GENSOU Skydrift

GENSOU Skydrift

Fans of Touhou, Sonic Riders and/or Mario Kart Double Dash (or 8 if you think about it another way) rejoice: you have a game that, while small and a tad light on content, tries to accommodate these diverse qualities into one package. You have your Touhous. You have your anti-gravity track-design. And you have a tag-team mechanic - albeit one that doesn’t seem quite intuitive and might’ve done better with more explanations about some of the finer mechanics that underpin it. The way items are attained and gotten also is a little unorthodox and takes getting used to if you are used to fixed item box placement on tracks like I was.

Real player with 682.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Racing Games.

Before I knew it, I racked up over 400 hours in this game. If that’s not the sign of a good game, I don’t know what is, so I figure it’s high time I give it thumbs up.

Starting off, it’s a simple but solid fun racer, 2 story mode campaigns to play through with a 3rd currently in development. If you want to go deeper, though, the online races and time attack modes coupled with this game’s surprising level of technical depth are what have really kept me with it for hundreds of hours.

The basics are you put two 2hus together (or the same one twice) and one surfs through the tracks on the other with the option to spend a small amount of spell meter to switch to the other at any time for a boost of speed and a change in stats. Spell meter can also be spent to roll for an item. The items you get are usually typical kart racer type things, but with full meter and enough time passed, you can pull a character specific Last Word spell with powerful race changing effects. Strategizing on how to use meter and when to go for and use a LW adds a nice level of depth to races and keeps things feeling fresh as you try and race against different characters.

Real player with 648.2 hrs in game

GENSOU Skydrift on Steam

Mahjong Nagomi

Mahjong Nagomi

Use this page:

So far, it seems everything there works in the game. It has helped me a lot.

After nearly 60 hours, I think I’m starting to get the basics of this game. Once you understand some of the common options for building your hand in a unique way, like Tan yao, shii toitsu, when to have an open hand using Dragon or Wind tiles and when that won’t work or won’t score very high, etc., then you can make better calls about what to discard.

Real player with 59.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Casual Games.

This game saved my life.

I am 27.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

Mahjong Nagomi on Steam

Hide and Shriek

Hide and Shriek

Let me dispel some common criticisms:

-Nobody plays this game anymore

This is a halloween-themed game, so yes, for those of you complaining in June that nobody plays this game, jump in around October and you’ll get plenty of games in.

-No updates

Fuck off, this game was perfect the first time and does not need “updates”, this isn’t League of Legends

-Only one map

See above. Also, this was meant to be picked up one time a year. One map is plenty. I have a feeling the people who complain about there only being one map are the same people who only play Final Destination on Smash.

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive First-Person Games.

tl;dr version: Is this the kind of game you’ll play for ages and have ranked tournaments with months from now? No. Is it $5 worth of Halloween entertainment for the next month or so? Absolutely!

Hide and Shriek is a very well balanced 1v1 scarematch game where you have to either outscore or outscare (or ideally both) your opponent. The fact that resources are randomly distributed - even the runes you use to craft spells are randomly chosen at the start of the match - means that there’s no one preferred location or ideal loadout you can use. Having to continually scramble about looking for resources and never quite having the right spell components in place keeps it from being too comfortable at any point. (It is admittedly true that sometimes the RNG blesses you with abundant resources of exactly the right kind for your strategy but you can never count on this being true.)

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Hide and Shriek on Steam



for people new to vsrgs (vertical scrolling rhythm games):

while there is no tutorial to get your started, you’ll still have the best dive into vsrgs with quaver. the ui is the best across all alternatives and friendly for everyone to use. including stuff like an ingame download menu and multiplayer makes it appealing.

there is an initial learning curve when you get into it, but once you’re over it (around 1 rating maps) you’ll have the blast of your life (this is not exclusive to quaver). the thing that keeps you hooked is your constant improvement the large amount of content (provided by the community). the exhilerating feeling when you can A rank something you could barely even pass just a few days prior is the best feeling you can have in this game. its very easy to track progress, because the game concept is so simple and the conditions are always the same, so you can always look back at how you far youve come.

Real player with 1439.9 hrs in game

TLDR: Quaver is two steps forward and one large step back. It’s still worth your time if you can’t stomach Etterna’s UI.

As someone who’s been playing VSRGs for the better part of five years and with over a thousand hours spread out between Osu!mania, Etterna, and Quaver, I can confidently say that Quaver gets a lot right. In its attempt to combine the best of Etterna and Osu!mania, however, it somehow grabbed some of the worst of both.

Rating system and Ranked Charts: The rating system in Quaver is almost a cruel mirror of Osu!mania’s but instead of jumptrill being heavily overweighted, its chordjacks. Most of the highest level charts are one of three narrow types, most frequently chordjack. This alone wouldn’t be the biggest issue, but with the next issue, it becomes truly awful. Ranked charts rarely deviate from electronic music, and while most might expect something like that coming in from Osu!mania where most ranked charts are from a handful of metal artists, happy hardcore remixes, nightcore, or Camellia; Anyone coming from something like Etterna or FFR will face the unfortunate reality of hearing the same type of music while playing the same type of pattern for most of Ranked play. One thing I wish the dev’s would include is the option to download songs in pack form akin to Etterna as opposed to individual files, as the organization has to be done by the player.

Real player with 475.4 hrs in game

Quaver on Steam



A beautiful and addictive addition to the asldfj;oaisheouhigoiu genre. Highly recommended.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

I like the game. Happenlances approach to teach things is like how it was done back in the 8bit days. Levels are designed in a way that you have to learn to do new tricks in order to continue, and you don’t get any annoying tooltips or small videos that show you what you have to do. You really have to figure things out yourself. And oh boy it gets challenging and fast.

Only thing that i would add, is somekind of collectibles in hard places. That way when you get better in the game, you would revisit some maps to get those collectibles that you couldn’t get before.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Happenlance on Steam

Ultimate Arena FPS

Ultimate Arena FPS

Game has improved during it’s years. It has become competitive and balanced, very fun to play with.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Nice arena game, we haven’t seen a good FPS arena game for a long time, and this game brings many promises, and one of them is to completely use the old-style system (like Serious Sam), but in a modern game.

I’d recommend you to buy this game, if you are interested in a revolutionary way to play FPS arena games, this will be a nice project, completely supported by its developers and will continously be updated

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Ultimate Arena FPS on Steam

Musclecar Online

Musclecar Online

This game takes me back to Indy 500 for the Atari 2600. It was so simple, yet whenever there’s competition, there’s interest. The trick is to run the race as efficiently as you can. It requires some experience, some experimentation, and some mental toughness to do it well.

I haven’t played this long, but I love that I can spend 10-15 minutes on this when I’m bored. Depending on how tough the competition is, I might spend more, or less. It’s perfect for people who don’t have a lot of time throughout the day to play a game.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Fun keyboard racer

Lots of car variations and unlimited player made tracks.

You start out with a bit of coin and two cars. You can use your coins to purchase other cars and/or variations of each one. There are also several tire choices for the variable track conditions to spend your coin on.

You earn more coins buy simpy turning laps, but you earn more when setting fast laps. So if you are within a certain percentage of the top time for the day, you are rewarded with coin. This is all sorted and tracked via the easy to use, in-game leader board. That said, earning coin is a bit of a grind at the beginning…not overbearing, but it pays to make smart purchases…you don’t want to be short on cash when in need of some rain tires. :)

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game

Musclecar Online on Steam



This game is so revolutionary for its time. It had brought me so much joy in playing it, my humanity and sense of thought is only barely gone. Man do i love ball split. I highly recommend people to play this if you have epilepsy, don’t sue me when you die tho. In this game it often references the fact that weebs are literal human garbage, and I agree….. 5 stars, 10/10 game, would recommend. Farmor is a good touch. join the discord if you would like to talk and discuss the glory and amazement of this game. If the dev reads this, please reply and I would love to talk about this game with you… Join my discord aswell . There is so much content packed in this amazing arcade style shooter. In the tutorial there are so many opportunities to have funnn!!!!!!!! I still haven’t found the hidden acheiments, or unlocked the 100k door, but i am so gosh darn close. If you know anything that i don’t please feel free to let me know. Again if this is the dev reading this, please contact me. please………………… plz :3… The sense of humour in this game humours me quite impeccably. Only 5 hours in and still goin strong. not to brag or anything but my juggling record is 152. Dev please hit me up fam, i need to know everything about this game, and what you were on when making it. BTW Best played at the late am’s. One more time, Contact me so I can tell you what I have found, because I would love to know how much is left, because I am determined to find it all :)………. Have a nice day, -sincerely Me

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Half of the game is actually the tutorial. There are many secrets in there and it’s really fun to figure them out. The levels alone are pretty hard, so you can’t really play through it in 20 min. Really fun would recommend.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

LOEK on Steam

Curious Cases

Curious Cases

My friend and I completed this together, both in VR. The graphics are good, the environments are well-designed, and the puzzles are interesting and mostly fair. We encountered a handful of bugs, but nothing game-breaking. Occasionally one of us would pick up an item and it would appear in the other’s hand. Once, we entered a correct code, got the “success” noise, but the door wouldn’t open. Luckily, we were able to reach inside and remove the items through the door anyway.

We were stuck for a long time in the first room on a puzzle that requires a numeric code. We’d just played this developer’s Tales of Escape, which is very similar. In that game, every lock requires exactly 4 digits. It wasn’t until we relented and got a hint that we realized this one needed 5 digits. Also, the code in the hint had two digits transposed.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

I would say this is a great escape room-like puzzle game with friends, it might be tedious or annoying by yourself.

It’s got some rather interesting puzzles/riddles, and it’s well worth it’s price for what it offers, so I’d recommend it.

As for a VR experience, it’s mediocre at best, but works. That’s my summary of the review, if you want to read a bit more, see below.

One gripe I would have would be the sync between players in your game. You could’ve thrown an object across the room, yet the other player sees you drop it, the other player picks it up, then drops it normally and it falls through the ground for both players, requiring you to reset items. Or, items just wouldn’t be there for one or both of the players, causing you to reset items. You will be doing this often.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Curious Cases on Steam

Mount Your Friends

Mount Your Friends

This game is fantastic, but I must issue a warning:

Player creativity and practice is an absolute requirement.

Some people say the game gets old quick, and that it’s too simple to squeeze enough enjoyment out of it to make it worth the money, and that d!ck jokes aren’t funny. Those people are wrong.

When I picked it up, I liked it, and it made me laugh my ass off for a bit, but I wasn’t quite hooked. Then I played a match with someone who was REALLY good at the game, and it showed me the potential for hilariously rewarding gameplay and growth through raw skill. It actually exercises your brain because you have to figure out which keys you need to push next, and in which order, while you’re helplessly rag-dolling through the air.

Real player with 264.4 hrs in game

…I just spent almost 2 hours in an online match with some random guy. Neither of us were trying to win the game (bridge builder). We were pretty much on par with one another skill-wise in the beginning. Suddenly he pulls a fancy move and teabags my character, grabbing his head and smacking his junk against his face. It was hysterical.

I did the same thing right back, attempting to ride his face ‘Gangnam style.’

This went back and forth from a number of bizarre homo-erotic positions. The novelty just did not seem to wear off.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Mount Your Friends on Steam