Quantum League

Quantum League

If you read the synopses of the game and it sounds cool to you, you’d like it. It’s as simple as that. It takes this concept and executes it super well, with satisfying, fast paced gunplay to boot. All complaints are minor quality of life ones or from people misunderstanding how the game works.

The game plays seamlessly with this “time paradox” concept. Everything you do matters and in the future you have to consider what your past lives did, what your opponent did, and the timings of all those things. That can sound complex, but generally people are just playing 1 on 1, and you’ll get the concepts soon. You can win by being the best at shooting or you can win by outsmarting your opponent. Do both for a round or two and you’ll feel like an unstoppable genius. When someone kills you and pre-emptively outsmarts you, you’ll be impressed at how they cut you off at every turn. Other reviews complain about some strategies they feel is unfair - you can safely ignore them. This game’s strategy is deep and tactics that seem unstoppable can be punished brutally when you realize their weaknesses. Racing a health pack can seem an obvious good play - denying it to your opponent can’t be bad, right? - but now you have a large portion of the round that you are now vulnerable. And heading to the health packs puts you in the open - a future clone can kill you when you are there. And leaving a gunfight to grab a health pack can leave your past clones helpless.

Real player with 319.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Bullet Time Games.

I love this game! I bought it the day it was released in Early Access (Around May 2020). I LOVE time travel and I like FPS games, so I was super hyped for this game! (It’s right up my alley!) There’s not many players that have the game, so a lot of the time you’ll be waiting in the queue for a while.

I strongly advise joining the Quantum League Discord server, and adding a few people from there to avoid the long queue problem. I put a tag next to a bunch of new friends and acquaintances on Steam saying “QL” So I can search for a match more easily. A general chat feature would be a good addition to the game, as well as a way to join people directly from Discord if possible. I’ll suggest that on the Official Discord, if either/both haven’t been suggested already.

Real player with 138.9 hrs in game

Quantum League on Steam

Lemnis Gate

Lemnis Gate

After playing this game on release, I said this about the title:

“Unique time travel elements make Lemnis Gate the most intriguing competitive shooter. The struggle to outmaneuver your opponent with mindful planning and skillful execution is exhilarating.”

Now that the game has been out for almost two months, I still agree with this statement. However, there are still some issues with the game. I’ll list some positives and negatives, ordered by how important/impactful I find them. Keep in mind that I have only played and am only interested in 1v1 turn-based. Some of my points probably apply to other modes as well, but in my mind, Lemnis Gate = Competitive 1v1 turn-based.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Time Manipulation Games.

Lemnis gate has amazing potential. I know some players have experienced game breaking bugs. But thats not my experience, it can be buggy, the server does crash every so often. But I believe the devs can fix this later.

Now the gameplay, holy shit, its so good. This is the freshest game I’ve ever played, the concept hasn’t been done before and I love it. It feels like a game of chess with all the interaction and counter play. There is a pretty steep learning curve, more so then most FPS games. But once you get the basic idea of how the characters work, it all clicks together with how many options you have. Learning the ins and outs can be a little painful, but that feeling when you pull a massive 200 IQ play and completely blindside the enemy is worth every bad play you make along the way. its $20, great to play with friends. Give it a go, you wont regret it.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Lemnis Gate on Steam

Rift Runner

Rift Runner

As of now, I cannot recommend this game. I did rather enjoy playing it though. I love speedrunning in general, as well as platformers, so this is my type of game. I played through the first world trying to get three stars on the maps, but most of them I could only get two. There are gameplay mechanics that speed you up which arent explained at all, but I think it involves timing the jumps either at the end of a slide or at the end of a platform. I am not sure exactly. I like that there is no tutorial, but an option to read about the gameplay mechanics would be cool. Anyway, after I beat the first world I made a few maps into the second and gave up after a few more attempts. When I went back to the menu it became unresponsive to my inputs. Both gamepad, and keyboard. I tried the game again later after closing it and playing some other games, and everything is still unresponsive on the level select screen. The only thing that works is mousing to the back button. Nothing else. There are also some weird graphical bugs, where the level names are still overlayed on the main menu screen after backing out of the level select screen. I was playing on gamepad when this bug happened. I really enjoyed what I did play of the game, and when this gets fixed I will change it to recommended! I am using an AMD R9 380x gpu. and intel i5 4590k cpu.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Difficult Games.

bug where if you press quit on a level you go back to the level select and the background is all white, nothing is responsive and deleting and re downloading the game does not work and the game becomes unplayable. was a good game but now i cant play it lol so

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Rift Runner on Steam