Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter

Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter

Short Version Review

A simple and amazing action-packed game that manages to be fun, nostalgic, and challenging. If you are looking for a game to pass some time, have some fun, shoot some bad guys and have fun alone or with your friends, BUY THIS GAME NOW.


Full Review Below

This amazing game is not only nostalgic, but it is incredibly fun. You can play alone, you can play with friends, you can play online and local co-op. This game not only brings the nostalgic feeling of the 1980’s in a wonderful, funny and entertaining way, but it is also challenging and has many play styles, characters, and weapons to choose from.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Third-Person Shooter Games.

Long story short, this game is an overpriced, junky flash game, at least at the time of this review.

The game has its humor and it’s clearly visible what it wants to be, but it completely falls on its face. I can give it credit for its humor and the nice art and all, but mechanically, this is a complete mess. I’ve been waiting until I was finished the campaign to write this review, and it was an honest pain. Bugs a-plenty (This isn’t Early Access, and is $12.99 as of this post), locked aiming to only cardinal and diagonal directions (I don’t care what your piss-poor reasoning behind having it be this way is, it sounds more like an excuse than an actual reason), glitchy as all hell UI (Ammo literally never showed correctly for me what my current magazine was, as well as a bunch of times where dialogue windows would cover the game), and just poor balance (Difficulty is easy in the first world, ramps pretty high in comparison for the second, levels off with an okay ramp-up for the third and fourth, and then just out of nowhere becomes absurd on the fifth). Most of the bosses just seem lazy, especially the Killionaire and Ghoul Squad ones. The champion enemies that drop health and ammo have a crazy-high health multiplier to the point that it takes several mags to destroy one if the wrong enemy happens to get it, and in the case of the last world, if the floating head enemies are a champion, they have health equal to that of a miniboss, and still never actually drop their equipment. Melee is a completely useless function for the most part, the character differences don’t really make a noticeable impact until you’re forced to change your playstyle because of the level’s enemies, guns don’t very well describe how they are in comparison to others, despite their being stat windows for each, each weapon requires you to essentially run around in circles and endlessly kill enemies to grind for the money to buy them, instead of just being accomplishment rewards, or having the prices be within check. I haven’t tried the multiplayer, but if it’s as bad as the singleplayer is with its glitches and problems, I dread to think about it. There’s so many issues for a game that’s supposed to be finished that it’d be laughable if it wasn’t so frustrating and disappointing trying to, in vain, have an enjoyable time with it.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Tango Fiesta – 80’s Action Film meets 2D Top Down Multiplayer Co-Op Roguelike Military Shooter on Steam

Mount Your Friends

Mount Your Friends

This game is fantastic, but I must issue a warning:

Player creativity and practice is an absolute requirement.

Some people say the game gets old quick, and that it’s too simple to squeeze enough enjoyment out of it to make it worth the money, and that d!ck jokes aren’t funny. Those people are wrong.

When I picked it up, I liked it, and it made me laugh my ass off for a bit, but I wasn’t quite hooked. Then I played a match with someone who was REALLY good at the game, and it showed me the potential for hilariously rewarding gameplay and growth through raw skill. It actually exercises your brain because you have to figure out which keys you need to push next, and in which order, while you’re helplessly rag-dolling through the air.

Real player with 264.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Funny Games.

…I just spent almost 2 hours in an online match with some random guy. Neither of us were trying to win the game (bridge builder). We were pretty much on par with one another skill-wise in the beginning. Suddenly he pulls a fancy move and teabags my character, grabbing his head and smacking his junk against his face. It was hysterical.

I did the same thing right back, attempting to ride his face ‘Gangnam style.’

This went back and forth from a number of bizarre homo-erotic positions. The novelty just did not seem to wear off.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Mount Your Friends on Steam

Beat Me!

Beat Me!

Fast-paced SS Bros.-style party game stylised as a puppet show. Level design is amazing with highly interactive environments. Extremely replayable due to level variable seeding. Intense fun for 1-6p.

This game has had the family gathered around shouting at the TV every night for the last several weeks now. My young fella’s favourite game (even though I keep beating him - NO MERCY!).

For more niche curation, follow me at: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/27440015-CSH-Picone/

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Competitive Beat 'em up Games.

In my opinion the best game to play with my friends.

I would still have some suggestions after playing it a few times:

Maybe the golem is a little too fast, and the wizard is much too powerful, to have fun we stopped using them.

We also would have liked a random character selection mode, and why not a mode with a random character in each round?

Those are the “important” points I wanted to give you as a feedback, keep on going, we hope for new maps and new characters as well of course.

Keep it up, great game!

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Beat Me! on Steam



cute hats , cute idea , sweet Artstyle ! :)

sadly there is no story mode… :(

But still good for some short multiplayer sessions with friends .

I really like the concept.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

What the … Crazy XD

Had a bit struggle at the beginning with controls after a few matches it works really well :)

You can play in varying Modes against friends and/or bots °

I played with a friend and we try to compete the Challenge mode. Its quite hard but funny ^^

Completely new gameplay/controls but its a cool Idea ;)

Gameplay 8/10

Controlls 7/10

Art/Graphics 9/10

Story 5/10

Would be great when the game get more Single-Player Content :)

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Chapeau on Steam



OddBallers is a local and online party game that will put both skills and friendships to the test with fast and frantic dodgeball action for up to 6 players.

Slam your opponents with wrecking balls, lawn mowers, trumpets, sheep and countless unfair tactics in quirky tournaments where each round is a zany new type of dodgeball.


Be prepared for anything when outrageous game modes, wily mutators and treacherous arenas form crazy types of dodgeball.


Experiment with object and environment interactions to discover sly synergies and creative new ways to bamboozle your opponents.


Simple gameplay and controls make OddBallers easy to learn and fun to master for both players with little or extensive gaming experience.


OddBallers is powered by cutting edge deterministic physics simulation that ensures top-level network performance… Which means: “No effing host advantage!”


Unlock new content and ostentatious cosmetic accessories as you play. Show your true colors with a magnificent moustache, a precious peg leg or a captivating cowboy hat.


Help us make multiplayer more friendly and inclusive! Join our community and participate in playtests, get to know the developers, find games and make new friends.


Ongoing seasonal updates, exclusive events, new environments, game modes and secrets… We have so many ideas but so little time.


Simple controls, fast gameplay, small downloads and a friendly business model. Spend your time on the good stuff – besting your friends.

Hopefully, this gave you an idea of what to expect from OddBallers. If you have any questions, please let us know in the forum or on our Discord server .

If you like OddBallers and want to show your support, consider adding it to your wishlist – it’s basically like & subscribe for game developers. :)


-The developers

OddBallers on Steam

Pooper Scooper

Pooper Scooper

This game is totally worth $3 just to play it with your buddies! Good times! 10/10 would recommend!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

I played for 8 minutes and most of that was browsing the web.

Low effort in every way, including this review.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Pooper Scooper on Steam

Garfield Kart

Garfield Kart

“I don’t think any word can explain a man’s life,” says one of the searchers through the warehouse of treasures left behind by Jonathan Arbuckle. Then we get the famous series of shots leading to the closeup of the word “Garfield” on a kart that has been tossed into a furnace, its paint curling in the flames. We remember that this was Arbuckle’s childhood kart, taken from him as he was torn from his family and sent east to boarding school.

Garfield is the emblem of the security, hope and innocence of childhood, which a man can spend his life seeking to regain. It is the green light at the end of Gatsby’s pier; the leopard atop Kilimanjaro, seeking nobody knows what; the bone tossed into the air in “2001.” It is that yearning after transience that adults learn to suppress. “Maybe Garfield was something he couldn’t get, or something he lost,” says Lyman, the reporter assigned to the puzzle of Arbuckle’s dying word. “Anyway, it wouldn’t have explained anything.” True, it explains nothing, but it is remarkably satisfactory as a demonstration that nothing can be explained. “Garfield Kart” likes playful paradoxes like that. Its surface is as much fun as any mascot kart racer ever made. Its depths surpass understanding. I have analyzed it a frame at a time with more than 30 groups, and together we have seen, I believe, pretty much everything that is there on the screen. The more clearly I can see its physical manifestation, the more I am stirred by its mystery.

Real player with 8108.5 hrs in game

When I was 18… 18 years old, I saw for the first time in my life… I saw an image of clarity. I saw a comic strip… a three panel comic strip that, though simple as it seemed, changed me… changed my being, changed who I am… Made me who I am…

Enlightened me…

The strip, Garfield, the comic strip was new… no more than maybe a month and a half since inception, since… since coming into existence… and there it was before me in print, I saw it… a comic strip… What was it called?

Real player with 5068.5 hrs in game

Garfield Kart on Steam

Perfect Universe - Play with Gravity

Perfect Universe - Play with Gravity

Chillin like a villain in the Perfect Universe

Full Site Review

When we received a copy for review, I wasn’t sure quite what to expect from this platformer. However it’s charming aesthetics and floaty jumping challenges had me on “chillax” mode in no time. This is a quick pick and play platformer, but who’s physics based challenges require an practice to master. This isn’t just one game, it feels like 9 different ones. Most level themes are creative, abstract, and interesting to play through.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

A fun enough platforming-type game with gravity mechanics. There are multiple modes with very different controls and gameplay. Hopping around in low gravity and going into orbit is really fun. I feel like its biggest downfall is difficulty progression - you might expect levels to increase in difficulty over time, but really you will hit spikes in difficulty randomly if you play the levels in order. Word of advice: if you are trying to get three stars/planets/what-have-you in every level, don’t be afraid to skip a level and come back to it later if it’s too annoying.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Perfect Universe - Play with Gravity on Steam

Beat Your Meat

Beat Your Meat

Ya wanna beat ya meat with me? Because now you can with this amazingly fun and simple party game! Highly recommend for a good piggy laugh.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Beat Your Meat on Steam

Bunny Reversi

Bunny Reversi

a nice simple game of basic strategy. outwit the other player.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Fun little game that can be played both in single and multiplayer modes

AI on the bot has three levels, though I didn’t find 1 or 2 particularly difficult to beat

There’s a host of fluffies - bunnies to chase and chickens to punt, amid a very pretty landscape around the board, as well as a fair few counters types, similar to solitaire cardbacks

I’ll admit this isn’t my kinda game, as I didn’t grow up with Goh or similar, so it took me a while to learn. If you get stuck here’s a tip:

! Turn on Hints, because rather like WSG if you want to lose just play in the middle; this game is won in the corners and edges

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Bunny Reversi on Steam