Dungeons 2

Dungeons 2

Dungeons 2 is a dungeon management meets real-time strategy game. You are the Ultimate Evil who tries to rid the world of those pesky goody-two-shoes like elves, dwarves and “heroes” who live on the surface and regularly invade your dungeon to steal your gold. You fight back with your evil horde consisting of orcs, goblins, trolls and snake-like nagas which you first have to train and slap into proper shape while trying to keep them fed drunk and entertained, and mining gold to pay for it all.

Real player with 86.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive RPG Games.

Do you like dungeon builders? Do you like reference humor? Do you like fourth-wall breaking? Do you like defeating heroes and make the world better for your poor evil creatures? … No? Well then, the game isn’t for you, but if you like those things, then the game certainly deserves a look and is worth your time.

Mandatory Dungeon Keeper 2 mention/comparison:

First let us get this out of the way, because it is apparently internet law to compare a dungeon building/management game to Dungeon Keeper. This game feels closer to Dungeon Keeper than it does to the first Dungeons game. The focus is more on the creatures than the actual dungeon lord, and defeating heroes as opposed to entertain them to harvest their soul energy.

Real player with 43.2 hrs in game

Dungeons 2 on Steam



I played Sign for 6 months, and when I mean by play, I mean grind combos in the training room and doing nothing else as Millia. So, when revelator came out, I was super excited. Unlike Street fighter V’s launch (Sorry Capcom fans please don’t hate me) Revelator’s launch went exteremly smoothly for me.

So, let’s take a look at what the game does well:

+Netcode- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THE NETCODE IS AMAZING. On average, I get 2-4 frames of delay and it feels like I’m playing on a console offline. Granted, this assuming you have anti-aliasing and post-effects off, but even with everything on, you’ll get 5 frames at the max. The only netcode that can top Guilty Gear’s is Killer Instinct.

Real player with 1376.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive 2D Fighter Games.

This piece of sh*t of a game actually made me go out and buy a fight stick just so I could get better with it lol. I have tried out a bunch of fighting games before, but nothing came close to this. GUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR- is the best fighting game I’ve played so far, and possibly one of the best game I’ve played in general, and that’s saying a lot, because I’ve never been into fighting games that much in the past.

The Positives:

  • Complex but satisfying fighting system: The game is indeed hard to learn at first, as there are lots of mechanics to understand, but even at the beginner level, you can still pull off some cool stuff and look awesome while doing it. Once you start getting better, things like Romance Cancels and Burst will be easier to get into and you will be able to use them correctly at no time. And although combos are pretty tough to perform, I think one of the way to learn them is to watch videos and tutorial on the internet and try to copy the combo in practice mode, then slowly apply them in real matches, and sooner or later you will be able to do it. To me, that feeling of learning new moves and combos, then successfully doing them against real opponents is what makes this game so great and memorable.

Real player with 813.4 hrs in game




Really enjoy this game with my friends! Although the rules are easy, we can always find different strategies to beat each other :) Wish there will be a map editor. Cannot wait to create some maps to share with my friends!

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Casual Games.

Good party game that is awesome if you can find someone else to play with.


  • Innovate gameplay.

  • Has AI player so you can play alone.


  • Too many loading screens.

  • No V-sync.

  • I don’t want to get a poo when I lose a round.

  • Online match is impossible unless you can find people at right place.


  • Level editor with Steam Workshop support.

  • Custom match but you can set multiple levels instead of just one.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Gerritory on Steam