Divine Commander

Divine Commander

Divine Commander is an Action-RTS designed specifically for controller. By mixing Action elements with Real Time Strategy, players can get the RTS experience on their couch.

Play as a god

You control a powerful Greek god, replacing the mouse cursor from classic RTS games. Travel across the map and destroy anything in your path. Build your base where you want to, and command your units by having them rally to your position. Switch to your commander for surgical precision to quickly and accurately position your units.

Build your base

Expand your influence on the world by building temples, gather resources, and keep your base safe with defenses. Build your military buildings to start raising an army.

Go to war

Command your troops and dash headlong into battle. Ravage your opponent’s temples and claim victory!

Read More: Best Competitive War Games.

Divine Commander on Steam



### Lore ★★☆☆☆

| Tales of the Gods |


| Each god has their own lore, which explores into their background on how they became gods and their roles they played throughout history |

| ♡ | There is no story mode for the gods |

### Variety of Roles ★★★★☆

| Guardian |

| Acting as pillar of team, job is to initate engages and retreats, peel (take blows) for teammates and assist in securing kills |

Real player with 5130.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Third Person Games.

I absolutely LOVE this game and have for a very long time obviously since I’ve played it a lot as is evident from my hours (there is also even more hours besides whats shown on just Steam alone). I put a lot of my time, money, effort and care into this game for many years and I don’t regret it even with the crazy amount of time and money I put into it.

If we are going to judge the game solely on game-play alone then it’s awesome and a really fun and great game but it does have some issues with bugs (not too many but still they exist especially old bugs that should’ve been fixed a long time ago), servers suck too, unbalances within the game-play like gods (usually the newly released gods tho) and matchmaking oh god the MATCHMAKING like don’t even start me.. However no game is perfect and so regardless of those I’d almost recommend it just for the fact alone that it is a good game and for how much I love it, however I cannot look past the MYRIAD of other problems it has beyond just game-play and namely things like the greedy+useless Devs and the toxic community.

Real player with 4756.1 hrs in game

SMITE® on Steam

Sons of Ra

Sons of Ra

Neat concept and all the characters explore different playstyles. Soundtrack is a big standout, it’s great!

Having played long enough to unlock all the gods, the strategy feels a little too minion-focused at time of review. None of the god abilities buff towers- only disabling or destroying them. Most abilities either damage or buff units already on the board, or summon a super powerful unit. I can reliably win games without building a single structure, and I would like to see the balance shift a bit towards building to really lean into the tower-defense aspect.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Board Game Games.

Alright quick review under 2 hours played. It’s a FAST paced tower defense with all controls done through the mouse. That brings me to what I dislike so far. Tower defense is cool and all but when I have to hold a mouse button down then select a defense/offense/power by sliding the mouse then placement after that. It’s just not intuitive. It should be abilities and units are selected with the keyboard and placement is through the mouse. That would allow the player to place units and abilities WAY faster.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Sons of Ra on Steam

Viking Trickshot

Viking Trickshot

This is the only video game my wife will play with me, and we always have a great time when we come back to it every few months. It’s a fun little game, especially two player, and has a ton of occasional replayability.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

I’ve only touched the single player, and it’s surprisingly fun in short bursts. I plan on coming back to this again and again to gold medal each level and can definitely see myself getting the family involved in some baton-lobbing battles

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Viking Trickshot on Steam

Project Xandata

Project Xandata

Project Xandata is a skill-based, team-focused, competitive 3v3 first-person shooter by veteran Filipino developers Secret 6.

Explore an expansive customization system that lets you play in your chosen way. Engage in your chosen play style and synergize with your team to win rounds, collect shards, or eliminate opposing players. Enjoy a world that blends sci-fi & fantasy in a game that blends gunplay discipline with skill-based gameplay.

Choose between the stealthy Agent, nimble Marksman, and tanky Juggernaut. With 2 elemental affinities each, they all have their own unique set of skills. Pick between 9 weapons with various perks that match how you want to play.


  • Easy Access - All classes have access to the same weapons without needing to earn anything.

  • Pace & Movement - Outmaneuver your opponent with agile skills and fast-paced gameplay. A longer time-to-kill balances out the fast movement.

  • High-Impact 3v3 - The smaller team size means players have a more important role in the team, allowing for a good mix between synergy and individual impact.

  • Unrestricted Weapon & Perk System - Pick your weapon loadout then select the perks that work for you. You can choose the loadout that suits your playstyle.

  • MagiTech System - MagiTech is the ancient technology that powers a Xandat’s elemental skills. Master the skills to make an impact aside from just shooting weapons.


  • Corruption - Race with the enemy team to collect enough shards. Eliminated players drop 1 shard and the goal is to collect 100 enemy shards to win. Need more shards? Keep your eyes open for the Obelisk that spawns around the map. Destroy it for an extra 8 shards but be careful of the enemy team!

  • Skirmish - Square off in a time-limited skirmish. Every elimination gives 100 base points, but different manners of elimination give extra points. Turn up the skill and the style if you want to reach 5,000 points first and win the game.

  • Overcharge - Secure the discharged battery, bring it to a Lightning Rod, and charge it to 100%. Defend the battery well because the enemy will try their best to steal it from you.

  • Annihilation - Wipe out the enemy team in pure combat. The first team to win 5 rounds will win the match. You only have 3 revives available per round so use them wisely! Do you go for the revive or can you win with a man down?


  • Aruum Station - Malandoq’s Lightning Archipelago rests in high orbit, with many interconnected stations that span across the Xandaigdig. Aruum Station is one of the key facilities used for speedy transportation of personnel and supplies throughout the known world.

  • Site Agalon - The Tundra Warlords survive by scavenging the wastelands for trade. Excavation Site Agalon is newly discovered so elite Xandats are still trying to secure it.

  • High Suludlan - Easily the Imperium’s symbol of pride and strength, High Suludlan rests cleanly above the Water Elevator, guarding the Imperium Enclave from intruders.

  • Sundown Forge - This weapons facility is a rogue faction’s contingency plan should their ambition within the Alliance of Nations prove to be untenable. It holds a vast number of schematics and prototypes from various Xandaigdig time periods that can help develop a war arsenal.

Project Xandata on Steam