Lemnis Gate

Lemnis Gate

After playing this game on release, I said this about the title:

“Unique time travel elements make Lemnis Gate the most intriguing competitive shooter. The struggle to outmaneuver your opponent with mindful planning and skillful execution is exhilarating.”

Now that the game has been out for almost two months, I still agree with this statement. However, there are still some issues with the game. I’ll list some positives and negatives, ordered by how important/impactful I find them. Keep in mind that I have only played and am only interested in 1v1 turn-based. Some of my points probably apply to other modes as well, but in my mind, Lemnis Gate = Competitive 1v1 turn-based.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Real Time Tactics Games.

Lemnis gate has amazing potential. I know some players have experienced game breaking bugs. But thats not my experience, it can be buggy, the server does crash every so often. But I believe the devs can fix this later.

Now the gameplay, holy shit, its so good. This is the freshest game I’ve ever played, the concept hasn’t been done before and I love it. It feels like a game of chess with all the interaction and counter play. There is a pretty steep learning curve, more so then most FPS games. But once you get the basic idea of how the characters work, it all clicks together with how many options you have. Learning the ins and outs can be a little painful, but that feeling when you pull a massive 200 IQ play and completely blindside the enemy is worth every bad play you make along the way. its $20, great to play with friends. Give it a go, you wont regret it.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Lemnis Gate on Steam



ARK-ADE! where you get transported into arcade machine

[retro FPS] [fast pace]

equip gun that looks cool, shooting down enemy, protecting the ark and get as high score as you can and get your name on the leaderboard and ofcourse have fun

seriously though i had alot of fun even when i died a ton of time on higher difficulty

and finding secrets.


it has a mixture of pistol whip and super hot

power-up are cool especially the laser gun!


accidentally reload when you have power up throws away your current weapon back to default

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Soundtrack Games.

I’ve played several hours of this & I was pleasantly surprised. Which is why I kept coming back for more.

This game is definitely a fast paced shooter, somewhere between the realms of Super Hot & Pistol Whip.

You get to move around freely, explore the different paths & the secrets within each level.

There’s power- ups to choose from & a bullet time mode.

One of the reasons I kept coming back was the insane Boss battles near the end. I couldn’t stop playing until I prevailed. This game allows you to just jump in & play, not worrying about stories or saving - it’s an arcade shooter after all. Very fun.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

ARK-ADE on Steam



TimeTekker is a fun little (fixed-screen) arcade-style bullet-hell arena-survival game in which you play as a Space Ninja who has the ability to deflect enemy projectiles and slow down time.

The game has absolutely no story, whatsoever, and that is reflective of its arcade game nature. It is a game meant for the player to jump in and play, no questions asked.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Twin Stick Shooter Games.

Really love this game so far, it hits that perfect difficulty level for me as a 27 year old gamer. It’s more about brains then reflexes in otherwords!

The game seems hard at first, but as you get better Merciless becomes the perfect amount of Difficulty for extended play. (start out on easy/brutal until you get used to it)

In a nutshell, Timetekker has simple yet satisfying gameplay. Shoot, dodge, slow down time. On a deeper level you will need to be learning new strategies to make it onto the top of the leaderboard, ie. moving after shooting since time resumes after firing.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

TimeTekker on Steam