My Night Job

My Night Job

Cartoon-styled side-scrolling beat’em up game with surprisingly complex and challenging mechanic.

Basically, you’re dropped just outside of some big mansion, filled with respawning monsters and “civilians”, as well as some items you can use as weapons - from umbrellas and chairs to gas baloons and everyone’s favourite - the Chainsaw!

In short, you beat monsters, gather people and led them to rescue (helipads on the edges of the mansion). For each rescue you collect some goodness, like healthkits, guns with ammo etc. After you rescue 100 people, your main goal changing to blow up the mansion, by settling some C4 in the basement. Meanwhile, as you running back and forth through the area, the monsters are growing their numbers, and if they reach some trigger point, they starting to tear the mansion apart - yeah, before you’ll be able to save everyone and leave the place.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Survival Horror Games.

If you think I missed something in my review feel free to tell me

My Night Job

My Night Job is a tribute to the classics of horror and is a nice paying occupation if you somehow live through the job. I will add a TL;DR at the end.


My Night Job is fairly simple as your goal is to save 100 survivors from an abandoned mansion as you are also trying to make sure you do not die and hope that the mansion is not destroyed by its monstrous guests. Do this by using various environmental objects to kill the monsters. This is not an easy game by far and there are tributes to classics all around the mansion. The tributes include the different areas of the mansion and six special survivors you can recuse which give you certain bonuses. An example of one of these is the girl from the ring which you can rescue through one of the televisions within the residence.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

My Night Job on Steam

Megabyte Punch

Megabyte Punch

Megabyte Punch is an awesome platformer with 4 player versus and coop, highly customizable characters, tons of secrets in maze like levels with tough bosses all in a Super Smash Bros style Brawler.

The main game is fairly short, There are only 6 levels, But each level has 3 parts and each level has a boss and there is a final boss, So this amounts to 18 levels, 7 bosses and a whole lot of unlockables to find. All levels are full with secrets and getting certain parts helps you get to previously unreachable areas.

Real player with 101.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Adventure Games.

As someone who’s clocked more time into this than I can arguably say many people have, and stands as the only game in my library that I’ve 100% completed, I’d probably sound just as you’d expect when I say that Megabyte Punch is just good. Just very, very, veryveryvery good. Don’t even let the 100% completion, or the 50 hours, be what convinces you. Hell, don’t even let my review be what convinces you, either! I’m not exactly an unbiased source of information here!

(tl;dr at the bottom.)

Now, before anything else, I’ll mention off the bat that I got the code for my copy of the game off of a Steam friend; looking back, though, I’d say that I’d have bought this regardless, and maybe some more copies for friends as well. take with that information what you will, as maybe not having paid for it myself’s painted my opinion a little.

Real player with 61.1 hrs in game

Megabyte Punch on Steam