Collective: the Community Created Card Game

Collective: the Community Created Card Game

Huge Change:

They removed the Draft feature that triggered every time you levelled up your character in a match… The single most important distinguishing feature that made this card game what it was for me and unique among the others.

Huge thumbs down for me, I had grown to love this game mainly due to the excitement of drafting at each level up. Without that, the game is as good as dead for me and not much different to other card games out there. Will still give it a chance, but I cannot express enough how disappointed I am in this and how much i disapprove this change.

Real player with 357.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Moddable Games.

After over 140 hours and almost 2 months playing it, It has interesting concepts but some serious downfalls.


A - Trying to Encourage Player Participation

This seems like a good idea that has been tried in different ways in other card games, just that by now I would have expected people to learn from those previous games and have guidelines to avoid mistakes made before.

B - Both Single and Multiplayer

Card games with both seem to do better than those with only 1 except for either modern roguelike games (Slay the Spire, Iris and the Giant, etc.) or older games from years ago when multiplayer was more rare (original Magic: The Gathering from 1997, etc.).

Real player with 151.6 hrs in game

Collective: the Community Created Card Game on Steam



A basic concept; four class, with every member of a given class given an identical deck and level playing ground. The twist is that customisation comes through the usage of gear; two hands (either sword and board, dual wield, or two hander) and two trinket slots - offering a variety of possible builds without needing to sink buckets of cash into chasing legendary/mythic cards. Also, each class has Cruelty/Mastery/Resilience buffs you build up as you play, leading to inspiration for even more builds.

Real player with 201.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive RPG Games.

Ironbound is a free-to-play turn-based strategy game. What I think of it is a turn-based RPG with card game elements to it.

There’s 4 classes: Berserker, Crusader, Assasssin and Witch. Each class has access to different types of weapons, shields and trinkets. You can buy various items for your classes (you can also use any class, it’s like if you had 4 deck slots in let’s say a card game, or 4 saved loadouts in some RPG game, except here is one per each class) to equip them how you want them to play. This is a pretty key part of the game, because some item build might be more effective against opponents you’re managing to get matched up again, but if you climb the ladder and find some new opponents that are using different builds which are completely destroying yours, you might have to change up your items to beat those. Not to mention each class has tons of various ways to be built.

Real player with 186.3 hrs in game

Ironbound on Steam