game has peaked 959 players at once all-time on steamcharts and is this good!? damn shawty
– Real player with 112.0 hrs in game
Read More: Best Competitive 2D Fighter Games.
Best fighting game
– Real player with 86.4 hrs in game
Bravery Network Online
“Ok, I have the advantage here. My Digital Attack is strong against the fighter they have out right now…”
“If they notice this, they will probably tag out into their other fighter with a high Digital Defense stat, meaning I won’t do much damage and they will have the advantage again…”
“If I predict their switch, and switch to my other fighter in the back with the high Physical Attack stat, I’ll keep my advantage and then be able to set up the win”
If you like this sort of turn based, mind games type combat, then you’ll love Bravery Network Online (BNO) !! It has a good selection of available fighters (with more on the way) - all with their own pools of possible attacks and tricks they can use. You can build up your team of 5 fighters and fight online against other people in both casual and ranked matchmaking. There are some story and single player elements, but BNO is mostly designed around PvP and playing online - at least at this point in early access.
– Real player with 254.8 hrs in game
Read More: Best Competitive Turn-Based Tactics Games.
I wrote my first review when I only played 5.8 hours of the game, and even then, I had a blast with the game. Now, with 195 hours in and getting 3rd place in a community run tournament, and running a tournament myself, I came back to revise my review.
The gameplay is much like competitive pokemon, you and your opponent bring in a fighter, and you select a move without knowing the opponent’s selected move. However, what I find most interesting in this game is that it does not have the random effects that can happen in pokemon. Statuses are not applied by chance, a critical hit is not random, and neither are misses, which are parries in this game. However, other reviews will talk about this at length, so I’d like to focus on another side of the game.
– Real player with 248.7 hrs in game
Bishoujo Battle Hanafuda Koi-Koi
Easy to pick-up, hard to master.
The game does a great job showing you the ropes and helping you understand how to pair each card set. It’ll take a while for you to know the sets by heart (I still need to rely on the helper and on the set list) but the more you play, the more it becomes second nature.
The game has pretty nice presentation, and the anime girls are just a nice visual treat for you to collect as you play through the campaign. It’s really nice to notice that, without trying too hard, you start strategising over which cards to pick, whether you should push a koi-koi, or not.
– Real player with 9.9 hrs in game
Read More: Best Competitive Casual Games.
I was a big fan of the other koi-koi game by Zoo Corporation, this one is basically a copy of it, except that you face anime girls and collect anime girl cards.
The other game is more traditional and has DLC maps. Make your choice
– Real player with 8.0 hrs in game
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
I wrote a review previously for this game a month ago but complained about one major thing that was missing from the port: the inability to view opponents' connections. You’d have to experiment with different rooms and players to see who has a playable connection with you and who does not. There was also no way to stop laggy people from joining your room either.
However, the recent online patch has fixed this issue. What really makes me happy though is not that it’s finally fixed, but rather that the publisher, H2, was actually kind enough to release a patch.
– Real player with 290.7 hrs in game
As an introduction, I am a veteran player of Guility Gear and Blazblue series. I’ve won numerous tournaments in all versions of Blazblue and held the rank #1 spot for several characters on Xbox live. As i write this review I will be as neutral as possible.
Blazbue is a very unique fighting game franchise, many call it the sister of Guility Gear. Blazblue is an air dasher, high speed, combo heavy fighting game. The game is very visually satisfying and has one hell of a soundtrack. People who have a history in Street figher, SoulCaibur, DOA, Tekken, etc. Tend to somewhat stray away from Blazblue. The game sets itself apart by its core engine mechanics and unforgivable mistakes.
– Real player with 83.2 hrs in game
Romance with Chocolate - Hidden Object in Paris. HOPA
Romance with Chocolate – Hidden Object in Paris:
Melody Doux was born in Paris, where she lived for the first six year of her existence until her mother passed away. After this terrible event, her father decided to move to Montreal and both left the Veinard residence. Her grandmother, Mado, never forgave Melody’s father for taking her away from the family home and heritage. Many moons past until Melody received a letter from her grandmother, Mado, who was on her death bed when she wrote the letter. She wanted to pass on the secret that has run through the family since the 1800’s about a magic potion for lovers. It’s all about Romance and Chocolate!
*– [Real player with 3.1 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003030375)*
This is literally the worst game in the HOPA genre that I have ever played. I've played at least a dozen of these types of games. I was really looking forward to playing this game. Chocolate + Paris = sign me the fuck up for some Jenna Marbles style me-time.
Well, I want my me-time back. A full play through is really only about an hour long, maybe an extra half hour to figure out achievements. I left this on on accident while cooking dinner, hence why it says it took me 2.3 hours to beat the game – but that's still a very short game.
*– [Real player with 2.3 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004233477)*

## BlazBlue Centralfiction
I was actually planning to do this after I complete arcade mode with all the characters but I probably won't even be doing that anytime soon so I might as well review this game now. BlazBlue has done a lot for me throughout the 2 years that I have been playing the series and I hope others will be able to experience something similar to what I did.
I'll point this out now so that it's clear: BlazBlue isn't for absolutely everyone. I'll just lay out the points that I think define the game.
*– [Real player with 511.2 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198256661792)*
*– [Real player with 394.9 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046686195)*

## BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend
Thanks ASW/H2 for the great port.
+ Latest BB available on consoles, now on PC. for cheap. (BBCF is still only on JPN arcades atm)
+ Online mode works. Yes, a working online mode. In 2016\. Isn't that amazing?
+ One of the best, if not the best, netcode.
+ DirectInput Support.
+ Single player content. TONS of them. (Arcade, Story mode, Challenge, Abyss, Score Attack, Unlimited Mars, Challenge, Training, an extra story mode, and a couple of stuff for newcomers)
+ Tutorial will show you the ropes and Challenge mode can make you master some complex combos.
*– [Real player with 252.1 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198010170861)*
Ever since the final game in the series CentralFiction pissed me off to a full degree, I've pretty much boycotted the franchise.
But I figured that's not really fair on this game, considering how much of an advancement it is.
You can now temporarily power up your character in the midst of a fight by pressing all four attack buttons. Each character powers up differently. Ragna absorbs more health with his drive attacks, Makoto's punches will constantly be at full power and Hazama conjures up that goddamn barrier that drove me insane in the previous game.
*– [Real player with 97.9 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198345660700)*

I played Sign for 6 months, and when I mean by play, I mean grind combos in the training room and doing nothing else as Millia. So, when revelator came out, I was super excited. Unlike Street fighter V's launch (Sorry Capcom fans please don't hate me) Revelator's launch went exteremly smoothly for me.
So, let's take a look at what the game does well:
+Netcode- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THE NETCODE IS AMAZING. On average, I get 2-4 frames of delay and it feels like I'm playing on a console offline. Granted, this assuming you have anti-aliasing and post-effects off, but even with everything on, you'll get 5 frames at the max. The only netcode that can top Guilty Gear's is Killer Instinct.
*– [Real player with 1376.6 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043972631)*
This piece of sh*t of a game actually made me go out and buy a fight stick just so I could get better with it lol. I have tried out a bunch of fighting games before, but nothing came close to this. GUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR- is the best fighting game I've played so far, and possibly one of the best game I've played in general, and that's saying a lot, because I've never been into fighting games that much in the past.
**The Positives:**
+ Complex but satisfying fighting system: The game is indeed hard to learn at first, as there are lots of mechanics to understand, but even at the beginner level, you can still pull off some cool stuff and look awesome while doing it. Once you start getting better, things like Romance Cancels and Burst will be easier to get into and you will be able to use them correctly at no time. And although combos are pretty tough to perform, I think one of the way to learn them is to watch videos and tutorial on the internet and try to copy the combo in practice mode, then slowly apply them in real matches, and sooner or later you will be able to do it. To me, that feeling of learning new moves and combos, then successfully doing them against real opponents is what makes this game so great and memorable.
*– [Real player with 813.4 hrs in game](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198813855891)*