corners of course, but the story overall is pretty nice, you can even see how they managed to set it up for a conveyor series from game 1!


At times the game seems to tease the player with how much artificial slowdown there is. Occasional tip would say “Take your time”, “Moving slower will attract less suspicion”. An annoyance for some players, understandably so. Viewing the game as a sight seeing simulator with occasional fights, stealth and story it’s not that bad for couple weeks worth of chill evenings about 2-4 hours each. Climbing towers makes sense here, same as walking around a city trying to spot the collectables.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition on Steam

Beyond Good and Evil™

Beyond Good and Evil™

About The Game

Beyond Good & Evil, published by Ubisoft in 2003. Where do I start with this game? First off, I want to say that this is a good PC port. It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done. I will explain why later. What’s the premise to this game? You play as Jade, a reporter who lives with her pig-uncle Pey’j, taking care of orphans on your lighthouse reservation. In this planet called Hillys, Hillyans fight for survival as evil DomZ, alien-like creatures, take over the planet. A combat force called the Alpha Sections has been sent to fight back the DomZ, but when the Alpha Sections fail to show up during attacks, a suspicious Jade goes undercover for a resistance force called IRIS to see what the Alpha Sections are really up to. Camera in hand, you participate in various undercover missions to expose the Alpha Sections for who they really are.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Beyond good and evil - это классическое игровое приключение, сделанное с душой, во времена когда у юбисофта еще была душа… Я играл в beyond good and evil в 2021 году впервые, и ей все равно удалось очаровать меня до глубины души. Хотя, как и со всеми старыми играми, над ней пришлось поколдовать, прежде чем запустить ее в нормальном разрешении и фпсе, все же по сравнению с многими играми это было довольно легко. (не слушайте тех, кто что-то пишет про порты и подобные глупости, это вам не инсёрдженси)

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Beyond Good and Evil™ on Steam



★☆☆☆☆ Terrible!


The 2020 remake of XIII is a cheap, lazy, broken cash-in on a once fascinating name.

It really makes me feel bad to have to say that because I had high hopes for this. But it’s true! In the same year that 2K gave us an amazing remake for the original Mafia, XIII stands in its own class of awfulness. That anyone could release a game in this state and try to charge 40 Euro for it, let alone goat people into pre-ordering it, is appalling.

At first, I thought the ‘very negative’ review status on Steam was a little overboard. I had followed the discussion boards before release and boy, some people did not like the style change. Having played this for an hour and then gone back to the original, I can say with a certainty that I should have listened to those people more. Not only have the developers ripped all of the charm from the original game, but they have also failed to replace it with anything of substantial worth. I think this is the most apparent in the half-a$$ed attempts to tie some of this remake’s style into the original’s. In the original, was frequent and eventually blended into the background. Here it’s reserved for very few things. It’s noticeable that its inclusion feels inconsistent at best.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Graphics aside, what the remake was INTENDED to be was the original game’s campaign and levels more or less faithfully recreated (with the original cel-shading replaced by more of a Fortnite-like cartoony art-style), but with new, more “modern” Call of Duty-inspired gameplay, including aim-down-sights, a limited inventory, a simplified health/armor system, and partial regenerating health. Rather similar to what happened with F.E.A.R. 2/F,E,A,R, 3, Bioshock Infinite, Aliens Colonial Marines, etc.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

XIII on Steam

Assassin’s Creed 2

Assassin’s Creed 2

Going through all the Assassin’s Creed games & have been loving this one!

Real player with 63.8 hrs in game

A bloody trip to 14th century Renaissance Italy.

A hugely improved sequel compared to the series first entry. Fantastic character introduction paired with interesting story development and a charismatic protagonist makes this game an instant classic.

If you’re looking for an interesting action-adventure game and don’t mind it’s age and clunky controls, this is the game for you.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Assassin's Creed 2 on Steam

Deus Ex: Invisible War

Deus Ex: Invisible War

Consolized Deus Ex in virtually every aspect

Back when Deus Ex came out, PC games had a reputation for being more complex than their Console bretheren. PC titles tended to be more complex, have a ton of hotkeys that just couldn’t be fit onto a controller, and were larger in just about every way owing to the same factors that make PC’s technologically superior to consoles to this day. More RAM, more HD space, better graphical capabilities, etc etc etc.

Well into the 2000’s this reality was still prevalent, and no game better encapsulates this contrast and mentality turned reality than Deus Ex: Invisible War-a title made with consoles in mind first and foremost.

Real player with 48.3 hrs in game

Deus Ex Invisible War is the Sequel to the extremely good Deus Ex which was released in the year 2000, Invisible War was released in 2003 for the Xbox Original and PC, just like Deus Ex it is a Cyber Punk RPG, set 20 years after the Original Deus Ex the world is still recovering from “The Collapse” basically a 2nd great depression when JC Denton destroyed Area 51, apparently he also Merged with Helios and the Illuminati took over? its a bit confusing, you play as Alex D, a Male or Female student enrolled in the Tarsus Academy who escapes an attack on the School done by The Order, after escaping Tarsus you decide who to trust, who to side with and generally what to do, you only know that Tarsus was secretly watching you and The Order were actually “Trying” to save you and the other Students.

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

Deus Ex: Invisible War on Steam