World of Soccer RELOADED

World of Soccer RELOADED

If you give it the oportunity it will become you favourite game ever and the most addictive! I know mine is! The feeling of contol over the player is unique (play it with mouse preferably) and if you play with friends it will be the most fun! So if you are reading this bring your friends and try it out!

Real player with 106.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Cartoony Games.

Great game! Easy to play, but hard to master. Players looking for fast, fun games can play training or matchmaking games. Those who are looking for some competitive gaming can join or create a team, join leagues and enjoy some really challenging games. After leveling up there is a multitude of different skins/player models to choose from, each enabling a unique playstyle. I highly recommend the game.

Real player with 63.2 hrs in game

World of Soccer RELOADED on Steam



“If there are two cubes left in the world, one of them will want to kill another”.

That’s a good description, well..

This game has only one single achievement, which will unlock on startup - nothing else.

Its tags are indie and massive multiplayer.

Quite interesting.

The main menu actually, without some chance to regulate graphics and everything else, puts you towards a choice between a normal mode and a PVP one.

The normal mode, still, will let you choose between 0, 1 or 2 players - choosing 0 players of course will lead you towards the good old SNES auto-modes in fighting games.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Great Soundtrack Games.

Youre a cube that shoots another cube. The controls are wasd + j to shoot…there is absolutely no reason this’d be worth $2. I wouldnt pay a quarter for this…

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

S.P.I.K.E: ARENA on Steam

Musclecar Online

Musclecar Online

This game takes me back to Indy 500 for the Atari 2600. It was so simple, yet whenever there’s competition, there’s interest. The trick is to run the race as efficiently as you can. It requires some experience, some experimentation, and some mental toughness to do it well.

I haven’t played this long, but I love that I can spend 10-15 minutes on this when I’m bored. Depending on how tough the competition is, I might spend more, or less. It’s perfect for people who don’t have a lot of time throughout the day to play a game.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Racing Games.

Fun keyboard racer

Lots of car variations and unlimited player made tracks.

You start out with a bit of coin and two cars. You can use your coins to purchase other cars and/or variations of each one. There are also several tire choices for the variable track conditions to spend your coin on.

You earn more coins buy simpy turning laps, but you earn more when setting fast laps. So if you are within a certain percentage of the top time for the day, you are rewarded with coin. This is all sorted and tracked via the easy to use, in-game leader board. That said, earning coin is a bit of a grind at the beginning…not overbearing, but it pays to make smart purchases…you don’t want to be short on cash when in need of some rain tires. :)

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game

Musclecar Online on Steam

Sky Hunter

Sky Hunter




Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Fun little time waster, but has a few obvious problems.

1. Can’t make it full screen, so you get a very small windowed game

2. On exit of the game, it says “exit Battle Copters?” Battle Copters is a free to play game on Android, which makes this feel like a cheap ripoff OR a crappy port. Basically I feel like I wasted 5 bucks for a game that is the size of an Android game on my PC able to handle ultra mode in 4k….

Otherwise, great game, lots of fun!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Sky Hunter on Steam

Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

This game may look like a cheap, simple game but it is so much fun to play. It is tactical and focused on positioning, precision, and speed, yet it is still a fun and casual game. There are many different tactics and strategies to learn. The TTK is lower than most BR games, which makes the gameplay more fast paced than an average BR. It takes the skills used in other similar shooters, but puts them to use in a whole new way. Something unique is that camping is an essential part of the game, but there are ways to counter it, which makes it a “campfest” without it being annoying. It does have a high price tag, but it is absolutely worth it if you are into BR games or tactical shooters. The first day was a success, and I am hopeful for the future of this game.

Real player with 101.2 hrs in game

Now, Ill just be upfront and honest with yall; Yes, the game is currently 98% Bots [ on NA Servers ] as far Ive experienced in the past two days BUT that doesnt mean that you will be playing empty lobbies, the game does have bots to fill up a lobby for the lack of players so youll always have a full lobby! On that note, I do believe getting out some of the only negative things holding back the game ( for me atleast ) will be more beneficial than just acting like the game is completely perfect, because its not, as is no game that exists but this one has enough care and creativity put into it to keep me coming back and playing over other games~

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Total Lockdown on Steam



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Nepiki’s Stats

| Overall length |

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

UPDATED REVIEW AT BOTTOM. Recommended – Not Recommended.

Deployment is a fun, smooth, unique and fast-paced top-down shooter. Player base feels a bit low at the moment (but there is bots), matches for TDM and DM show a limit of 8 players but I’ve only ever gotten 4 max. Don’t know if this is by design or not, but I figured if it says up to 8 it should get that high. The maps are quite small in TDM leading to camping by some players.

I’ve spent most of my time in DM and the map size is good for this free for all mode. I’m hopeful that if a server has 8 people in it then the maps will increase in size, but I haven’t been in a match with 8 to know if this is the case.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game


High Treason

High Treason

High Treason is a massively multiplayer online PvP game set in a low fantasy medieval world. Create and level up your character by completing tasks such as hunting down player targets, completing quests, and looting towns, caves, and dungeons.


Featuring a unique item progression system, items will demand a specific task to be carried out to refine their quality and improve stats. Some weapons may be bloodthirsty and demand kills, others may need to be sharpened with a grinding stone or polished with a wolf pelt. Each weapon carries with it a unique set of skills to use in combat - charge with shields, swipe with halberds, shadowstep with daggers, slam with greathammers, amongst many more; and of course, the effectiveness is influenced by the item’s quality.

High Treason on Steam



If you love low budget games that you can 1v1 with, this ios the real deal

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

best 79p i’ve ever spent.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


Sky Link

Great Game.

I had the chance to play and test it during the Beta.

When i heard that the Devs want to release it soon i had my doubts due to the balancing.

But they did everything right, the weapons are on point and each has their own categorie where they shine.

(Longrange, Shortrange, Sneaking up, Midrange Brawls etc.)

Atm. there is no Matchmaking so it could happen that the matches end onesided (one team dominating 100-0) but im looking forward to those Tweaks.

The Roadmap looks promising, maybe a bit more maps throughout the Months.

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

This game made me discover that I sexually Identify as a Megadon M9X attack drone. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the desert shooting long hard rockets on disgusting Raptor 1000s. People say to me that a person being an attack drone is Impossible and I’m fucking brain-dead but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install a Drone-Brain Meld Interface, rotary blades, a Nova cannon and dual Predator machine guns on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Megadon” and respect my right to to hover in mid-air and engage in aerial combat. If you can’t accept me you’re a dronophobe and need to check your drone privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Sky Link on Steam



I gifted like 4 friends this game and I like to believe the the laughs were worth 3 bucks

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Only 2 out of the 4 game modes work. No playerbase. Assets taken from store and cobbled together in a very haphazard manner. Game states that it is INSIDE LIGHT which is also sold on Steam. Perhaps it is the same game being sold multiple times in violation of Steam’s ToS.

I also fell through the map on the second time I loaded a game. The gun still shoots while in the menus, which are default Unity menus.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

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