

Nurose is online dueling game where you fight others with custom spells. It has a custom spell building system that allows players create unique attacks. The game has a high focus on gameplay customizability and has a high skill ceiling.

Custom Spells

Central to Nurose is the unique spell building system. Spells are built by visually programming glyphs in a staff. There are 30+ glyphs ranging from simple movement glyphs to complex conditional glyphs. You don’t need to level up to earn new glyphs or staffs. Each glyph is available from the start so everyone is on a even playing field.

The possibilities of this are endless. Some spells that you could make include:

  • Mines that explodes when the enemy is near.

  • A shield made up of projectiles in a semi circle.

  • Anti-missile attack that will look for enemy projectiles and destroy them.

  • Spell that makes decoy clones and moves them in specific directions.

What sets the great players apart are their skill in spell building and mastering their builds. When you have made a build, enter online matchmaking and fight others with your spells.

Online matchmaking

In online matchmaking you will fight others in a 1v1 best of 5 game. Each player has several staffs available. The game is made in a custom engine with rollback netcode for optimal online experience.

Read More: Best Competitive Top-Down Shooter Games.

Nurose on Steam

GLADIABOTS - AI Combat Arena

GLADIABOTS - AI Combat Arena

This is a superb, unique game that deserves to be even more popular than it already is.

The concept of the game is that the player designs their own AI via customizable ‘nodes’ (colour-coded tiles that the player can arrange into a logic tree to determine their robots' behaviour) which then dictate how their team of 4-8 robots (from four different classes) perform in battle against ‘enemy’ AIs.

The logical array which the player creates (featured in several of the screenshots in the store page) can be anywhere from just a handful of tiles at first, to literally hundreds (arranged into named sub-AIs if the player wants) that function like a sort of flow diagram for each robot, governing their priorities and thus responses based on a seemingly endless combination of determining factors e.g. what friendly or enemy bots are doing at that particular moment, how far away they are, or hundreds of other parameters native to the ‘check-box’ like options that allow the player to refine what each tile actually ‘says’.

Real player with 478.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Difficult Games.

In Gladiabots you programm a platoon of robots that will then compete autonomously in a game arena against other platoons. You have to plan and consider carefully when creating your robots' AIs before actually hitting the arena as you can no longer interfere once the match has started: The robots are then on their own, equipped with nothing but your programmed instructions.

There are four different bot classes resembling a rock scissors paper scheme with an added tank and several different game modes (three for online ranked matches vs humans).

Real player with 364.7 hrs in game

GLADIABOTS - AI Combat Arena on Steam

3D Math - Ultra

3D Math - Ultra

Better than expected and more enjoyable after longer play. I’ll write what I personally liked about it and compare it to other games. Since there seems to be no other game like this on Steam, I’ll compare it to something like Lumosity and similar games.

The game would have been worth a higher price. It makes the math, logic, and other training games more interesting than normal. Training arithmetic probably doesn’t sound like a game, but it’s kind of nice because you start to feel it’s a challenge and have a motivation to out do yourself. Plus, unlike other games, the skill is transferable outside of the game.

Real player with 437.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Casual Games.

This is something I appreciate very much. There aren’t many enjoyable math programs created by people that want to improve a learner’s comprehension of mathematics. I really enjoy the brain training section as it has some exercises I like, such as: N-back(memory), grid(pattern recognition), and matches. Thank you for creating this program!

Real player with 67.6 hrs in game

3D Math - Ultra on Steam

Drunken Wrestlers 2

Drunken Wrestlers 2

To be honest when I first saw this game I ignored it but After a while when I was looking for FTP games I found this again and decided to give it a try with some of my friends and boy did I have a blast I’ve been playing it for a while now and this game is a great way to just sit back and enjoy a fighting game rather than having to go full try hard but not just that it’s also great to play with friends especially if you want to take your anger out on them by beating the crap out of them it’s honestly really fun and people should try it out more

Real player with 117.6 hrs in game

You ignorant children whining about the bugs are spoiled little brats…… its a beta people…. bound to have bugs and will…. OUR job is to help by letting them know so they can fix it quick and move forward with content or whatever…… you ignorant children are giving negative reviews for no reason in my opinion. I spotted two bugs …. sent it in to the devs within an hour it was adjusted and or fixed. So learn to do reviews properly and with dignity, because you look foolish. GREAT GAME SO FAR DEVS KEEP IT UP!

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

Drunken Wrestlers 2 on Steam