Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter

Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter

Short Version Review

A simple and amazing action-packed game that manages to be fun, nostalgic, and challenging. If you are looking for a game to pass some time, have some fun, shoot some bad guys and have fun alone or with your friends, BUY THIS GAME NOW.


Full Review Below

This amazing game is not only nostalgic, but it is incredibly fun. You can play alone, you can play with friends, you can play online and local co-op. This game not only brings the nostalgic feeling of the 1980’s in a wonderful, funny and entertaining way, but it is also challenging and has many play styles, characters, and weapons to choose from.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Third-Person Shooter Games.

Long story short, this game is an overpriced, junky flash game, at least at the time of this review.

The game has its humor and it’s clearly visible what it wants to be, but it completely falls on its face. I can give it credit for its humor and the nice art and all, but mechanically, this is a complete mess. I’ve been waiting until I was finished the campaign to write this review, and it was an honest pain. Bugs a-plenty (This isn’t Early Access, and is $12.99 as of this post), locked aiming to only cardinal and diagonal directions (I don’t care what your piss-poor reasoning behind having it be this way is, it sounds more like an excuse than an actual reason), glitchy as all hell UI (Ammo literally never showed correctly for me what my current magazine was, as well as a bunch of times where dialogue windows would cover the game), and just poor balance (Difficulty is easy in the first world, ramps pretty high in comparison for the second, levels off with an okay ramp-up for the third and fourth, and then just out of nowhere becomes absurd on the fifth). Most of the bosses just seem lazy, especially the Killionaire and Ghoul Squad ones. The champion enemies that drop health and ammo have a crazy-high health multiplier to the point that it takes several mags to destroy one if the wrong enemy happens to get it, and in the case of the last world, if the floating head enemies are a champion, they have health equal to that of a miniboss, and still never actually drop their equipment. Melee is a completely useless function for the most part, the character differences don’t really make a noticeable impact until you’re forced to change your playstyle because of the level’s enemies, guns don’t very well describe how they are in comparison to others, despite their being stat windows for each, each weapon requires you to essentially run around in circles and endlessly kill enemies to grind for the money to buy them, instead of just being accomplishment rewards, or having the prices be within check. I haven’t tried the multiplayer, but if it’s as bad as the singleplayer is with its glitches and problems, I dread to think about it. There’s so many issues for a game that’s supposed to be finished that it’d be laughable if it wasn’t so frustrating and disappointing trying to, in vain, have an enjoyable time with it.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter on Steam

Bunny Reversi

Bunny Reversi

a nice simple game of basic strategy. outwit the other player.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Casual Games.

Fun little game that can be played both in single and multiplayer modes

AI on the bot has three levels, though I didn’t find 1 or 2 particularly difficult to beat

There’s a host of fluffies - bunnies to chase and chickens to punt, amid a very pretty landscape around the board, as well as a fair few counters types, similar to solitaire cardbacks

I’ll admit this isn’t my kinda game, as I didn’t grow up with Goh or similar, so it took me a while to learn. If you get stuck here’s a tip:

! Turn on Hints, because rather like WSG if you want to lose just play in the middle; this game is won in the corners and edges

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Bunny Reversi on Steam



This is one of the most consistent game I am playing currently, and the only aim-trainer I’ve ever found useful. Because of this, over the passed few months, I have noticed a drastic increase in my ability to aim with precision. I use this trainer mostly for warming up before I play Overwatch. I will play 1-2 hours before I head into Competitive mode. I was able to move up from Gold to Platinum within the last month.

The nice thing about this game is that it has a 1:1 aim adjustment system for multiple games. You can import your settings from each game for an similar aim experience. If I have a certain aim setting for Overwatch, and I want to translate that setting to Apex Legends, there are in-game tools to help with that.

Real player with 161.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Utilities Games.

What I thought would be a good alternative to Kovaaks with cool features ends up to be a dead project moving at a snails pace. No updates for a long time, seasons remain unchanged, one of the features that sounded cool (AI bots to train with) is now DLC, and over a year for any form of content makes this a bad choice over Kovaaks.

Also the community is not there, it lacks in scenarios for training and the “good” ones are just janky copies of Kovaaks (with some of them not even working) So if you’re going to train your aim just close this and get Kovaaks. I gave it an honest go, but the lack of content, community and dead discord make this a hard “no” from me.

Real player with 124.7 hrs in game

Aimbeast on Steam

Bleeding Edge

Bleeding Edge

UPDATE: Ninja Theory put their playerbase in silence and was even told by a dev that they were still working on the game. They have officially said that they will no longer support the game.

This is a multiplayer brawler by Ninja Theory, the people who made DMC: Devil May Cry, Hell Blade, and Enslaved. So you can expect good combat. Melee characters will usually have a basic combo that they can cancel abilities into, along with air attacks. Long range characters have their pew with dashes, turrets, claw attacks, etc. Different types of colorful tanks, healers, and attackers with a familiar Ninja Theory UK punk rock esthetic here and there. 2 main objectives, point capture and collect stuff and put it in a thing, with modifiers which are bad. Each character gets 2 abilities to choose from. You can also grind for skins, emotes, boards, exhausts, and ability mods. Some of the best skins will take you like 200 games with 1 character to get……………………………………………

Real player with 133.4 hrs in game

This game is great. It’s not for everyone, but it is great. The gameplay is heavily team-oriented; you’re not going to get anywhere trying to pull off a solo playstyle because there is no snowballing. At the beginning of the game you’re as powerful as you’ll be at the end. This can be seen two ways: one could say that it’s bad because it doesn’t reward someone for being skilled(or lucky) or one(such as myself) could say that it’s good because you’ll never be put into a situation in which a comeback is entirely impossible short of your entire team disconnecting, which leads to the next topic: Disconnects. Players often disconnect when they’re losing and as far as I can tell there is no penalty for this, which is obviously a problem.Next up, the characters: They are all wonderful. They all look as if they could be the main character of their own game. In addition, there’s some physical disability representation; Buttercup lost her legs in a vehicle accident, Cass lost her legs to paraplegia and Kulev is dead. In addition, all of the characters have very unique movesets, such as Mekko(a dolphin in a mech) has a kit which revolves around blocking damage with a bubble shield in order to power up his abilities or Azrael, who has the ability to apply “Soul Eater” stacks with his basic attacks, which cause damage over time and power up his abilities(also, he can glide with his wings at the cost of Stamina). Stamina is the resource tied to dodging, which can be used to escape combos; Stamina is also used for a few abilities in the game, such as the aforementioned wings.If you don’t like how your character looks, there are many skins to be had if you’re willing to grind for them. There is no way to acquire skins with real-world currency; once you’ve bought the game, you need only to work for the skins. The skins themselves range from recolors to complete costume changes, but the characters are still generally quite recognizable regardless of the skin they’re using. In addition, there are skins available for the hoverboards(which most characters use to traverse the map more quickly) which are also bought with in-game currency. Also available for in-game currency are emotes and mods. Emotes are self-explanatory, though mods are less so.You can have a loadout of up to three mods, most of which signficantly alter your character’s feel. Some of the effects of certain mods are as follows:-Increasing your character’s HP-Decreasing one of your abilities' cooldowns-Increasing the range of your basic attacks-Giving you HP regen while using your Super-And more!Currently, there are two gamemodes available: Objective Control and Power Collection. In the first, you fight the other team over 1-3 objectives(some of which may move throughout the match), with your team gaining points towards victory based on how many objectives you currently control. The second has two phases: Collection and Deposit. In the collection phase you run around the map, destroying barrels with power cells in them which you need to collect. You drop all of your cells on death, so killing enemies to take their cells is always a good thing. The deposit phase consists of going to a dropoff point and standing still until your cells have been deposited. The first team to fifty cells wins.Their are a few maps, all with their own hazards such as two large trains which occasionally run through the middle of the map or gates of electricity which fry anyone who tries to go through. Each match will have a randomly determined map modifier applied, such as randomly appointing one player the “VIP”, giving them buffs until someone kills them and a new VIP is chosen.Ultimately, I highly recommend this game and hope that the community can grow larger, that the game might be better-funded and receive more updates. Though I received this game as a gift, I fully consider it worth the forty dollars it costs.

Real player with 94.4 hrs in game

Bleeding Edge on Steam

Don’t Fall

Don’t Fall


Dont Fall is a game i would HIGHLY recommend for people who stream or you just have a group of friends you want to have some fun with! When i played with my friend Neenjeba and Vampy1001 on stream this game made me laugh so much i had a ton of fun in stream with this treasure. All the weapons have their own unique qualities it needs a little fine tuning but all in all its a great little game if you just want to relax and have fun! I will be playing this again with friends and yes at first glace this doesn’t look like much of a game but this is so fun! Dev’s did an amazing job on this one well done!!

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Where do I start? I got this game for free to stream it as I was sponsored to do so. I was excited about the sponsorship and the game actually looked like fun. THAT is where the excitement ended. It was painfully hard to keep playing for the minimum required 2 hrs. Now I WILL say,the game does have a lot of promise. But that is all I can say positive about it. Unless you have people already lined up to play with you,you will be waiting forever for anyone to queue in to play with you. The instructions/tutorial is VERY bare bones. The keyboard mouse configuration sucks and is awkward to use. The option to use a controller would be MUCH appreciated. BEWARE! If you are using a headset and turn the game on for the 1st time,the main screen music will blast your eardrums until you manually turn it down. The colors are dull and could use some brightening up. Choosing items in the game is awkward,which AGAIN could be easily remedied by having controller support. Also the sound effects are minimal and the game play could use some ambient music in the background. I am NOT giving up on this indie game,but neither am I very optimistic. 2.5 out of 5 stars.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Don't Fall on Steam



Those that have played ZMR/Hazard ops before already know what they are getting into,its the same game,just a diffrent version that we havent seen in NA/EU before. The game is old,released first time around 2009 or so,a jankier smaller budget gears of wars. Cover mechanics,perfect reloads,fire from cover,all that jazz.

Dont expect any story from this game,its more of an old school arcade 3rd person shooter,and it can be fun in short bursts when it comes to gameplay itself. You choose a map in a lobby and shoot stuff. Several game modes that come down to 2 types in the end,small mini stories called Ops,and wave based survival.

Real player with 554.8 hrs in game

Well I’ve been putting off writing a review but every time I come and look, I see that a negative review (from a guy who I see playing all the time) is the one getting all the attention.

It’s ZMR, Hazard Ops, Black Fire, whatever the hell else it’s been called.


You need to treat it like its a new game, because unlike the previous iterations there is many more systems added like the crafting, and maps dropping materials, and a whole lot of things that are on the way.

This game has one of the most dedicated playerbases ever, there have been people playing for years and years. But there’s a few players you’ll see every day who got burnt from previous versions being shut down, they’ll tell you the game will die soon and it’s pay to win and a whole lot of other things (while playing the game themselves).

Real player with 503.8 hrs in game

M.A.R.S. on Steam

Blade Symphony

Blade Symphony

Alrighty, its about time edit my review from a long time ago. But first some things I wish to point out.

  • After 900 hours I can be a little biased in favor of this game

  • This is not a game where a person with 1 hour should be reviewing, this game takes much more time to understand and any reviews from these people should be ignored, if you like it or not.

Blade Symphony, released May 7, 2014 by Puny Human Games. This is a game that without a doubt I am addicted too, though idk if that is good or bad, probably bad. From my first day on Blade Symphony spamming with Jian Ryoku, to becoming almost top tier, my journey has been wonderful. I have met tons of people, most of them on my steam friends list and I dont regret anything. Though I feel like im a rare case, for many many players have stopped playing for multiple reasons that ill get too in second.

Real player with 2692.3 hrs in game

I have 400 hours aprx. I’ve been with this game for 2 years through thick or thin. This is part review, part history.

tl:dr This isn’t what it used to be. The playerpase is small, but its very tight knit. It’s the kind of community where everyone know’s everyone by name. The gameplay itself is wonky but often fun when you get it right. The learning curve is a brick wall. You’re going to lose a lot when you start. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Almost everyone in master rank would be more than pleased to take you udner their wing, all you have to do is ask.

Real player with 709.9 hrs in game

Blade Symphony on Steam

Boreal Blade

Boreal Blade

easily the best melee “fighting”/slasher style pvp game in the vein of jedi knight 2/JA (inc. with mods like MB and OJP/JKE), in my opinion, of all time. whatever genre you want to call it, it’s a coming together of classics like the Jedi Knight series, Die By The Sword, Chivary, Mordhau and to games like Absolver as well to a degree.

To me this game is a beautiful marriage of the elements that made me love “melee slashers” and it’s plagued by none of the issues of other titles.The movement, animation, attacks, attack feedback, abilities and customization are all done beautifully and you can tell what’s going on regardless of how new you are to the game. The controls take a short amount of getting used to, after that it’s incredibly intuitive. It’s an incredible amount of fun to play, shockingly easy to learn and just the right level of hard to master. I haven’t enjoyed being owned by far better opponents or enjoyed owning less skilled players this much possibly ever. It all comes down to the aesthetic, combat feedback and combat design that is IMHO unparalleled by any other game on the market. Name a game with combat that’s more intense, well-thought out and encourages the least anger towards the game than this. You can’t. These developers deserve all the support anyone can give.

Real player with 57.4 hrs in game


Edit: I wrote that because I kept trying to post my review, but I thought maybe it was too long or something so if I would just type something short it would post then I could edit it later, but then it didn’t work, but I guess it did.

Oh my oh my oh my. The beta was already super promising. Sure I didn’t get to play much in the beta since they weren’t many games running, but it was a blast. And I was expecting to pay $20, and then it’s $4, but then on sale for 10% because why not, and, and less than one 5th of the price, and, and… Oh yeah I have to talk about the game.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Boreal Blade on Steam



### Lore ★★☆☆☆

| Tales of the Gods |


| Each god has their own lore, which explores into their background on how they became gods and their roles they played throughout history |

| ♡ | There is no story mode for the gods |

### Variety of Roles ★★★★☆

| Guardian |

| Acting as pillar of team, job is to initate engages and retreats, peel (take blows) for teammates and assist in securing kills |

Real player with 5130.4 hrs in game

I absolutely LOVE this game and have for a very long time obviously since I’ve played it a lot as is evident from my hours (there is also even more hours besides whats shown on just Steam alone). I put a lot of my time, money, effort and care into this game for many years and I don’t regret it even with the crazy amount of time and money I put into it.

If we are going to judge the game solely on game-play alone then it’s awesome and a really fun and great game but it does have some issues with bugs (not too many but still they exist especially old bugs that should’ve been fixed a long time ago), servers suck too, unbalances within the game-play like gods (usually the newly released gods tho) and matchmaking oh god the MATCHMAKING like don’t even start me.. However no game is perfect and so regardless of those I’d almost recommend it just for the fact alone that it is a good game and for how much I love it, however I cannot look past the MYRIAD of other problems it has beyond just game-play and namely things like the greedy+useless Devs and the toxic community.

Real player with 4756.1 hrs in game

SMITE® on Steam

The Undisputables : Online Multiplayer Shooter

The Undisputables : Online Multiplayer Shooter

Very good game. I really appreciated the cartoon atmosphere which gave it a very original touch. Also online matches are especially fun, you never get bored. I highly recommend it

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Interesting third Person Shooter in cartoonish style and very casual for any players. It has potential.

However, I have some remarks and I hope that the developer will take consideration:

-There is a slight input lag while using keyboard and mouse that needs to fixed as soon as possible.

-The game seems locked to 60hz while using my 165hz monitor. “unlimited FPS” and “Vsync” for non-Freesync/Fsync users are a must to be included in graphic settings.

-Perks like in COD games would be interesting to be included.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

The Undisputables : Online Multiplayer Shooter on Steam